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FIFA Women's World Cup 2011 |OT|

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キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!


If Japan moves on, I will be way more interested in the WWC final than I was for the mens. I would be perfectly okay with either Japan or USA winning it all.


Leckan said:
Japan is by far the best team in the tournament IMO.

their defense is suspect, all usa has to do is pressure them like the build up to sweden's goal

just keep on making crosses and wambach will score a hat trick


Time to unleash Mana aka 5' kawaii~

Japan are very comfortable with possession, which makes for good football to watch. I do worry that the US will dominate them just by sheer size. Plus Hope won't be out of position so badly or give up headers that easily.


Cousteau said:
Wombach is 2 feet taller than Japans tallest player.
She might eat them.
Everybody is 2 feet taller then the the tallest Japanes player!

But seriously they do look undersized compared to the other teams surprised Germany or Sweeden are not try the physical game on them just bump them hard every time and wear them out.


MPW said:
their defense is suspect, all usa has to do is pressure them like the build up to sweden's goal

just keep on making crosses and wambach will score a hat trick

Well, I'm not American but Swedish, but I edited my comment to say they play the most pleasing football; they play football the right way IMO, the closest to Barca - the best team in the World. You are right that the American superiority in the air could be Japan's achilles heel though.
Shadow780 said:
over or under on number of WWII jokes on Sunday?

Oh god, all the facebook status updates from people that watch soccer 1 day every 2-4 years, ugggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggh.


Leckan said:
Well, I'm not American but Swedish, but I edited my comment to say they play the most pleasing football; they play football the right way IMO, the closest to Barca - the best team in the World. You are right that the American superoroty in the air could be Japan's achilles heel though.

usa (real madrid) vs barca (japan)

wambach to win it with a header like ronaldo in the copa del rey final!


Shadow780 said:
I seriously doubt regular media would dare make those jokes during disaster period.

I would think so too, but play-by-play say stupid crap when they're looking to fill time. I still say none for media, 3 for Gaf, countless on FB.
MPW said:
usa (real madrid) vs barca (japan)

wambach to win it with a header like ronaldo in the copa del rey final!

(*Puts on FM2011 and Fifa manager mode goggles*) Well the best way to win against a possession team is to counter attack like a mofo since they will always be pressing high to support their possession game. Or try to have more possession than their team I guess. I would give the US the edge based on just the goalie factor though.
Missed FRA v USA because of a midterm.

Catching the tail end of this game, though. OH GOD

Sweden makes things scary with their random power plays, but Japan isn't giving much chance for randomness.


Pretty sure the female commentator hates all non-American players, and is still butthurt because she lost last world cup
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