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Thanks alot man

With Celica you can try to catch mashers by chaining into 6C (or 2C). They're real slow to come out so they give folks opportunity to push buttons, but the combos you get from them really, really fecking seriously hurt. You can also hold A normals to get more hits and get obnoxious varied timings, if you didn't notice that yet.

As an aside, Celica B and C normals don't push her back so in the corner it gets pretty amusing.

(As another aside, she looks pretty changed in CF so don't get too attached to stuff >.o )
I feel like my Xrd knowledge has translated extremely well to this game. I like the BB neutral a LOT more. So much more space. Reminds me of older GG games. Xrd feels scrunched in comparison.

Q, got baby stuff right now. I will try to play later.

you mean noel's drive?

so chain revolver works by starting with any D attack, then all of your hits change to drive attacks. While in drive you can do 4 hits then and ender. so like on hit of 4D

4D > d.2D > d.6B > d.5C > d.6B > d.236D

On block you can do a mixup of d.6B for overhead and d.6D for low. d.6B is a much more threatening overhead than regular 6B, its faster and the animation tricks the eye because the startup is similar to d.6D.

There are also cancels out of it for combos like d.6B > 22C~66 and d.6A > d.5B > 236A~66
Why is she invincible sometimes? :p

Grabbed a PS4 and XRD, i have no idea what i'm doing lol
Get BB and join the party, woo!


With Celica you can try to catch mashers by chaining into 6C (or 2C). They're real slow to come out so they give folks opportunity to push buttons, but the combos you get from them really, really fecking seriously hurt. You can also hold A normals to get more hits and get obnoxious varied timings, if you didn't notice that yet.

As an aside, Celica B and C normals don't push her back so in the corner it gets pretty amusing.

(As another aside, she looks pretty changed in CF so don't get too attached to stuff >.o )
Thanks man. I was thinking of dropping her for Hibiki anyway ;_:
Yo Squirrel you should beat me up in BB. Just Tekken with you ain't enough and it it should be smooth.
Tell me when you are down i know you got the tourny tomorrow. Good luck on that.
This is the second year in a row Dreamhack Winter has a brutally heartbreaking end for it's final qualifying spot. poor phenom. I wonder if he asked Luffy to collude.
Thanks man. I ws thinking of dropping her for Hibiki anyway ;_:
Yo Squirrel we should beat me up in BB. Just Tekken with you ain't enoughand it it should be smooth.
Tell me when you are down i know you got the tourny tomorrow. Good luck on that.

I can play on monday?~
So can Hakumen get anything off of a 4C or a j.C counterhit? That j.C causes a wall splat, but I can't find a confirm.

Blackule should get in on this.
So what are some basics for BlazBlue? What are some general suggestions that separate it from say, Street Fighter for someone transitioning from that game to BB?


Celica vs Valk

These are two really good players, so some quick notes. Disclaimer, neutral looks hella weird cause Valk is on the screen.

2A > 2B is the go to she is using. No pushback, lets you check what they're doing. Does a lot of delays after 2B into stuff like 5B/5C/2C/3C. I kind of already explained this but you can see it happening. She's keeping them short because it's better to do that if you already understand how the opponent will react. At some point she just does 5B then 5Bs again. That's just a ranged button to stop jump out. You get a bit off it if it connects, but it mostly exists to keep them pinned down and stop escapes like that. Jump cancelling in pressure is a thing you do since they have to react to it. Like you convinced them to block, so just do the low jump. You can bait stuff with it or catch escapes, and if you come down with a button and they block more pressure. Kind of risky depending on the character, Valk in particular has poorer answers to it I think.

Neutral is something you have to figure out, but like it's really extremely simple with her. You have j.C, it's alright. On defense her options suck so just use barrier and pick mash/escape wisely. If Valk makes her block it's probably instant GG cause Valk. She has a DP but it is amazingly slow, so you almost never see it.

Same player vs Relius: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Gtp6koJ404

Also BB protip, if you see somebody get hit in pressure and it's no CH and they're standing, their jump start up got caught or they were getting ready to do a very stupid mash most likely. It's important to know why people got hit obviously :p

edit: Another note is later in the video she starts just using CT and 6A and stuff. That's the point where she has made you block enough where you fall asleep at the wheel on defense.


So what are some basics for BlazBlue? What are some general suggestions that separate it from say, Street Fighter for someone transitioning from that game to BB?

Jumping is good because barrier exists and air mobility and buttons are good too. Anti airing people is hard.unless they commit so moving out the way or A2A is a thing people do. Pressure can be strong and dangerous, so you have to be more active on defense than almost any other game. There are like 4 different ways to wake up from a knockdown, so learning those is a big deal and how to deal with those is a big deal too.

BB in a nutshell. It's fast and really aggressive like any other ASW game, it just has a big air focus and requires lots of critical thinking when situations pop up Bearnaise there are a lot of options to consider.


What if I don't feel like it bub?

Its something we've learn to cope with, its alright.
Come Sony with the name change,

One less person for you to lose to, I guess.

Coming online to see the lag lvls.


People should really disable their mics when playing Online SF lol

Played a match against a 3k Vega player.

Now, I know points usually don't mean anything, but when I see a relatively high ranked Vega I expect him to be controlled. Disciplined. Calm under pressure and full of tricky baits and feints and down back super long pokes.

So I tend to give too much respect to Vega players basically.

Got bopped the first round by a lot of hop kicks and pokes.

The next round I manage to get a few lucky anti-airs and not run into as many pokes. Then he goes for the move where Vega goes off the wall and stabs into you horizontally a bunch of times and hits me down to 10% life. I back off and wait...and a few seconds later he does random Ultra which of course hits nothing because I'm on the ground right next to him basically. I chase him down with EX tatsu, we exchange some blows, and now we both have pixel life. He goes for EX stabby thing but I'm expecting it by now, and jump back and kill him with jump lk.

The mic just explodes suddenly and he starts yelling about how he doesn't have the patience to fight "a bunch of online f*****s".

Now normally, I would continue to play like I had. In fact I would probably play even more conservatively because of how close that round was.

But now I know he's impatient. And that he's salty.

So the next round, we're going even, and he knocks me down in the corner. I do think he'll do something here so it's not totally random, but mostly I just wanted to hear his reaction, so I hit him with Online Special #1: "Wakeup Ultra". BOOM goes his health, and over the mic he just starts yelling "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT". He's still alive after that but he's still too impatient to just block and eats Online Special #2: "Step Kick into EX DP" and dies muttering "what the fuck was that".

tl;dr turn off your mics, but actually don't turn off your mics so I can hear your salt.
People should really disable their mics when playing Online SF lol

Played a match against a 3k Vega player.

Now, I know points usually don't mean anything, but when I see a relatively high ranked Vega I expect him to be controlled. Disciplined. Calm under pressure and full of tricky baits and feints and down back super long pokes.

don't you remember Mordesai


I feel like my Xrd knowledge has translated extremely well to this game. I like the BB neutral a LOT more. So much more space. Reminds me of older GG games. Xrd feels scrunched in comparison.

Q, got baby stuff right now. I will try to play later.

Haha it's fine take your time and get adjusted to it all and enjoy yourself.

BBCP has been my favorite fighting game since the BBCP version
Dethroning GGXXAC

Just about everything about the game feels right and for the most part as far as playstyles go there is just about something for everyone.

To me this game is the "air dasher" version of SF post SF2 and that's awesome. It can even feel like just like it at times with how some match ups play out.

The Drive button will forever be the best gimmick in a fighting game to me.
Thanks for the idea smash brothers
Let the intro play out. It is part of the netcode's attempt to reduce lag.

Edit: Instead of doing that same blockstring, go for grabs in-between attacks.
I just didn't expect him to lose his shit so dramatically. But probably I should revise my standards for online player points.

if my experience is any indication at 5k you get random shouting in various languages including Arabic and Spanish with possible mentions of your mom and people repeating your name over and over in a Donald Duck-like voice


I feel like my Xrd knowledge has translated extremely well to this game. I like the BB neutral a LOT more. So much more space. Reminds me of older GG games. Xrd feels scrunched in comparison.

As far as I can tell, Xrd pretty much chopped off the top/bottom of the screen compared to X2 so that they could keep the same horizontal space as the X2 games. If I remember correctly, Street Fighter IV did this too. When widescreen became the standard, fighting game developers had to choose between expanding the playable horizontal field or cutting off the view of the vertical space. By cutting off the vertical view they are able to avoid the changes to the balance of the game that take place by giving keepaway characters more space to move away from the other player without scrolling the screen, etc. The HD port of MVC2 got around this by expanding the horizontal view, but not letting characters move beyond the 4:3 space.
As far as I can tell, Xrd pretty much chopped off the top/bottom of the screen compared to X2 so that they could keep the same horizontal space as the X2 games. If I remember correctly, Street Fighter IV did this too. When widescreen became the standard, fighting game developers had to choose between expanding the playable horizontal field or cutting off the view of the vertical space. By cutting off the vertical view they are able to avoid the changes to the balance of the game that take place by giving keepaway characters more space to move away from the other player without scrolling the screen, etc. The HD port of MVC2 got around this by expanding the horizontal view, but not letting characters move beyond the 4:3 space.
Ah, very insightful. They should expand the horizontal like BB did. Much more enjoyable neutral when you can move around.

Good games man. Didn't think i was gonna win one match.
Jesus that lag
I felt it was bearable when you let the intro go. I was hitting all my links. You should block on oki. :p



Ah, very insightful. They should expand the horizontal like BB did. Much more enjoyable neutral when you can move around.

I felt it was bearable when you let the intro go. I was hitting all my links. You should block on oki. :p

Could barely do any combos most of the time but that could be on my end. Tager SPDs don't need timing tho just churning :)
Trying to use barrier but forget each time. Not used to it but will get there. GGs
Could barely do any combos most of the time but that could be on my end. Tager SPDs don't need timing tho just churning :)
Trying to use barrier but forget each time. Not used to it but will get there. GGs
LOL, I could tell that on any given moment I was attacking you, you were spamming those 360s.

Do they have more invincibility frames than they used to? I tried a few strategies that used to work, which is why I kept getting hit.


LOL, I could tell that on any given moment I was attacking you, you were spamming those 360s.

Do they have more invincibility frames than they used to? I tried a few strategies that used to work, which is why I kept getting hit.

Didn't feel like it. It's a bad habit of churning whenever possible.
Tried that 360 loop Vanilla told me first time i picked Tager and it actually worked for a match. You caught up way too quickly tho.
Didn't feel like it. It's a bad habit of churning whenever possible.
Tried that 360 loop Vanilla told me first time i picked Tager and it actually worked for a match. You caught up way too quickly tho.
I was a Tager main in BBCS; I know what he has going for him, though I don't always know how to counter it with Hakumen yet.
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