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fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad will be the first US Olympian to compete in a hijab

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My response to someone posting directly at what I'm saying is not wanted? Then don't post at me.

No, you can reply to whoever you please. I just wish it was relevant to the topic at hand. Stop assuming her wearing a hijab is mostly religious for one, there are also cultural reasons.


No, you can reply to whoever you please. I just wish it was relevant to the topic at hand. Stop assuming her wearing a hijab is mostly religious for one, there are also cultural reasons.

The thread is about her hijab being allowed in the Olympics so it is the topic. If this was just about her being in the Olympics I would be congratulating her wholeheartedly (and do). It's specifically couched in her being able to compete in a hijab
I mean that literally. If it's just a hat I don't even know why it's a story. I understood it had some religious significance so I assumed that was the reason for the thread was a sort of religious victory. My ignorance of the situation was showing so pardon me :p

The significance is that she's doing something that'll make her a target of harassment from people who behave like you are now.
The thread is about her hijab being allowed in the Olympics so it is the topic. If this was just about her being in the Olympics I would be congratulating her wholeheartedly (and do). It's specifically couched in her being able to compete in a hijab
So uhh... what's the problem here?
Pretty confused tbh
Indirectly dehumanizing a woman for her expression of her cultural identity does little to remedy the illusion of oppression. What would be empowering about that? It wouldn't be much more useful than slut-shaming women for feeling compelled to wear makeup. Women wear a hijab for a multitude of reasons, some of them cultural, religious, or personal. But banning them or demonizing them has done little to promote progress for the better treatment of women. (You'd have the opposite effect, anyway, as people tend to double-down when their identity is being attacked.)

In regions wear women are oppressed, it is not tearing off their hijabs or burqas that would liberate them; it would be things like education, laws that protect women, and having places where women can feel safe that would do astronomically more to empower women. Ultimately, it is what women want for themselves that takes precedence, which won't take the same form in every society or time period. Period.
The thread is about her hijab being allowed in the Olympics so it is the topic. If this was just about her being in the Olympics I would be congratulating her wholeheartedly (and do). It's specifically couched in her being able to compete in a hijab

The horror...


The thread is about her hijab being allowed in the Olympics so it is the topic. If this was just about her being in the Olympics I would be congratulating her wholeheartedly (and do). It's specifically couched in her being able to compete in a hijab
Must feel great knowing what's best for her...


After she graduated, she decided to stick with fencing, she said, because “it’s always been a white sport reserved for people with money.” And she wanted to shake it up a bit.

Great stuff, tons of pride. :)


The thread is about her hijab being allowed in the Olympics so it is the topic. If this was just about her being in the Olympics I would be congratulating her wholeheartedly (and do). It's specifically couched in her being able to compete in a hijab

I welcome anyone opinion if they decided to research before assuming outright that the hijab is negative connotation. Yes, it is some cases but it is hardly universal and if she is deciding to compete then that is a massive boost of representation already.
Wearing a hijab isn't necessarily oppressive. In her circumstance, this woman probably feels a lot more pressure to take off her headscarf than keep it on

Her parents wanted her to do fencing because her whole body is covered. Also they do not like her shaking hands with male referees or travelling without a male guardian. Kind of like in most oppressive Islamic countries. So really she is has been conditioned to conform to the expectations of her religion from a young age, like millions of women around the world.


We did it!

Islamophobia be over, time to all go home people.

...seriously though it's 2016. This shouldn't have to be newsworthy.
Her parents wanted her to do fencing because her whole body is covered. Also they do not like her shaking hands with male referees or travelling without a male guardian. Kind of like in most oppressive Islamic countries. So really she is has been conditioned to conform to the expectations of her religion from a young age, like millions of women around the world.
Shame that the whole world doesn't have the same western values tbh


Good for her, that's awesome.

However this thread has gone the usual path that hijab related threads take; sad.
Apparently that I feel the garment is a symbol of oppression but idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You are free to feel that way. You are not free to censor other religious beliefs.

We can discuss about Islam and oppression in some other thread, but in this one we are celebrating she being able to express her religion freely.


Yeah, like the Republican culture to oppress bathroom use on people. Yay for culture!
More like having different eating manners in China than in Germany. Some Western (actually called Liberal values but OK) are definitely more humane but others are not or are just different.
Good on her, hope she does well and has fun. And if she wants to compete in a hijab she should be able to as it's be her own damn decision.


Fencing has all the appearance of a rich whites folk sport, so well done on her for 'shaking things up a bit.'
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