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February Wrasslin' |OT| WrassleGAF. In 2016.


Enzo's screwed already, ain't he? Of all the teams, seeing them get split up would hurt the most.
Look how Vince split up the prime time players again.

Titus is a fucking fantastic hot tag but he's a tag team wrestler and their shouldn't be anything wrong with that.

Vince would depush any of HHH's sub 6'3 nxt performers in a heart beat.

Just look at stroman . he doesn't belong on the main roster much less any roster with his experience.


Big Cass throws Enzo off the top rope at a downed Kofi after a brief distraction by Xavier, giving Big E the time he needs to get into the ring and catch Enzo for the Big Ending.
They're not splitting up Enzo and Cass.

Now, or even later this year? Of course not

But all teams in the E split eventually. At best: They're going to find one member, think he's the Shawn, and push him singles. At worst: They'll get bored and just split them up and have them feud, and after that forget about at least one of them altogether

Bottom ass teams like Deuce n Domino and the Basham Brothers couldn't escape it. Upper carders like Eddie, Chavo, PTP, Shield, APA, E&C, Rated RKO, etc etc etc couldn't escape it.

Eventually New Day, Enzo and Cass, and yes, the Usos, will all split. Best that can be done is enjoy the ride while it lasts

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Now, or even later this year? Of course not

But all teams in the E split eventually. At best: They're going to find one member, think he's the Shawn, and push him singles. At worst: They'll get bored and just split them up and have them feud, and after that forget about at least one of them altogether

Bottom ass teams like Deuce n Domino and the Basham Brothers couldn't escape it. Upper carders like Eddie, Chavo, PTP, Shield, APA, E&C, Rated RKO, etc etc etc couldn't escape it.

Eventually New Day, Enzo and Cass, and yes, the Usos, will all split. Best that can be done is enjoy the ride while it lasts

Well yes, of course. They split the Outlaws, and just about split the Legion of Doom before just firing them.

I was thinking today what the fate of Sin Cara Negro will be when he heals up. Will he be Calisto's Roman Reigns like buddy? Will they feud like all Mexicans are destined to do?


I'm coming up on the WWF overtaking WCW in the Monday Night Wars and the catalyst is crystal clear:


Man God

Non-Canon Member
one of the best video packages wwe ever put out

if i was a heel wrestler i'd definitely push for the broadcast rights to hate me now on my promo.

No joking, 100% serious, that Miz run is one of the five best heel reigns in WWE history. He's easily the best heel since McMahon and the best full time wrestler heel since who knows when.

It's an absolute bright spot in one of the down periods of WWE. Hell he shook King out of the coma he'd been in since the mid 2000's and delivered one of the best RAW segments of all time with that title match. He got A-Ry over as a face, one of the blandest yet most unlikeable personalities the company has ever unearthed, yet perfect for the role of understudy for this ultimate douche who finally had enough abuse. Virgil for the 21st century.

Despite working some excellent angles right after the summer of punk the man just hasn't been the same since then, which is a shame. This new role they've been putting him through recently has worked to a decent degree but because of the feuds of the past five years he's been stuck in it would take a lot for anyone to accept him as a top line heel again. His only real shot is in some sort of heel mega stable, but...that just isn't going to happen any time soon. I still enjoy him most of the time.
It's so easy to tell who is and who isn't scripted on this show, especially when they're shit at acting.

Oh and hey a women's match ending in a surprise pin, whodathunkit?


Starting RAW now.

I like that Dean comes out, gets a big pop from the crowd, goes face to face with Brock and gives a better promo than Roman has ever given in his life. Wow I would sure prefer this guy to win the triple threat.


So you want another boring Sheamus run? You got it, I'll forward it to McMahon.
I love Sheamus so of course I'd love to see another Sheamus run, this time with proper feuds, none of that authority's minion shit... that's not happening though.


it's the BIG SHOW

There is

Alright alright

Anyone but Roman, Kane and Big Show*
Damn... I miss Edge.
Really enjoyed The Drifter on the last NXT. Seems great in the ring. Looks really brutal. Keen to see where they go with this.
The Drifter sucks


I just watched the Miz get the crowd to chant AJ Styles without AJ having to say a word. Amazing.

I enjoyed the main event but man some of the camera work was terrible.


So someone on Twitter, who attended yesterday's Raw, said AJ got a huge pop when he came out, which probably means that the fuckers have been messing with the sound during his entrances. I really thought it was evident, especially yesterday, but since no one else here mentioned it I thought it was just me...

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Can I join in on the Miz fanclub? I think the guy is great. He totally deserved another title run. Easily one of the better heels in modern WWE and honestly one of the most memorable title runs in recent memory. It's a shame his Mania main event was so damn terrible.

Also I have a suggestion. At some point, put Miz on commentary. The dude would be fantastic in that position permanently and would help make the commentary team less awful.


Good Art™
Please guys Miz has never ever been booked as a legit threat as a wrestler.. He's not even meant to be a good wrestler kayfabe wise.. He was never a main eventer and that run felt like random booking. He's certainly a useful midcard heel and that's it.

But hey they have Reigns being champ or chasing the belt nowadays so who knows what's legit or not anyway..

Terrible fucking RAW.
They are actually turning Owens into a jobber right. You guys will tell me this is just a loss. But this is a little more than that when you see the trajectory. He's lost ALL his matches against Ambrose, and now he's in a story less, reaction less 50/50 feud with Ziggler that nobody wants to see.

He lost against Ambrose cause they want Ambrose to have a role into Reigns story. He's now giving Ziggler a chance to have some momentum cause he has a movie coming out.

Owens's character is never far away from the comical angry and cocky heel who loses all his matches and is pissed after that. That's exactly what they are doing with him right now, making him a bitch for the faces they want to see win some matches. Doesn't sound good at all. It was a risk from the beginning cause his character can easily inspire that to booker. Owens the angry little hate ball who loses all his matches. They are not giving him the IC belt when Ambrose is now in the main event picture. They are not giving him AJ. They are not giving him Zayn. He's not even chasing a belt anymore and has no rivalry (Ziggler is not a feud they are doing house show filling matches right now i'm sorry). Oh and NO MIC TIME anymore, two weeks in a row after the Rumble. There is something.

The fact that after all those injuries in their roster, just before a ppv, on the road to WM, with all the programs they should be trying to build.. they are using him like that.. Something's wrong. I would almost think he has some heat for something. Cause they can't really afford to waste any potential right now..


So you want another boring Sheamus run? You got it, I'll forward it to McMahon.

Honestly, yes.

Sheamus is more watchable and likable (even as a boring heel) than Reings at his absolute best.

If WWE gave Sheamus a serious run, without making him a joke character and jobber champ, if they booked him as a champion instead of a way to get Roman over, he'd be MUCH better than Roman. And, again, even if they don't book him that way, he's still better than Roman, aka boring action hero n139098812912.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Please guys Miz has never ever been booked as a legit threat as a wrestler.. He's not even meant to be a good wrestler kayfabe wise.. He was never a main eventer and that run felt like random booking. He's certainly a useful midcard heel and that's it.

I know it's too late for February, but can we make March Mizarch?

By the way I really liked what Miz did at the Rumble. I was just disappointed he didn't stay out of the ring until the final few. I've always wanted to see a spot where a wrestler comes down and not actually enter the match until the end. I thought that's where they were going for a while. Miz seemed smart. Plus Miz on commentary for longer would have been good.


I really like the Miz, but I can't see him working as anything other than what he is right now, and, after all the jobbing and joking, I don't think he'd be able to get back on track as a main eventer.

I would LOVE to be wrong though, because his promos are silky smooth and he is pretty competent in ring. A hardworking guy for sure.


Today's the day
Get off work, go home
Skip through RAW on my couch
While I look at my phone
Today's the day
Probably nothing too great
But at least I didn't
Spend 3 hours staying up late
The Miz is basically the modern day early 00's Chris Jericho but not as good in the ring.

Dude can work a crowd.

They should do more with him. Not put the title on him but .. just more.
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