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fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad will be the first US Olympian to compete in a hijab

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Ibti cemented her position on the 2016 Olympic team a couple of months ago, but it's still an important story so I wanted to share it. I'm not going to pretend I know her super well, yet I've had the pleasure of training with her many times, exchanging tips and questions about practice, and being her one-time USA teammate at the 2010 Pan-American games. And I can tell you she's every bit deserving of her success. She's always worked hard and taken ownership of her training, in good times or in bad, and it has paid off.

I hope she keeps working hard and has a great time in Rio!

At the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Ibtihaj Muhammad, a 30-year-old American, will wear a hijab beneath her beekeeper-like fencing mask. It’ll be the first time a competing U.S. athlete has worn a hijab at the Olympics.

Muhammad, who competes in saber fencing, became the first Muslim woman to join the U.S. team. Since then, she has won bronze medals at two out of the three World [Championships] she’s traveled to. This is her first Olympic Games.

Although the official U.S. fencing team won’t be announced until April, last week, at the World Cup in Greece, Muhammad earned enough points to guarantee she’ll parry in Rio. On Tuesday, this news earned her the most official of shout-outs.

On the way to his first visit as president to a mosque in the U.S., President Obama met with a small group of Muslim community leaders in Maryland. Muhammad was among the crowd. The president asked her to stand and the whole room applauded. Later, Obama said he “told her to bring home the gold! Not to put any pressure on her.”

Athletes in hijabs, whether their sport is soccer, judo, basketball, boxing, in high schools or at the Olympics, have all at some point been controversial. There were safety concerns with the traditional headscarves, and rules that sanctioned appropriate garb. Male-dominated sports have been slow to accommodate not just women, but also women with strong religious beliefs.

Fencing, however, faced few of these challenges. Its uniform covers the head, arms, and legs and this, in part, was why as a 13-year-old girl in New Jersey, Muhammad chose the sport.

“My parents were looking for a sport for me to play where I wouldn’t have to alter the uniform,” she told BuzzFeed.

Duke University later recruited Muhammad for its team. After she graduated, she decided to stick with fencing, she said, because “it’s always been a white sport reserved for people with money.” And she wanted to shake it up a bit.

There’s been a lot of that in other sports, too. In 2011, FIFA, soccer’s governing body, blocked the women’s Iranian soccer team from its qualifying match because the players wore hijabs. FIFA said it was too risky, and might cause head or neck injuries. It was a decision that prompted then-Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to call FIFA leaders “dictators and colonialists who want to impose their lifestyle on others.” In 2012 FIFA decided, as an experiment, to allow the hijab for two years. In that time, none of its dire predictions came true and FIFA eventually lifted its hijab ban.

The year 2012 and the London Olympics were momentous for the hijab in sports. It was the year Aya Medany, the Egyptian pentathlete, competed in a hijab. It was the first year Saudi Arabia sent (partly due to threat) women to the Olympics, including a judoka as well as an 800-meter runner, both of whom wore hijabs. And it was the year the hijab-wearing Khadija Mohammed competed in weightlifting, something only possible because her six-woman team from the United Arab Emirates had pushed the sport to ease its dress code rules.

This thawing has even opened a new sportswear market. There’s a breathable and sweat-whisking hijab for runners; fleece-lined versions for the outdoor sports enthusiast; and, of course, the—now FIFA approved––soccer version. Even the House of Fraser, the British department store, sells “sporty hijabs.”

In just the past five years, much of the world has changed the way it allows Muslim women to compete in international sports. Now, with Muhammad, the U.S. has joined.


Oh, and here's the President shouting her out, nbd:



Hurray for another man deciding what a woman can and can't wear....

She can wear what she want but I don't think that changes the meaning of the garment. Wear a chastity belt but I'm not sure that makes it less oppressive just cause you owned it now.


She can wear what she want but I don't think that changes the meaning of the garment. Wear a chastity belt but I'm not sure that makes it less oppressive just cause you owned it now.
Don't think you even know what the Hajib represents. Lol
She can wear what she want but I don't think that changes the meaning of the garment. Wear a chastity belt but I'm not sure that makes it less oppressive just cause you owned it now.
She can take it off as soon as she wants.

I think you're confusing this with a burka.


What's your deal? Seems you just want to ruin a good thread....

I mean that literally. If it's just a hat I don't even know why it's a story. I understood it had some religious significance so I assumed that was the reason for the thread was a sort of religious victory. My ignorance of the situation was showing so pardon me :p


Nice. :) just by being herself she'll be on the world stage showing the world and bigots (and ISIS) that Muslims have a place in America and its fine.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I mean that literally. If it's just a hat I don't even know why it's a story. I understood it had some religious significance so I assumed that was the reason for the thread was a sort of religious victory. My ignorance of the situation was showing so pardon me :p

"Can't have a religious person claim any sort of victory, I MUST INTERVENE!"

Man, you're acting like a sad prick right now, really.

OT: good for her. This is what America should be about, allowing her best men and women fight/compete for her good regardless of their belief or background.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
... People can make their own decisions not everyone that wears a hijab is forced.

I.support this woman, her choice and the Olympic accommodation of it.

Of course she's not forced but as long as men aren't required or encouraged to wear the hijab it still warrants some scrutiny. And I personally find the far more extreme burqa a disturbing statement about men in those regions and their insistence on punishing women for their apparently barbaric lack of self control.

Cultures do force things on people through gentle persuasion and indoctrination. This is true of western culture too. Amish people not a hundred miles from here impose restrictive and asymmetrical rules on women. Those women too would say nobody forced them.

It's a more complex discussion than this largely positive news.


Then it's best to keep quiet, and let her live her life the way she CHOOSES.

No I can still state my opinion on it which is what I did. My meaning doesn't change the meaning for her which is fine but we all have personal opinions not just her.

It tends to be if the story is about a Muslim having an accomplishment of some sort.

My opinion was about the garment not her or whether she should compete. I don't like the insinuation here.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
So now we're making a thread about an accomplished and proud Muslim female athlete encouraged by the POTUS to compete and get gold medal in the Olympic for the sake of the US and serve as a shining example of what America should be, into a thread discussing how she is forced to wear in a Hijab and that she is now instead becoming the symbol of oppression?

Riveting stuff. Amazing, really.


No I can still state my opinion on it which is what I did. My meaning doesn't change the meaning for her which is fine but we all have personal opinions not just her.
But it would be all fine and dandy if she wasn't wearing a hijab? Don't you see the hypocrisy? Another man telling a woman what to wear is what you seem to be..


So now we're making a thread about an accomplished and proud Muslim female athlete encouraged by the POTUS to compete and get gold medal in the Olympic in the US and serve as a shining example of what America should be, into a thread discussing how she is forced to wear in a Hijab and that she is now instead becoming the symbol of oppression?

Riveting stuff. Amazing, really.

She's still a Muslim representing America in the Olympics which is awesome. But this thread is specifically about the hijab which I think can be separated from the athlete somewhat for discussion.


you can hammer anything a woman does or wears into oppression. Long skirt? Someone's forcing her to be modest. Mini-skirt? Someone is forcing her to be sexy.


you can hammer anything a woman does or wears into oppression. Long skirt? Someone's forcing her to be modest. Mini-skirt? Someone is forcing her to be sexy.

I don't think there's any hammering to be done when she's wearing something because of a religious belief indicating that a woman should be chaste, modest, demure etc. That's why when someone said she wasn't wearing it because anything I was like "ok gotcha fashion choice that's cool" and then someone else came in right behind to say "well it's a choice but it's because of her religious belief"
rooted in oppression of women like a lot of religions not just Islam
. I'd say the same thing about someone who's just gotta wear her Purity Ring.

I may be wrong on the Hijab but I stated what I understood it to mean and no one bothered with that either because I was right and it killed their point or because I'm so wrong that I cannot be corrected.

That doesn't demean her accomplishments in sports as she is not her Hijab. It's a remarkable achievement but I don't know that more acceptance of such a symbol is a victory in and of itself.


I don't think there's any hammering to be done when she's wearing something because of a religious belief indicating that a woman should be chaste, modest, demure etc. That's why when someone said she wasn't wearing it because anything I was like "ok gotcha fashion choice that's cool" and then someone else came in right behind to say "well it's a choice but it's because of her religious belief"
rooted in oppression of women like a lot of religions not just Islam
. I'd say the same thing about someone who's just gotta wear her Purity Ring.

I may be wrong on the Hijab but I stated what I understood it to mean and no one bothered with that either because I was right and it killed their point or because I'm so wrong that I cannot be corrected.

That doesn't demean her accomplishments in sports as she is not her Hijab. It's a remarkable achievement but I don't know that more acceptance of such a symbol is a victory in and of itself.

Dude, your diatribe isn't wanted or called for.
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