Sorry for the bump..
How is the online in this game (i.e., still active, etc)? I picked it up yesterday, and am playing through the story mode, but after that, I'll want to get into the MP.
I still have FNR3, I think. I remember it having a strong community, but there were some issues:
You'd get the occasional loudmouth (easy enough, just turn off the chat volume, or be a loudmouth back).
Also, you'd get people who go in there and just throw special punches the whole time. Easy enough to figure out the pattern, and dismantle them from there, but still annoying.
Finally, you'd have people disconnecting right when you were about to win, so you wouldn't be credited with the win. Has that been fixed in anyway? I know you can't stop someone from DC'ing, but have they made it so the person who DC's gets credited with a loss?