Swag.Yeah, this is basically the Justice Department telling Trump to go fuck himself.
feels good to actually see a part of our government working as intended for once.
Anyone post Milo's response yet?
Lol, found this on Facebook.
Anatomy of a Trump Tweet:
(Talking point) + (erroneous, often narcissistic assumption of absolute authority) + (childish insult) + (Random word, often "sad" or "corrupt") + (!)
He really genuinely thought he was free from lawsuits and judges telling him what he can and can't do, like the presidency means he's a king.
Eric Lipton ‏@EricLiptonNYT
DOJ Statement: "Good evening. 'The Justice Department is reviewing the decision and considering its options.' We have no further comment."
They shook.
Wait, did he get his account back? It doesn't look like it.
To say nothing of the fact that you can't really infer the panel was unanimous simply because the opinion was filed per curiam without dissent.
I guess the smart thing would be to narrowly tailor and re-issue the order, as it should've been in the first place, with proper review by DoJ's OLC (with concurrence of State L), thus rendering moot this current suit on the merits.
Naturally, Trump's going to throw an even bigger tantrum and triple-down on this.
Anyone post Milo's response yet?
God damnit every time
Anyone post Milo's response yet?
9th Circuit's opinion on the travel ban.
Easy D.
We therefore conclude that the States have alleged harms to their proprietary interests traceable to the Executive Order. The necessary connection can be drawn in at most two logical steps: (1) the Executive Order prevents nationals of seven countries from entering Washington and Minnesota; (2) as a result, some of these people will not enter state universities, some will not join those universities as faculty, some will be prevented from performing research, and some will not be permitted to return if they leave. And we have no difficulty concluding that the States injuries would be redressed if they could obtain the relief they ask for: a declaration that the Executive Order violates the Constitution and an injunction barring its enforcement.
Although our jurisprudence has long counseled deference to the political branches on matters of immigration and national security, neither the Supreme Court nor our court has ever held that courts lack the authority to review executive action in those arenas for compliance with the Constitution. To the contrary, the Supreme Court has repeatedly and explicitly rejected the notion that the political branches have unreviewable authority over immigration or are not subject to the Constitution when policymaking in that context. Our court has likewise made clear that [a]lthough alienage classifications are closely connected to matters of foreign policy and national security, courts can and do review foreign policy arguments that are offered to justify legislative or executive action when constitutional rights are at stake.
Nonetheless, courts are not powerless to review the political branches actions with respect to matters of national security. To the contrary, while counseling deference to the national security determinations of the political branches, the Supreme Court has made clear that the Governments authority and expertise in [such] matters do not automatically trump the Courts own obligation to secure the protection that the Constitution grants to individuals, even in times of war.
The Government has not shown that the Executive Order provides what due process requires, such as notice and a hearing prior to restricting an individuals ability to travel. Indeed, the Government does not contend that the Executive Order provides for such process. Rather, in addition to the arguments addressed in other parts of this opinion, the Government argues that most or all of the individuals affected by the Executive Order have no rights under the Due Process Clause
Even if the claims based on the due process rights of lawful permanent residents were no longer part of this case, the States would continue to have potential claims regarding possible due process rights of other persons who are in the United States, even if unlawfully
The Government has not shown that a stay is necessary to avoid irreparable injury.Although we agree that the Governments interest in combating terrorism is an urgent objective of the highest order, the Government has done little more than reiterate that fact.
The Government has pointed to no evidence that any alien from any of the countries named in the Order has perpetrated a terrorist attack in the United States.
7 Rather than present evidence to explain the need for the Executive Order, the Government has taken the position that we must not review its decision at all.8 We disagree, as explained above.
Careful now, he's using his big boy caps.Go fuck yourself you bloated oompa loompa.
Eric Lipton ‏@EricLiptonNYT
DOJ Statement: "Good evening. 'The Justice Department is reviewing the decision and considering its options.' We have no further comment."
They shook.
No, it's just because he is a worthless waste of a human being who nobody should pay any attention to, unless it is to ban him from your website or stop him from speaking.I don't get it, is it because it is a banned account?
*cue theme *
I really don't think there are 5 votes on the SCOTUS to find the EO constitutional on its merits. So he's fucked either way.
Dragged. Clowned. Tarred and feathered.some choice quotes
fucking ethered
lelAnyone post Milo's response yet?
Anyone post Milo's response yet?
Which court?
Donny plans to go to court infinity times until he gets his win. Then, no more appeals. He wins, we lose. Nyah nyah nyah.They've seen you for a few times in court now you asshat.
"cool"I'm really not liking the new lead for Ace Attorney 7. Can we get Apollo back? He was cool.