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Federal appeals court maintains suspension of Trump’s immigration order

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The issue isn't that the District Court determined the Ban was unconstitional. It's that the District Court granted a stay so that it could determine whether the ban was constitutional before it allowed it to continue to take effect due to irreparable harm suffered by those banned.

The argument which was submitted to the Ninth Circuit (the Appellate Court) by the Trump Administration was that the Judiciary literally does not have the power to determine whether the Executive's immigration policies are Constitutional (essentially because it invokes the Political Question doctrine). There's no way whatsoever this gets overturned.

That doesn't mean the original Court might not determine that the Ban doesn't violate Constitutional rights. But I doubt you'll find out either way for quite a long time.

Yes, I realize all of this? I was merely stating that once the ban eventually gets to the SCOTUS on its merits, I do not foresee 5 votes to uphold its constitutionality.


did someone finally the stump the trump?


this and kellyanne being in murky legal ground is a slight pause to the shitstorm of bad news that's happened the last year or so. let's enjoy it while it lasts.


I hope Trump loses his fucking mind over this. Fuck him. This likely going to be the battle plan going forward. Trump does something completely stupid, it gets challenged in court, and hopefully stopped. We need to keep pushing to get other things challenged in court that normally wouldn't be and funding all the lawyers, groups, etc putting in time and effort to do this.

He really is a 70 year old manchild. I cannot wait to see the SCOTUS appeal blow up in his face.

The Government has pointed to no evidence that any alien from any of the countries named in the Order has perpetrated a terrorist attack in the United States.
7 Rather than present evidence to explain the need for the Executive Order, the Government has taken the position that we must not review its decision at all.8 We disagree, as explained above.

This one is the most telling. The government has made absolutely no material case for why these specific countries were targeted. Just ludicrous
Oh man, to be a fly on the wall wherever the fuck he's at right now. I'm picturing him having an all out temper tantrum like a spoiled child.



Cecillia Wang ‏@WangCecillia

True. Our nation's security, liberty, and constitutional form of govt are at stake. That's why we'll keep seeing YOU in court, Mr. Pres.

She works for the ACLU.

This pushback is glorious and should never stop


"The decision is political" is the talking point they came up with for Trump supporters to hide behind.

Kind of sad that something as tired and generic as that is all they came up with. I've come to expect a little more super villain bravado from the Trump administration.

It's so funny how these conservatives are saying the judicial system is corrupt now but when minorities say it the same conservatives swear it's the best legal system in the world.
People need to stop expecting intellectually honest arguments or logical consistency from conservatives.

They will do and say anything to get what they want.


He really is a 70 year old manchild. I cannot wait to see the SCOTUS appeal blow up in his face.

Was just reading about this.

The ban was set for 90 days...

It will be over before any of the courts really get to it, before even his nominee is on the court.

He's such a fucking idiot.

What are they going to do? extend the banned ban?
Was just reading about this.

The ban was set for 90 days...

It will over before any of the courts really get to it, before even his nominee is on the court.

He's such a fucking idiot.

What are they going to do? extend the banned ban?
Ummm it's not a ban
Cross-post from other thread:


I wonder how things will turn out on the Supreme Court. Might not follow suit there.


I hate it when articles don't link to the actual decision. For those interested:


Any way, I just finished reading the decision which went as expected. I should point out that right now we are just dealing with the temporary restraining order (TRO), they are not discussing the merits of whether the "Muslim Ban" is unconstitutional. Even if this goes to the Supreme Court that is all that will be getting decided at the moment. If the Court upholds the TRO it will then likely remand the case back to the lower courts to decide on the merits of the case.
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