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Fez (XBLA)|OT| If you have no interest in discussing the game, don't enter the thread


Guys, this is probably a stupid question but please bear with me...

I have a PAL system and a US 1600MSP card, which I presume can only be redeemed through the US Marketplace. My question is, can I get the US version of the game to work even though I own a PAL system? I remember reading somewhere that XBLA games are region free.


Tome was solved; people are going through it and solving it now. Surprised no one figured it out earlier...

You have to read it "three dimensionally", moving page by page for each letter. The order of pages is: 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, 4, 8. They spell out Haikus.

Nothing interesting yet...and I already tried the sequence of button inputs corresponding to the numbers in the boiler room, in the order 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, 4, 8, and nothing. = P
Guys, this is probably a stupid question but please bear with me...

I have a PAL system and a US 1600MSP card, which I presume can only be redeemed through the US Marketplace. My question is, can I get the US version of the game to work even though I own a PAL system? I remember reading somewhere that XBLA games are region free.

Yep, that'll work fine.


The tome, completely translated (minus the big letters):
From out of nowhere
Impossible visitors
Our benefactors

Watching over us
In the hidden folds of space
In front of behind

Give the golden gift
A deep revelation
Our eyes wide open

Shapes to tesselate
With sacred geometry
An empire to build

A new perspective
Things unseen(s) but always there
A new direction

The hexahedron
The sixty four bit name of God
The point of origin

A pattern a code
A deep understanding
A gate to the stars

All of time and space
And the space outside of space
where does it end?
Played the demo, found it quite amusing. I may buy it, if I can find a way to buy only 300 space bucks.

Also, I find it rather funny the Moroccan town is mainly known by its hat.


Tome was solved; people are going through it and solving it now. Surprised no one figured it out earlier...

You have to read it "three dimensionally", moving page by page for each letter. The order of pages is: 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, 4, 8. They spell out Haikus.

Nothing interesting yet...and I already tried the sequence of button inputs corresponding to the numbers in the boiler room, in the order 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, 4, 8, and nothing. = P

Just out of interest, how did people find out the order? Just by brute force?

Edit: NVM, found it out
They searched for an X and tried to get Hexahedron from that


The OST posted earlier is making me hype too hard. I need to play this ASAP but how? :(

Buy an Xbox 360. Or as suggested in that other thread you could sit down and instead of actually playing the game just watch a youtube playthrough that seems to work for a few gaffers.
Buy an Xbox 360. Or as suggested in that other thread you could sit down and instead of actually playing the game just watch a youtube playthrough that seems to work for a few gaffers.

I'm gonna have to trick some friend with a 360 into buying this game. Yeah, I'm that poor.


Just out of interest, how did people find out the order? Just by brute force?
Guy named insofox did it. He was looking for the word "Hexahedron"...unfortunately, the text that most people were using as a reference actually mistranslated an x for a q/k...stupid mistake. Once he saw that, he looked for the order of the letters around the x, figured out a base order, and then confirmed it by translating a few lines.
I got through translating about two columns of the tome before peeking. Well, it was a fun exercise anyway. Sort of.


Vert boil

I lost it again. ;) Gods Eater Burst is the only thing I would want to try on it anyways.

I haven't seen anyone post about it yet but I wonder if you select New Game after completing instead of NG+ if it will start you with the earned powers but all of the doors/cubes/bits are returned to their default position.
I doubt it would do that but I'll try copying my save onto a USB stick later and test it out. It would be nice to have the ability to do a superman speedrun.


So I tested last night and if you select 'New Game' instead of 'New Game +' after you've completed the game (and 'continue' is greyed out) the game will reset all of the doors/cubes/bits but it lets you keep the earned powers.

Think I'll test out some text to binary (RT/LT) tonight.


Pizza Dog
The tome, completely translated (minus the big letters):
All of time and space
And the space outside of space
where does it end?
This one was written on a wall somewhere, I remember because I took a picture of it before I had the alphabet down and translated it after. Maybe the other parts are elsewhere in the world?


I really like this game, and every time I get fed up with it I'm thinking about it and end up coming back.

I just can't stand the world / navigation design, it's so fucking confusing trying to find out where you have and have not been besides just going to every level and looking around. Don't get me wrong, I love exploration and this game has it in spades, but I should not have to revisit every single level to see if I missed some door. The other issue is once you find a door, you end going through several levels and then it's difficult to find your way back to the originating level.
I really like this game, and every time I get fed up with it I'm thinking about it and end up coming back.

I just can't stand the world / navigation design, it's so fucking confusing trying to find out where you have and have not been besides just going to every level and looking around. Don't get me wrong, I love exploration and this game has it in spades, but I should not have to revisit every single level to see if I missed some door. The other issue is once you find a door, you end going through several levels and then it's difficult to find your way back to the originating level.


Have you not noticed that once an area is "complete", it turns gold on the map? The areas that are incomplete stay white; it means there is still something there to be discovered



Have you not noticed that once an area is "complete", it turns gold on the map? The areas that are incomplete stay white; it means there is still something there to be discovered

Not sure why your spoiler tagging something that should be made clear to everyone.

I guess I sort of knew that but maybe not, you mean if a hexagon shaped one is grey there are still undiscovered doors on it?

That's my problem, everything is gold bordered for me, yet I still found 2 doors last night revisiting them.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
There are so many flaws to Fez, glaring, or otherwise, it is kinda weird to wonder what the part of the package is that seems to have hypnotised the gaming press the world over (other than those currently out for drinky poos with the creators).

Is it just the summation of the retro pixel indie movement with the combined chiptunes evoking some kind of 80's/90's 'gamer pride' or whatever? The 2nd half's puzzles are difficult indeed, but theyre not so much elegant game design as an exercise in a riddler being as obtuse as possible, certainly nothing leant to only the interactivity of a game.

Its a nicely ambient game world, plagued by confusing pathways and an inefficient map, bugs all up the wazoo, and traversal mechanics that are just frustrating enough, and platforming that never really achieves anything truly astounding -- so its kinda weird to see all of that mysteriously 'not matter' for this game when it came time to review.
Not sure why your spoiler tagging something that should be made clear to everyone.

I guess I sort of knew that but maybe not, you mean if a hexagon shaped one is grey there are still undiscovered doors on it?

That's my problem, everything is gold bordered for me, yet I still found 2 doors last night revisiting them.

I just figure that everyone should be able to work it out for themselves given how obvious the map is, I'm surprised people are complaining about it at all.

Are you sure this happened? Sometimes another area will obscure the view of the map and focus on the area "on top" of it; I'm sure most people get that you have to rotate and move the map around to get the bigger picture.

I haven't seen anyone mention a problem with the map like this. Odd!
There are so many flaws to Fez, glaring, or otherwise, it is kinda weird to wonder what the part of the package is that seems to have hypnotised the gaming press the world over (other than those currently out for drinky poos with the creators).

Everyone must be insane, except you, for you know the truth to the terrible secret of space.

I think people like it because it's their cup of tea. That's why I like it. I like the map system, I find it intuitive. I like the retro style art, but that's not overly important. I like that I had to bust out a pen and paper to solve certain puzzles, because I liked Ultima Underworld. I love the chiptunes music, because I like chiptunes music. I've experienced no bugs personally, just some stutter. I find the puzzles engrossing, in an old-fashioned way, because it reminds me of Riven and Myst.

It exceeds the sum of its parts, when you like the thing. It's just a bundle of broken bits, when you don't like the thing. Confirmation bias.

So, for me, it's a great game. For you, clearly, not so much. News at 11.

But more seriously: you make it sound like there aren't or won't be reviews that dissect the game methodically, meticulously explaining why each component part is terrible, leading up to to the sum of said parts making the "worst game ever made". Reviewers review. Batman Arkham City had a terrible camera, nobody cared. Skyrim was a buggy broken mess, reviews glossed over this. Reviews. lol.

I think people are just charmed by it because they find it charming. For many, it represents an experience they've been wanting, that the industry hasn't been providing. Just look at how quickly the Shadowrun kickstarter got funded. There are a lot of lapsed gamers in this New World.
right, need help with the tetris 'language':
found the thing that shows you the 'letters' corresponding to each button press, but i still have no idea how to use this knowledge. for example, there's a code in that very same room that has two symbols that aren't shown, they're like the RT & LT symbols but on their side.
any help?
right, need help with the tetris 'language':
found the thing that shows you the 'letters' corresponding to each button press, but i still have no idea how to use this knowledge. for example, there's a code in that very same room that has two symbols that aren't shown, they're like the RT & LT symbols but on their side.
any help?

what would the LT and RT symbols on their side translate onto the control pad?
Bummer that the Tome doesn't look to have revealed anything about
the Monolith
, pretty awesome that it was cracked all the same, though.
Everyone must be insane, except you, for you know the truth to the terrible secret of space.

I think people like it because it's their cup of tea. That's why I like it. I like the map system, I find it intuitive. I like the retro style art, but that's not overly important. I like that I had to bust out a pen and paper to solve certain puzzles, because I liked Ultima Underworld. I love the chiptunes music, because I like chiptunes music. I've experienced no bugs personally, just some stutter. I find the puzzles engrossing, in an old-fashioned way, because it reminds me of Riven and Myst.

It exceeds the sum of its parts, when you like the thing. It's just a bundle of broken bits, when you don't like the thing. Confirmation bias.

So, for me, it's a great game. For you, clearly, not so much. News at 11.
This post, from the first sentence to the last, is a critical thinker's nightmare.

I don't mean to pick on your specifically, as it is a problem with everyone on Gaf, but saying you like something because you like it is not adding anything at all to the discussion nor is it an honest thing to say: to yourself or to the people you're talking to.

Nor is "opinions are opinions" or "sum of its parts" (what does that actually mean) or saying you liked something because it reminded you of something already liked: What about Ultima, what about Myst, etc?

Opinions are based on values, facts and reasoning (which there are literally hundreds of potential faults that come with the thought-process of reasoning, values and facts...one of which is having a circular opinion: saying something is good because it's good or bad because you don't like it).
Somebody's figured something out. All of a sudden there's two or three pages of "209.4%" entries, when they weren't there a few hours ago.

I just got
Stereoscopy Mode
, going to mess with it for a few minutes in a few suspicious spots. One thing that's struck me that I haven't heard people bring up, when you look at the marks in the
Monolith Room, when you look at the floor, the design isn't perfectly mirrored, on the other half there's a "1" in the center. Or maybe another number, but I think it's a 1.
This post, from the first sentence to the last, is a critical thinker's nightmare.

So you answer him then. I'm too busy playing the game I'm enjoying, to want to write out an eloquent essay with immaculate arguments in favour of something I like, that will just get ignored anyway or picked apart with various logical fallacies.

The thing is, I know you're right - my post was casual, I wasn't aiming for being academically waterproof. Anyone who played Ultima Underworld would know what I meant by having to take notes, UU2 specifically, had an entire language of the lizardmen that you had to figure out for yourself. If you never played Ultima Underworld, well, that's a pity and I look down on you because of it. (I keed).

He asked 'why are the gaming media so charmed by this'.

Because they are. There is no other answer, without getting into the specific individuals who are charmed, and why they personally are charmed. It's too broad a question.

You dissecting my reply isn't adding anything at all to the discussion either, and yet, here we are.
The real answer, of course, is that the gaming media have been either wined and dined or bribed for these postitive reviews, just like every other acclaimed game that I don't personally enjoy. Obviously.


Edit: Ok I've figured out the one bit I was stuck on, but I'm still not really fully sold on this yet.

The art style and gameplay concept of changing the perception are great, but I'm not sure about the nature of these puzzles.


The real answer, of course, is that the gaming media have been either wined and dined or bribed for these postitive reviews, just like every other acclaimed game that I don't personally enjoy. Obviously.

Exactly! Especially since Phil Fish, as an Indie-dev, is sure to swim in money to bribe us game press people with.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The real answer, of course, is that the gaming media have been either wined and dined or bribed for these postitive reviews, just like every other acclaimed game that I don't personally enjoy. Obviously.
Obviously untrue, of course, but that's no excuse for releasing such a buggy, broken game.

I absolutely love the game itself, though, just wish it wasn't hamstrung by technical issues.


Unconfirmed Member
Obviously untrue, of course, but that's no excuse for releasing such a buggy, broken game.

I absolutely love the game itself, though, just wish it wasn't hamstrung by technical issues.

I still haven't had a single crash or hang. I'm starting to think I'm the one with the problem...

the game is going to delete my save on the final room or something.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I still haven't had a single crash or hang. I'm starting to think I'm the one with the problem...

the game is going to delete my save on the final room or something.
Well my save was deleted at ~50% completion so be cautious.

I haven't had any crashes, though, rather the game just feels glitchy. The framerate is often unsteady, there were sections where the sound kept skipping badly every time the camera would turn, and there are subtle pauses which occur throughout play. It just feels unpolished.
Well my save was deleted at ~50% completion so be cautious.

I haven't had any crashes, though, rather the game just feels glitchy. The framerate is often unsteady, there were sections where the sound kept skipping badly every time the camera would turn, and there are subtle pauses which occur throughout play. It just feels unpolished.

Honestly, I have had the game crash twice, but never any of the problems you mentioned. It's a shame your time with Fez has been sullied with these issues though.


There are so many flaws to Fez, glaring, or otherwise, it is kinda weird to wonder what the part of the package is that seems to have hypnotised the gaming press the world over (other than those currently out for drinky poos with the creators).

Is it just the summation of the retro pixel indie movement with the combined chiptunes evoking some kind of 80's/90's 'gamer pride' or whatever? The 2nd half's puzzles are difficult indeed, but theyre not so much elegant game design as an exercise in a riddler being as obtuse as possible, certainly nothing leant to only the interactivity of a game.

Its a nicely ambient game world, plagued by confusing pathways and an inefficient map, bugs all up the wazoo, and traversal mechanics that are just frustrating enough, and platforming that never really achieves anything truly astounding -- so its kinda weird to see all of that mysteriously 'not matter' for this game when it came time to review.

This is how I feel about the game. It does not built upon itself, rather the learning process ends about 15 minutes into the game. After that no new concepts are introduced beyond a long series of opaque riddles that do not build from or get solved by learning about or applying game mechanics. That was a big part of Braid's genius, but Fez whiffs completely.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Honestly, I have had the game crash twice, but never any of the problems you mentioned. It's a shame your time with Fez has been sullied with these issues though.
What is especially strange is that I have two 360s (a 2008 model and a 2011 360 Slim) and both systems exhibit most of the same problems. I tried playing it on the S after those problems on my older unit and it still skips and stutters while running. I don't get it.

I mean, the framerate is 60 fps at its base, but it feels as if it is constantly pulling data and skipping as a result. I'm playing it from the HDD on my older unit and using the built in flash memory for the 360S (not a USB stick).

Shame there isn't a PC version available just yet.


Hey guyz, I wanted to know if there is some video with some "advanced" puzzle.

I tried the demo, I liked the atmosphere and the mechanics, but I am a bit afraid of the lack of challenge.

I watched a video with some "timed" puzzle, but I am more interested with some reflexion oriented puzzle. Someone has a link to a video showing the kind of the challenge the game offers later ?

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
So would it be worth buying this game now, or would it be smarter to wait for some of the more glaring issues to get patched?


What is especially strange is that I have two 360s (a 2008 model and a 2011 360 Slim) and both systems exhibit most of the same problems. I tried playing it on the S after those problems on my older unit and it still skips and stutters while running. I don't get it.

I mean, the framerate is 60 fps at its base, but it feels as if it is constantly pulling data and skipping as a result. I'm playing it from the HDD on my older unit and using the built in flash memory for the 360S (not a USB stick).

Shame there isn't a PC version available just yet.

You know an engine has problems when even the credits don't scroll smoothly. I cannot fathom this game taking as long as it did to make when it ships with so many technical issues.


Hey guyz, I wanted to know if there is some video with some "advanced" puzzle.

I tried the demo, I liked the atmosphere and the mechanics, but I am a bit afraid of the lack of challenge.

I watched a video with some "timed" puzzle, but I am more interested with some reflexion oriented puzzle. Someone has a link to a video showing the kind of the challenge the game offers later ?

The only time reflex style challenge I can think of it the red room with lava and it can be kinda tricky. Other than that I can't really think of any. The puzzles are much more cerebral. Lot's of deciphering codes etc.


What is especially strange is that I have two 360s (a 2008 model and a 2011 360 Slim) and both systems exhibit most of the same problems. I tried playing it on the S after those problems on my older unit and it still skips and stutters while running. I don't get it.

I mean, the framerate is 60 fps at its base, but it feels as if it is constantly pulling data and skipping as a result. I'm playing it from the HDD on my older unit and using the built in flash memory for the 360S (not a USB stick).

Shame there isn't a PC version available just yet.

I don't know if the constant stutter is just from data. Surely some of it is, but there's a stutter that seems to happen every single second on a set interval. I know that, on PC, older versions of XNA have this exact same kind of regular stutter when you turn on vsync. I'm kinda leaning toward that being the case here, but I don't know for sure if the issues that I saw on PC happen on a 360.


The only time reflex style challenge I can think of it the red room with lava and it can be kinda tricky. Other than that I can't really think of any. The puzzles are much more cerebral. Lot's of deciphering codes etc.

glitch room
has that one disintegrating platform in it; I guess that counts for about a second of twitch-based platforming?
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