They really need to develop some legit tag teams for new day to feud with.
Look how Vince split up the prime time players again.Enzo's screwed already, ain't he? Of all the teams, seeing them get split up would hurt the most.
They really need to develop some legit tag teams for new day to feud with.
I'm just gonna guess none of this was shown on TV ever. And will never be.
They're not splitting up Enzo and Cass.
Now, or even later this year? Of course not
But all teams in the E split eventually. At best: They're going to find one member, think he's the Shawn, and push him singles. At worst: They'll get bored and just split them up and have them feud, and after that forget about at least one of them altogether
Bottom ass teams like Deuce n Domino and the Basham Brothers couldn't escape it. Upper carders like Eddie, Chavo, PTP, Shield, APA, E&C, Rated RKO, etc etc etc couldn't escape it.
Eventually New Day, Enzo and Cass, and yes, the Usos, will all split. Best that can be done is enjoy the ride while it lasts
Most of them would look far better without that crap in their hair, IMO.It's truly the age of hair dye for the divas. Almost all of them has some sort of color in their hair.
12 years actually.Miz has been around for 10 years? Wow. So it's "Miz... in 2016" then ?
I'm coming up on the WWF overtaking WCW in the Monday Night Wars and the catalyst is crystal clear:
I'm coming up on the WWF overtaking WCW in the Monday Night Wars and the catalyst is crystal clear:
I wouldn't be entirely opposed to a second Miz world title reign.
one of the best video packages wwe ever put out
if i was a heel wrestler i'd definitely push for the broadcast rights to hate me now on my promo.
Anyone but RomanI wouldn't be entirely opposed to a second Miz world title reign.
Anyone but Roman joking, 100% serious, that Miz run is one of the five best heel reigns in WWE history. He's easily the best heel since McMahon and the best full time wrestler heel since who knows when.
I love Sheamus so of course I'd love to see another Sheamus run, this time with proper feuds, none of that authority's minion shit... that's not happening though.So you want another boring Sheamus run? You got it, I'll forward it to McMahon.
it's the BIG SHOW
Alright alrightThere is
Damn... I miss Edge.
The Drifter sucksReally enjoyed The Drifter on the last NXT. Seems great in the ring. Looks really brutal. Keen to see where they go with this.
Glad to see The Miz getting some love on Gaf. Usually the Internet is full of Punk fanboys seething with jealousy that Miz headlined WM.
So you want another boring Sheamus run? You got it, I'll forward it to McMahon.
Really?Please guys Miz has never ever been booked as a legit threat as a wrestler.. He's not even meant to be a good wrestler kayfabe wise.. He was never a main eventer and that run felt like random booking. He's certainly a useful midcard heel and that's it.