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Fighting Game Community || Stream Monster Headquarters

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Excluding the MMOs, which I didn't play, only IX, VI and T are better than XII. The supposed main protagonist was one of the worst in the series, but he became irrelevant after the first 10 or so hours, so it's kinda not that big of a deal.
How can folks hate X? Third best title.

I can never decide if VIII or XII is the worst. Active hatred, or complete indifference? XII would be salvaged with Basch as the main character. VII is irredeemable.

How many characters will Dissidia have on launch? Those animations look cheap and easy to make.

Basch/Balthier being the main character couldn't redeem it for me, but it would make it better. Vaan sucks.

I think right now they're only adding the FF main protags then they're going to add the villains later. I like how the animations look, but they don't vary enough. A lot of them look alike for most of the characters, hope they add onto it as they go through development.


Felt like Daigo was bullying Bonchan in today's match.

It's like he found this perfect spot to camp (about a character length away) and just shut down Bonchan. He'd constantly pursue this spot and just down-back once there.
Basch/Balthier being the main character couldn't redeem it for me, but it would make it better. Vaan sucks.

I think right now they're only adding the FF main protags then they're going to add the villains later. I like how the animations look, but they don't vary enough. A lot of them look alike for most of the characters, hope they add onto it as they go through development.
One of the big problems in the game, for me, is how completely uninvolved you are. A lot of awesome stuff is going on, and you are just a witness. You aren't personally invested in any of it. If Basch was at the center, as the writers originally intended before marketing got in the way, XII would become centered around his redemption story as a knight. I think that would be good.

I also think that the Gambit system should be mandatory for any RPG where you can't control party members. I loathe letting the AI make decisions on its own. Terrible for Xenoblade and Ni No Kimi. At least let me create some conditionals to guide the AI.

XIII's combat would have been perfect if you could assign Gambits.
I still would have just mashed Auto for the whole game.
Excluding the MMOs, which I didn't play, only IX, VI and T are better than XII. The supposed main protagonist was one of the worst in the series, but he became irrelevant after the first 10 or so hours, so it's kinda not that big of a deal.
I wanna be sky pirate!
FFV, FFXII, and FFVIII are the best Final Fantasy's.

FFV has the layered customization and versatile play styles (see Four Job Fest).

FF12 has the large sprawling world and amazing dungeons and mark battles.

FF8 has the awesome junction system and numbers.

Regular FFX is pretty lame, but FFX International is the 4th best FF game.
2. A Super Robot Wars fighting game. Gundam vs. Evangelion vs. Buster Machine vs. GaoGaiGar. vs Macross vs. Mazinger/Mazinkaizer etc.
I would really want them to get the Sizes right, you know unlike say SRW Infinite Battle. Gunbuster would be difficult though since then it would have to be like 10 times bigger than everything else.

Maybe just have a separate class with stuff like Daitarn, Gunbuster, and Macross style transforming stuff.

Edit: Someone sane would have to design that game to make it work, and then I will be disappointed that they didn't have 気力 as a stat in the game and tie the super meter to it somehow.
Couldn't even continue past the quarter way point. It just felt boring.
I was in there from the opening.

FFV, FFXII, and FFVIII are the best Final Fantasy's.

FFV has the layered customization and versatile play styles (see Four Job Fest).

FF12 has the large sprawling world and amazing dungeons and mark battles.

FF8 has the awesome junction system and numbers.

Regular FFX is pretty lame, but FFX International is the 4th best FF game.
Now you dun goofed. Listing the two worst as the two best.
Is there a thread for Kazunoko?

I was in there from the opening.

Now you dun goofed. Listing the two worst as the two best.

Different people have different expectations and tastes in Final Fantasy's.

If you didn't notice, the ones I like the most are ones with a heavy emphasis on customization and systems. Those games are FF8, FF12, FF5, FF10-International, FF10-2, and FF Tactics.

Games like FFIV and VI are pretty light fare to me and no fun to replay.

FFVII is okay. FFIX is pretty great. 1-3 are pretty meh, with 1 being the best. X-2 is god tier. 13 is pretty bad to me.

Pretty inconsistent franchise, really. I'd say only a few of them are really must plays.

DQ, SMT, Suikoden, are much better franchises overall.
ESAM's character ranking of the Smash 4 roster.


Can't say I disagree with these choices. A lot of these are where I would put them currently.
I'm glad I only enjoy playing smash in 4 player with items on. Zelda is my favorite character to play
You can go hang with beef in the bad opinion corner

The other FF games wish they had boss fights as good as 14
taht mightve been the worst part about ARR. Randomly guessing at stupid fucking mechanics until some lucky chode accidentally figures out the illogical mechanic is not fun. Thank god I pulled myself away (long story why I was even playing).

Twintania was the dumbest I did, but the extreme primals werent much less dumb
I was going to start FF14 before I buckled down on SFIV and went harder into my training. Have no clue how you guys play other games when you're concentrating on fighting games. FG's require so much of your time, I'm not sure how you guys do it.


I was going to start FF14 before I buckled down on SFIV and went harder into my training. Have no clue how you guys play other games when you're concentrating on fighting games. FG's require so much of your time, I'm not sure how you guys do it.

I don't have a life

taht mightve been the worst part about ARR. Randomly guessing at stupid fucking mechanics until some lucky chode accidentally figures out the illogical mechanic is not fun. Thank god I pulled myself away (long story why I was even playing).

Twintania was the dumbest I did, but the extreme primals werent much less dumb

Sounds like end game raid stuff was just too hard for you :p
I was going to start FF14 before I buckled down on SFIV and went harder into my training. Have no clue how you guys play other games when you're concentrating on fighting games. FG's require so much of your time, I'm not sure how you guys do it.

become a guy who talks about fighting games but doesnt play. You'd fit in w/ about 99% of ppl that post here
I don't have a life


become a guy who talks about fighting games but doesnt play. You'd fit in w/ about 99% of ppl that post here

Nah, I'm good.


I was going to start FF14 before I buckled down on SFIV and went harder into my training. Have no clue how you guys play other games when you're concentrating on fighting games. FG's require so much of your time, I'm not sure how you guys do it.

You get to a point where you need far less time training and playtime becomes way more valuable. It's pretty neat. I have 2 dedicated days a week I do FG stuff and sometimes an extra day bleeds in there, and then school 4 days a week. Squeeze in other stuff and random training mode in the spare day (Friday though, usually I go out and be social that day) or after school when I can.

Ah, okay. Yeah, that's probably a difference in what we consider 'hard' then. With Tsubaki i can't do the DP> dive/fireball whiff combo's consistently online at all, while i could totally do a bunch of routes in CP where i wouldn't need that.

I guess if you consider all of that easy peasy it's a bit hard to see my point =P

It does seem kinda like CF will be easier execution-wise. Yay if so!

Basically. To add to this, the way I play is pretty brutal tbh. With the group I normally converse with, understanding rules and being able to perform your gameplan well enough is required week one or you get ran over and left behind. If you're not trying to push optimal combos and do everything that's expected of your character pretty quickly you get pulverized. It's not for everyone, but I love exhausting myself when I play so it works out.


hard is a poor way to describe that style of challenge. My group just waited until another group figured out the stupid shit then beat it the next week. It was never hard, and it was never fun. Just glad I got out

Dyam you got twin a week after world first? good job

and yes the fights are hard
You get to a point where you need far less time training and playtime becomes way more valuable. It's pretty neat. I have 2 dedicated days a week I do FG stuff and sometimes an extra day bleeds in there, and then school 4 days a week. Squeeze in other stuff and random training mode in the spare day (Friday though, usually I go out and be social that day) or after school when I can.

So the more you play the less you need to play to actually play well?
I was going to start FF14 before I buckled down on SFIV and went harder into my training. Have no clue how you guys play other games when you're concentrating on fighting games. FG's require so much of your time, I'm not sure how you guys do it.

I don't, my jrpg/other single player games backlog just keeps growing ;/


So the more you play the less you need to play to actually play well?

It's like any skill really. You get better execution, you spend less time practicing combos/set ups. You get better at footsies, you find solutions to situations more in matches and spend less time labbing them afterwards. You have good understanding of OS theory, you spend less time trying to make things work, etc.

You still need to play a lot, but you spend way less time on the menial shit once you have the skill set to make it menial.
It's like any skill really. You get better execution, you spend less time practicing combos/set ups. You get better at footsies, you find solutions to situations more in matches and spend less time labbing them afterwards. You have good understanding of OS theory, you spend less time trying to make things work, etc.

Speaking of labbing...

That fucking Bison HK poke. Or is it MK?

I'm taking that to the lab next session.


It's like any skill really. You get better execution, you spend less time practicing combos/set ups. You get better at footsies, you find solutions to situations more in matches and spend less time labbing them afterwards. You have good understanding of OS theory, you spend less time trying to make things work, etc.

This, and the skills carry over between games as well so learning new ones becomes easier and faster too.


I was thinking a bit on how next year's Capcom Cup will shape up. I fully expect there for the field to expand from 32 to either 48 or 64 players. If it's 48 players, basically allow the best 16 players via points or a premier spot to get a round one bye to force players like Luffy to not just gatekeep but win a Premier event.

Then I wondered if it where 48-64 FGC events that could handle being a premier event, much less than a ranking event. In this scenario, events like Combo Breaker, The Fall Classic, Northwest Majors, etc will likely all become Premier events due to the more open spots, but I don't know if Asia and Europe have enough FGC events in 'waiting' that can upgrade. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is EGX and Red Fight District, both in Europe. Capcom basically had to create and maintain two events (TGS, and Ultra Hyakkishu) for Japan, SEAM will always be there, and CPTAsia Finals is a great event. But I'm not sure there is anything else that is worthy of the Premier tag, especially since Shadowloo Shadown is not happening next year.


Speaking of labbing...

That fucking Bison HK poke. Or is it MK?

I'm taking that to the lab next session.

That's actually a good example. You're new right now and probably need to go to training mode and explore around the ranges of the button. Eventually you get good enough by just dealing with it in matches you understand the ranges in relation to yours well enough you don't bother labbing it much if at all.
Dyam you got twin a week after world first? good job

and yes the fights are hard
yea I got twin a week after worlds first. Most of my group tended to be of the same mindset, we were all too busy with other shit to pound our heads against brick walls so we just waited. Since twin took a while to figure out we would just spam 1-4 and tomes each week. Our gear levels were up then by the time we were doing twin.

We flew through extremes, but they started quitting by the time coil part 2 came out, and I passed the free company to someone else and did the same


I would love impressions. Any more info on Nine?
Starting with Nesica card, I've noticed that scanning my card at the arcade takes a long time to register compared to what I see in JP matches lol. Probably the infrastructure here combined with the whole US server thing. Took awhile for me to make a nesica account and a BBCF account. People keep saying Japan's so ahead of the world in technology, but stuff like their websites say otherwise. BB site didn't even use a text field to hide my nesica password, while the boxes below asking for my BB password did lol

I only played people on my last visit since I went at night, so no Nine. Game's largely based on CP, so the honeymoon phase is just me being thankful on getting to play it early. The game feels solid so far (until something bad gets discovered). According to SKD, combo damage is relatively similar to CP. The difference is a shorter combo timer, but an increase on base damage.

I played a bit of Naoto without any training mode against players. Naoto looks like some MC shoto, but he's actually extremely technical. This is coming from someone that's using Rachel and Carl. That doesn't mean he's harder, but there's just no avoiding the learning curve. Lots of microdashing to enhance his specials, but he's really fun and hype. I couldn't even get one proper BnB that I've seen in vids in a real match so I settled for just confirms into rekka or anti air into air ender. But from vids, looks like I can do 2C 6D into enhanced Rekkas into followup if in corner.

Carl is really really good in this game. I will miss Con Tenerezza dearly for resets, but he's overall strong. Con Fuoco wallbounce is really hard to confirm for me right now. If they get hit later in the move, the wallbounce isn't as strong either. 4D changed into a one hit Con Tenerezza and isn't too bad. Air hit grants a hard knockdown that you can juggle off of. 2D is no longer a high, so he lost one unblockable, but the multi-swipe move is good. The slashes just don't all combo iirc if it's too late in a combo. Doll dies really fast in this game, however. 3 hits or so is enough to take it down. Also since SMP is changed, you have to be careful to not go crazy and use up doll meter too much.

Rachel is the same on rushdown but really really different in neutral. Rushdown she does the same thing. Her combos for wind regen aren't as amazing as 1.0/1.1, but I see the potential for some with her 6A and jC changes. Her new move is Ivy Blossom. Think of it as Sim's V Trigger, but it's a coffin where bats come out. Not good for screen control, and the bats are slightly scattered midscreen unfortunately. If the bats are where they are, it drains life (but doesn't give it to Rachel), so it's basically like a poison. Great oki tool in the corner against opponents without DP. There are some combos that have Ivy Blossom midcombo, but it's no P4U2 Venom Zapper. I've yet to see if the Ivy combo does more damage than the 6C jC route.

Neutral for her is really awkward now with the loss of pumpkin. Pumpkin was basically like what Millia's hair pin was. Rachel isn't allowed to seize control easily with just wind and pumpkin anymore. She also has to be careful on setting lobelia and frog since pumpkin can't cover her. Ivy Blossom was her replacement move for CF, but it doesn't function the same purpose. However, they buffed lotus in CPEX and buffed it even more in BBCF. In CPEX, you can make the lobelias explode into bats that can attach to an opponent. The bats made your wind a lot strong and you can detonate the bat with Sword Iris. CF made the recovery and startup way way shorter on lotus, making it way more viable in neutral. People are still figuring it out, but it seems like Rachel will have to rely on lotus buffs this version. Make it hard for them to get in like XrdR Jack-O, but make sword iris a constant threat.

That's pretty much my impressions of the characters I played most. I've played Rachel since CT, but the loss of pumpkin hasn't sat too well with me. Arcades cost money, so I'm going to explore other characters until people discover more things with her. Carl's my backup since he's my other character that I use and he's looking really good. I'll mess with Izayoi next time since I think the buffs she got were pretty ridiculous. She's a character that keeps getting underrepresented that gets more and more buffs.
I would say Shulk and Lucas have to be slightly better than their current position. Maybe Bowser too.

And damn that shield stun patch plus the buffs Ike and Robin got increased their tiers dramatically..

It helped Robin, but Robin was good for a long time. Some people just had no idea what they were talking about. My friend's pretty much the one paving the way for Robin, so I've been able to see and understand how good this character's been for quite some time.
Shit, now I can't claim Ike is low tier?

Ike got the Izayoi treatment.
except BBCF Izayoi's pretty godlike


Neither SMB, shmups or SFIV are really about reflexes all that much.

Sorry I meant rather the mental and physical strain present in every non- turn based game where you cant save. Depending how you play there is a threshold that can vary from player to player. Some can take more stress than others, even in training mode.


You get to a point where you need far less time training and playtime becomes way more valuable. It's pretty neat. I have 2 dedicated days a week I do FG stuff and sometimes an extra day bleeds in there, and then school 4 days a week. Squeeze in other stuff and random training mode in the spare day (Friday though, usually I go out and be social that day) or after school when I can.

Needed to quote this since I'm the exact same way. Players can reach a point where they can comfortably need less training than they would've in the past. My schedule's pretty much the same thing as Anne. 2 or maybe 3 days a week I would play. Setting time aside for match analysis rather than playing is more productive than playing 5 days a week for me.
Enzo and God's Beard got modded?

CountBlackule brought it up the other day, but watching SFA2 vids really shows what I think Capcom is going for in SFV.


Just back to basics. I'm really looking forward to SFV.

Needed to quote this since I'm the exact same way. Players can reach a point where they can comfortably need less training than they would've in the past. My schedule's pretty much the same thing as Anne. 2 or maybe 3 days a week I would play. Setting time aside for match analysis rather than playing is more productive than playing 5 days a week for me.

So the first game you really try to learn is always the one you end up clocking the most hours in, right?
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