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FFunion what did fans think of FF16

15,000 fans were polled lots of interesting data.

Standouts for me

FF7 remake had a much better overall rating 89% vs 82% for FF16.

43% of fans want the FF7 remake combat to be the default going forward.

Only 10% want them to start from scratch with the combat system.

Now watch Square Enix start from scratch with FF17....


Personally, I do not really like aspects of ff7r's combat. I hate how quickly enemies zero you right when you switch to another character. I also don't like the low level cap or the need for those magazines or whatever they are called that enhance your stats. Especially the need to play on harder difficulties to get some of them. I also hate stagger mechanics in games because it's just a pointless addition that turns every enemy and boss fight into a marathon due to the absurd amounts of HP they now have which makes the fights too long and murder on the thumb.


I think FF7R was the superior game, but FF16 was still a fantastic experience from start to finish. It is not without its problems though, its side quests are all horrible. They brought their FF14 design philosophy into this one and it doesn't fit. Also, the combat looks real nice but I don't want it to be the template going forward, I also wasn't a huge fan of it mechanically.
Clive is top 5 protagonists and a chad.


-RPG elements are removed and the ones that remain barely matter
-exploration is meaningless as it only gives you abundance of crafting materials you already have a ton of
-dungeons are hallways
-some of the characters are fine, but Cid was the only one I got truly invested in (and……well…..)
-story is poorly handled, world building was flimsy (and how the fuck does the map not label countries/ruling bodies?), teased players with multiple cool looking locations and then don’t let them actually go there, and Clive’s personal story is just Velvet’s personal story from Tales of Berseria only less well executed
-side quests were lame and not worth it as again the RPG elements barely matter
-the combat is so easy (only reason I even got down to like 33% health for a few fights is because I briefly forgot about Clive’s Kratos Rage thing) that it makes Kirby games look like Sekiro

It’s a game with a lot of flash and not much substance. If I want a solid mix of character action and RPG, I’ll replay Nier Automata.

FF VII Remake is definitely far closer to what I want from a modern FF title, and Rebirth looks to be even better.
The combat in 16 is amazing — you’re just never challenged. Take that combat and allow you to swap between party members who can use their eikon power, and then make enemies that aren’t brain dead, and it would easily trump ff7r.
In theory maybe but that would be incredible hard to develop. Has there ever been a top class real time character switching combat system?

FFVII Remake combat works because its made on the DNA of turn based combat.

I think it would be incredibly hard to scale FF16s combat to multiple party members.


Thinks Microaggressions are Real
The combat discussion is interesting to me.

At a high level, FF16 removes the list menu to select abilities from. Instead of going through a list, you cycle between and surface 3 groups of abilities available at the press of a button. In the back end it's probably structured as 3 lists of 3 you can cycle through.

The presentation of both systems work really well for their respective games.

I think what I would want is FF16 combat, but with a party where you can issue commands to all party members. Imagine instead of switching between 3 Eikons, you switch between 3 party members and you can issue a command immediately and switch back. I think if you do that, have each character have a unique specialization (class/job) and offer synergies between characters/abilities you can have a system that is superior to both FF16 and FF7R.


Thinks Microaggressions are Real
Yeah in a world after Baldur’s Gate 3 Square Enix and everyone else should understand that turn-based is perfectly fine, devs just need to do it properly.
I think the idea that because it's final fantasy it has to be turned based is what is worth challenging. Also, FF7R ia barely turn based.


Joe Bastianich Love GIF by Masterchef

The Combat to me was so much better than 15.

EIKON battles were epic. Especially fighting Hugo


I think the idea that because it's final fantasy it has to be turned based is what is worth challenging. Also, FF7R ia barely turn based.
FF7R is an action game from my point of view but I really like old school FF, would love to see movement included in a big budget new one while still keeping it turn-based. They could have a grid-like movement system and make attacks do different damage depending on which direction it comes from and the range.


Give me “clive(itcher)”

That’s the game I want.

As for the combat, I liked ffxvi better. Stagger mechanics are annoying as fuck
16 combat should have been better but VII R was just way better executed.

The combat felt better to play in XVI but VII R was more challenging and that’s what was wrong with XVI

It had the more mature storyline and was rated M but somehow they treated gamers like we were kids and this was our first game.

Unique weapons with unique skillsets was a big differentiator in VII R as well. XVI felt like Stat sticks


I hate FF7R (story and drama) and I do not want combat as to be the default on the series.

47% meaning 53% of peoples just fking want a RPG System and not a retard button smashing.

Jinzo Prime


15,000 fans were polled lots of interesting data.

Standouts for me

FF7 remake had a much better overall rating 89% vs 82% for FF16.

43% of fans want the FF7 remake combat to be the default going forward.

Only 10% want them to start from scratch with the combat system.

Now watch Square Enix start from scratch with FF17....

15,000 fan survey!?

That is quite unprecedented, I think most companies would love that kind of data. Giving people what they want based on surveys worked well for Smash Bros, and I think it could work for FF. It really goes to show that Final Fantasy is still beloved by many and I hope Square takes this data into consideration for FF17.
It could work. Imagine if every time you switched eikons you switched characters instead.
Well yeah but there's alot more to it than that.

  • How will the the handle multiple characters.
  • How will combos work together
  • How will you balance the challenge?
  • How will you balance enemy HP?
  • How will the game run?
Can you imagine if you could switch between 3 clives? Imagine unleashing all those summon abilities at once X3. A lot would have to be reworked.

FFVII Remake works because

  • You can pause the combat.
  • It's built on turn based combat roots I.e. your whole party is expected to take damage
I think there's reason why Capcom, Santa Monica haven't tried character switching etc. It must most open up all kinds of problem's
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15,000 fan survey!?

That is quite unprecedented, I think most companies would love that kind of data. Giving people what they want based on surveys worked well for Smash Bros, and I think it could work for FF. It really goes to show that Final Fantasy is still beloved by many and I hope Square takes this data into consideration for FF17.
They've done it for FF15 and FFVII Remake as well. I'am pretty sure they said Square are aware of it.

Interestingly they said the data didn't change much after 1000 polls


FF16 was a really mediocre game with tiny bits of gold. It really left a bitter taste in my mouth. But it was good in a way because it made BG3 all the more satisfying. I have zero expectations for FF17. I would like something in vain of Remake with multiple party member and engaging transversal and world building (through actual gameplay not people standing around and talking fluff). And for the love of god no more MMO style quests. I am so sick of that garbage. Make unique interactions and content based on the map itself. Every RPG could learn this from BG3. Good think Rebirth seems to be towing that line.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
I really don't think it's so much FF needs to be turnbased. It's more that FF has always been about shuffling through menu commands as part of it's identity. Take that away and it isn't Final Fantasy anymore.


I definitely agree with the combat part.
FF7R has my favourite combat in the franchise and I wish it would be used as the blueprint for future titles. Just as with the old turn based combat, every game could still introduce unique mechanics and gimmicks, but I wouldn't mind if FF7R was used as a base.

As for the rest of the comparison. IMO
Combat was better in FF7R.
Story was pretty even IMO, the first half of XVI was amazing but the last third kinda sucked, meanwhile 7remake has way more anime cringe but it's more consistent
Both games struggle with level design, bloat and terrible side content and I still think Square just doesn't have the talent to make HD games properly.

-story is poorly handled, world building was flimsy (and how the fuck does the map not label countries/ruling bodies?), teased players with multiple cool looking locations and then don’t let them actually go there,

Yeah not actually being able to go to any of the cities (besides during some mission where it's just some corridors connecting fights) was underwhelming

People will grow tired of the remake 2 system in no time if it'd the default system. Like always gamers dont know what they want.

When you've got a long running franchises with millions of fans that sell millions of units it's unlikely a game will do something that everyone will like.
No matter if they go turn based, adapt the system of 7R, build upon the foundations of XVI or do something completely new, there's always going to be a group of people who won't like it and will go online to complain.


World’s Biggest Weeb
Hell, just make it Star Ocean 2 combat. Equally as mindless and repetitive as turn-based Final Fantasy games but way more fast and satisfying.

Jinzo Prime

I hate FF7R (story and drama) and I do not want combat as to be the default on the series.

47% meaning 53% of peoples just fking want a RPG System and not a retard button smashing.
Nope, only 19% of those surveyed want a return to ATB. 10% want to start from scratch, 26% want more FF16 style and 45% want FF7R combat.
Nope, only 19% of those surveyed want a return to ATB. 10% want to start from scratch, 26% want more FF16 style and 45% want FF7R combat.
The big thing for me is that only 10% want a start from scratch.

I don't know Square keeps doing it. It hasn't paid off financially and it's probably resulted in even longer development times.

Whatever you think of the FFVII Remake trilogy it's clearly demonstrated that iteration has sped up development time. Despite that FFVII Rebirth seems to be the most ambitious FF in a long time.
First 1/3 of the game is excellent, but it runs out of steam by the midpoint.

Great blueprint generally, would love to see another iteration in the character-action segment.


For fuck's sake, Square. Reunite Matsuno, Itou and Yoshida and give them a proper budget. Let them make a new Ivalice game.


The combat in 16 is amazing — you’re just never challenged. Take that combat and allow you to swap between party members who can use their eikon power, and then make enemies that aren’t brain dead, and it would easily trump ff7r.
They needed to allow hard mode from the onset, that would have reduced 30%-50% of the "easy" complaints, and then add a NG+ difficulty of even hard on top of that for true hardcore veterans to enjoy


Gold Member
I’d rather play Kingdom Hearts IV at this point. I like classic FF up to XII. At XIII I stopped caring. I am excited for Part II. It’s all overrated if you ask me. They have a classic franchise they’re experimenting with. I had more strategy with Devil May Cry V. I had more fun with XII.

Square-Enix makes cool art, but Capcom makes better action games. I’d rather play a Capcom made action game. SE needs to go back to making good RPGs. :)
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James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
FF16 was an amazing game but clearly it's divisive and I acknowledge there are a lot of flaws. But the writing and characters were excellent and the combat was fun, despite being easy.

If they could manage to make the game more difficult, with a more tactical combat system, and maintain the grounded game of thrones vibe without veering off into old tropes, it really could have been the best FF of all time to me. As it stands now, it is still within the top 5 though.
7/10 action game. Not being an RPG was super disappointing as well. Kind of unacceptable, and very mid as a main entry to the venerable FF franchise.
First 1/3 of the game is excellent, but it runs out of steam by the midpoint.

Great blueprint generally, would love to see another iteration in the character-action segment.
When it eventually comes out on PC I fully believe that someone will create a ‘FF16 abridged’ and I hope the mod becomes popular enough to get the attention of the lead devs.
Ff16 had better combat than 7remake., imo. It would of been even better with a full party that you could switch to.

That being said. FF has always been about switching things up. It irks me that some idiots who aren't into FF as a whole just intk ff7 meaning casuals ans newbys want everything to just be like remake. Screw that. Bring back turn based, make new real time or a mix. Crysis Core was unique and better for it. Drqgone quest has th same combat but FF is supposed to be different each game.


The enemies were HP sponges in XVI and it just gets boring wailing on the same enemies after a while.

The world was barren and a lack of meaningful side quests and not enough hunts.

I preferred 7r combat by a landslide due to the materia system and being able to exploit weaknesses and finish enemies fast, Some of the boss fights were tough aswell on first playthrough where as XVI I never felt under pressure Clive was so OP.

Loved the Eikon battles and characters in XVI though and more mature themes.

I hope XVII takes the best of both of them and adds it's own identity.


There's been however many FF games since the first two Kingdom Hearts games have come out, and yet none have replicated it's gameplay. FF Versus XIII was probably going to be the closest, but obviously that never came about.
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