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FIFA 10 X360 - Europa League


I'm starting to get the hang of Atletico Madrid. Still have a long way to go on defense. I get scored on way too easily from stupid mistakes. Basically, if I don't make one single mistake (and there is no buggy shit going on), I might shut someone out. This is on automatic passing and shooting, though (opponents, not me).

You will learn to fear and hate Forlan and especially Aguero.


shooting blanks
lol. Damn it's hard picking without the game. I only follow la liga really, who's good? Villareal alright? they still got Forlan?

---Can I please pick on tuesday when I get the game? lol

I should have it tuesday morning since I'm not working that day so it's just a matter of minutes once I look at the teams and get one with at least 1 fast forward so I can run. Digging the game though just from playing the demo. Graphics look exactly the same as fifa 08 though.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I am not looking to get in the league, but if ever you guys want to scrim for fun, hit me up. GT: Denoggnizer OS


shooting blanks
woodchuck said:
i'm surprised you didnt pick valencia due to David Villa

ok you da man, can I take Valencia?


Falcons baby!!!

---you know I literally fell on my ass yesterday, at fridays...at the bar. There was this hot jewish bartender there too. I am retarded. lol. Man that uncharted 2 online is unbelievable. I got like 4 hours of sleep last night.

---btw beerman is going to take a big shit on romo, lol

---and brookings lol

---6th edit. you know what I'll take villareal. I'm feeling lucky right now. El submarino amarillo baby!

---you know I dont want to sound racist or anything but I'm generallly skilled at spotting jewish women.


AndresON777 said:
ok you da man, can I take Valencia?


Falcons baby!!!

---you know I literally fell on my ass yesterday, at fridays...at the bar. There was this hot jewish bartender there too. I am retarded. lol. Man that uncharted 2 online is unbelievable. I got like 4 hours of sleep last night.

---btw beerman is going to take a big shit on romo, lol

---and brookings lol

---6th edit. you know what I'll take villareal. I'm feeling lucky right now. El submarino amarillo baby!

---you know I dont want to sound racist or anything but I'm generallly skilled at spotting jewish women.


Keith Brooking is still a beast. Matt Ryan better get used to the sight of Brooking's balls on his face.
Tf53 said:
I'm starting to get the hang of Atletico Madrid. Still have a long way to go on defense. I get scored on way too easily from stupid mistakes. Basically, if I don't make one single mistake (and there is no buggy shit going on), I might shut someone out. This is on automatic passing and shooting, though (opponents, not me).

You will learn to fear and hate Forlan and especially Aguero.

Atletico have no defence in the game. EA must have known something because I watched them get fucked sideways on the weekend in the league :lol I think it was like 3-0 before haltime
So did we ever get one going for everyone else other than the little "clique" you few have.

It seems yall arent very welcoming to outsiders here........


Hail to the KING baby
go away.

naw i might start up a little world cup tourney that is open to people of all races and member statuses but i'm kinda busy for the next week or so unfortunately. actually woulda done this now, but as per above busy for another week.

it's really not about being cliqueish it's just about it being a HUGE pain in the ass to run a league. i've done it myself like 10 times now going back to WE9 for football and for other games as well but neither i nor woodchuck have the time right now to dedicate to anything more than a very small league.

i mean hell if someone started an awesome league and was committed to all the work that entailed, most notably: bugging people to play their games on time; reminding people to play their games on time; asking people politely to play their late unfinished games--i would be all over that shit. as fun as it can be running a league it can be a pretty thankless job too.

during sign ups for a big league everyone is super hyped: OMG GIVE ME MANU!! I FOOKING LOVE FIFA AND AM GOING TO KICK ALL OF YOUR ARSES! Then you find out that half the people didn't even read the one paragraph of rules or realize that there's actually a deadline for games to be played. Then those people start sort of disappearing from the thread and then the league. Then you have to find reliable replacements for 2-7-1 teams just a month in. etc. etc. etc. and it just gets worse as the season progresses no matter how "SUPER EXCITED" the quitters and flakes originally were. and the shitty members who stay are even worse. the people you have to basically harass to play their games and you feel like they're doing you a favor/feel like their boss or something. rediculous

deffo always down to play friendlies too.


shooting blanks
It's pretty good though i'll have to come up with new custom tactics. played a bunch of games a couple of days ago and I didnt realize i head my back line set to offside trap.


AndresON777 said:
It's pretty good though i'll have to come up with new custom tactics. played a bunch of games a couple of days ago and I didnt realize i head my back line set to offside trap.
I hate the fact that you can't change the tactics in ranked matches. I hate hate hate offside trap back line.


Tf53 said:
I hate the fact that you can't change the tactics in ranked matches. I hate hate hate offside trap back line.

you have to do it on team management, and save it and then add it to the quick tactics in change of one that is already there


Wow, I really suck. I must be trying to play this like I played 09 or something. I can't score, I can't defend, and I lose possession far too easily! I can't figure it out! :lol


Standings and stats: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AiMv2KVN3zb7dE55NzRvaWY0UVg3SHZuWjQxei1jdmc&hl=en
schedule is up: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AiMv2KVN3zb7dEhRM25BbmM1R20wUUhJVnJXeVlTU0E&hl=en


Matches 1-4 due by November 1st, but if some of you want to get a head start, be my guest!


shooting blanks
Cool yall. I'm on all the time in the evening. I've barely touched the game since i'm trying to finish uncharted 2. got my ps3 back last week and that mofo is loud as hell. Just want to finish the game and get the disc out before it gives up the ghost.


Hail to the KING baby
cool i play sneaky and andres. i can play this weekend would be perfect. out of the country mon-tue and flying back on a redeye so wed probably gonna be zonked too.

DONT FORGET THIS GUYS (from updated OP):

To report your scores and stats, just post the relevant info in the Official League Thread. Bold the scores, so we don’t accidentally gloss over your post. We will be keeping track of the scores and stats and will keep updating the thread with the standings and leaderboards.

Relevant Stats:
Team Stats:
Shots on Goal

Player Stats:
Goal scorers

Once again, the home team will post the relevant data.

In-Game Stuff

I believe in Fifa 10 you can end matches as a draw. If the match is tied after 90 minutes, end the match as a draw.

We will NOT be using the in-game league (due to disconnections experienced previously within the in-game league). We will be playing through 7 minute unranked, custom games. To make an unranked custom game:

[Instructions will be posted once I get Fifa 10!]


Controller Settings

shooting: semi or manual
passing: semi or manual
through ball: auto or manual
crosses: semi or manual
lob through ball: auto or manual

Game Settings

7 minute halves
Game Speed: Slow
woodchuck / magicked - let me know when you guys want to play. I should be around during the day on Saturday and on Sunday evening. I'm available in the evenings next week, too.


Cornballer said:
woodchuck / magicked - let me know when you guys want to play. I should be around during the day on Saturday and on Sunday evening. I'm available in the evenings next week, too.

I don't play you, silly.

Although I'm down for friendlies whenever. :D


Cornballer said:
woodchuck / magicked - let me know when you guys want to play. I should be around during the day on Saturday and on Sunday evening. I'm available in the evenings next week, too.

Are you free Sunday evening? Maybe around 7pm pst?


shooting blanks
AstroLad said:
cool i play sneaky and andres. i can play this weekend would be perfect. out of the country mon-tue and flying back on a redeye so wed probably gonna be zonked too.

DONT FORGET THIS GUYS (from updated OP):

right on dude i'll be free pretty much all day tomorrow and sunday afternoon. got the rules printed up so i'm ready.

question though are custom settings ok for the league? I guess they should be since we used them last time.


how do u download the newest squads.. also guys my tv exploded last night so I probably won't be able to play until closer to next weekend need to break it in a bit first


shooting blanks
cool i'm be on pretty much the rest of the day don't browse gaf much at home. look thru the xbox live menu i'm pretty sure the latest squad d/l is on there. I did it when i got the game.

I guess fifa sells well enough where they dont care about updating that menu system, it's terrible.


Hail to the KING baby
AndresON777 said:
cool i'm be on pretty much the rest of the day don't browse gaf much at home. look thru the xbox live menu i'm pretty sure the latest squad d/l is on there. I did it when i got the game.

I guess fifa sells well enough where they dont care about updating that menu system, it's terrible.
it's sooooo slow now too. especially the sub menus. there's like a one-second pause now. i can play in about 20 mins btw if you are around (be warned i've only played one game so far, har)


shooting blanks
Villareal 1
Marseille 0

shots 7
shots 8

shots on goal 2
shots on goal 3

goal - santi cazoral


I think the 2nd goal I made in the 2nd game was offside.


Hail to the KING baby
AndresON777 said:
I think the 2nd goal I made in the 2nd game was offside.
Me too! I've been playing Madden and I instinctively tried to challenge it right away! :lol There was another weird play that game, I passed it to Lucho on the wings all by himself. I thought he was on but it was probably close. I saw the flag go up so I just moved up and booted it. But they never called him off! Gah! Fun games even though you I definitely have to get used to this brave new world.

Marseille 1
Villareal 1

shots 9
shots 9

shots on goal 3
shots on goal 4

Goals: Lucho Gonzalez (forgot to write down minute, will get it next time) (OM), Nilmar (VIL)

sorry for takin a couple mins between games--had to mess with my lineup and stuff. the ratings are weird as hell. it'll say one thing on the main menu edit screen then something 10 pts diff in game (same guy, same position). weird


shooting blanks
lol yeah I wondered why you paused the game

ggs though i wish you could take offside trap off. seems like i can only do it offline


Hail to the KING baby
AndresON777 said:
lol yeah I wondered why you paused the game

ggs though i wish you could take offside trap off. seems like i can only do it offline
i changed my custom tactics offline. i have no idea if that carries over to online though since it doesn't even let you see your tactics.


GG Andres. I'm really struggling with Sevilla. It didn't help that I really felt the lag that game either. My defending is so poor though, so I'm surprised you didn't beat me by more. Come to think of it, so is my finishing. :lol


shooting blanks
Villareal 2
Sevilla 0

shots 10
shots 5

shots on goal 5
shots on goal 2


Godin 80
Nilmar 90

magicked casts this spell on me or something but I do nothing but hit the posts. I hit the post at least 3 or 4 times in this game in the first 79 minutes. Luckily a corner saved me.

the shooting seems to be much harder in this game on semi, or i'm just not used to it yet.

I think I played good cuz i'm still pissed about the falcons game. fucking brent grimes and chris houston! they shouldn't even be corners in the nfl, more like the ufl.

god dammit

----lag? lol? are you kidding me that was really smooth g. like after we picked our teams we were only in the virtual arena for like 5 seconds.

all good man, you'll get better. i've just played like 35 games or so by now. got a friend IRL that got the game and he's been owning me for the first time in like 5 years. dude's been talkin smack to me so i've been tryina practice.


Yea, the home team always has no lag because the game is hosted on your machine.

Semi is killing me as well. I had a couple of really good chances against you, but completely fucked them up. Practice! I need practice! :lol


Hail to the KING baby
Looks like you weren't around much this weekend sneaky! BOO!

Just kidding. I'm out of the country until wed so maybe we can play Thursday or Friday.


shooting blanks
Magicked said:
Yea, the home team always has no lag because the game is hosted on your machine.

Semi is killing me as well. I had a couple of really good chances against you, but completely fucked them up. Practice! I need practice! :lol

yeah you had a 1 on 1 breakaway and the chip shot sailed over the post to the left


AstroLad said:
Looks like you weren't around much this weekend sneaky! BOO!

Just kidding. I'm out of the country until wed so maybe we can play Thursday or Friday.

Did you miss my tv blew up post? lol.. I'll be able to play probably late thursday night, or friday afternoon/night or saturday


Cornballer said:
Lyon 1 - 1 Bordeaux

Lisandro for Lyon and I think it was Chamakh again(?)

Shots: 18 - 11
SOG: 9 - 6

Good games, woodchuck.

yeah, those games were fun. couple crazy instances :lol . i still have to really get used to the dribbling. i'm losing the ball way too much. you had some great build up play, but i guess semi shooting is tough. We'll see for future leagues how everyone feels about assisted shooting.

also, Andres, where you at?

Keith Brooking said:
"We took it to 'em. We bloodies their noses. Then we stepped on them and kicked 'em to the ground"



Magicked said:
Andres and woodchuck, when do you guys want to finish our games? I'm available tonight, Saturday and Sunday.

i won't be available tonight. what about saturday afternoon after the Arsenal game?
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