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Fighting Game Headquarters |3| [Cinematic Title Expansion Coming Soon]

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To add to the SFV doom n gloom, i'll just say the game not having an arcade presence is a huge mistake in Japan.

You all just mad because GootecksShimmy is going to skate on by.
He did get in a car wreck recently. I wouldn't exactly call that skating by.

Kadey said:
So did that French Ebar whatever guy get punished? He should be number one on the list since he got as high as rank one.
He was ranked at eleven last time i checked today.


Small follow up is that I am strictly speaking about fun ways to interact with characters, not strength, but that can bleed into strength lol. Somebody suggested to me this is probably intentional in order to get players to jump around character select more and to make it easier for people to quickly get gameplans going with new char, but I'm not ready to jump into that conspiracy hole yet.
If that was the case character select screen would appear before online matches

At least casual


Chun is less of an issue than Nash because she deals appropriately low damage in her combos. Nash, on the other hand, hits lile a truck for no reason especially w his super easy to land super.

Nash's "Get lost!" is the main annoying part of the match.

So did that French Ebar whatever guy get punished? He should be number one on the list since he got as high as rank one.

Nah, Art saw him and commented on him. He's still like #10 worldwide.


If you're a semi-decent player disconnecting strategically, you should have no problem staying below an 80% threshhold.

80% is so insanely high. Who even has a 30% disconnect rate?


Bomba gonna bomb.

SFV is pretty much a confirmed disaster. And sadly, Capcom gets what they deserve. Dumbasses.
Sadly, this probably validates Capcom's trepidation to move forward with the series. The server issues and lack of content are not the reason people didn't buy the game at launch -- it's a general lack of interest, and that frankly is far scarier. Was their marketing completely misguided? Or was their approach completely off? (Thankfully for Capcom, the core player base has enough to have some patience for fixes -- they just need to show short and long term engagement).

Capcom really fucked this up by trying to go with a Games As A Service model while trying to treat it like a standard retail release. They really should have ditched the retail release entirely (at least at launch) and went with some sort structure akin to LoL or KI. I don't think they would much of anything sales wise while getting much better margins on the existing sales and they could have done a much softer launch to help deal with server issues. They would have also avoided all of the negative PR that the game got.

They only plan to punish people with 80-90% disconnect rates?

Capcpom gonna Capcpom.
If I had to hazard a guess, their data probably has the vast majority of players with very low disconnect rates (<1%), then a small group of people with annoying disconnect rates either from intermittent bouts of salt or shitty Internet (1-10%), and then small and extreme group of outliers.

Just throwing them back into the matchmaking pool isn't going to do much though, since they'll just disconnect back up the ranks. They really should start handing out bans for repeat offenders.


If you're a semi-decent player disconnecting strategically, you should have no problem staying below an 80% threshhold.

80% is so insanely high. Who even has a 30% disconnect rate?
I suspect that the higher you get out of your "natural" rank, the higher one's disconnect rate is going to get due to the rate of Ls they're receiving.


8-4 Play was going in on the laughably bad localization

I suspect that the higher you get out of your "natural" rank, the higher one's disconnect rate is going to get due to the rate of Ls they're receiving.

totally, but that only means that the system was so poor it allowed things to get that out of hand.


Pretty much. Nash has 8 buttons that are Even or + on block right now, I think. I mean wtf, lol.
That's the same as most other characters in the game.

All of the longer ranged normals of Nash are - on block especially his command normals.


Was their marketing completely misguided?

I think that's an interesting question because Sony was putting money behind this thing, but in what I thought were weird ways. Kentucky v Duke is one of the premiere college basketball games of the year but I'm not sure that's the most cost effective way to spend your money.

I do think there's a serious question whether the game is struggling for sales because of the shaky launch, or struggling because SF can no longer command the kind of sales numbers it used to earn.


The marketing being so hardcore focused deep into the stretch was definitely bizarre.

But they may be planning a bigger blitz around EVO for casuals.
If you're a semi-decent player disconnecting strategically, you should have no problem staying below an 80% threshhold.

80% is so insanely high.

Yeah I don't like that haunts mentioned the criteria for being punished. Since the servers are stable now (for most), if you disconnect more than 5-10% of your matches something is wrong. We can agree to not count the first week of launch. But how I understood his post made me think it would remove fear for anyone deviant enough to continue RQing believing its super low risk at this point.

Also only 30 players punished? It's hard not to interpret his post the way it was presented. There are hundreds of RQ'ers, so many in high ranks too. Maybe we can agree to them not wasting resources punishing anyone below 2000 LP, but this rage quitting thread and high ranking players posts just prove how fraudulent the higher ranking players are. I don't care about joe-blow-casual ranked 160,000 online rage quitting. It's seeing people 3K+ lose to lower ranking players and RQing everytime. Frauds.

Seriously I hope they reset the ladder once they release a permanent fix.


Sim being that safe is ridiculous as well.

Yeah, that's part of the reason he's so good, lol.

That's the same as most other characters in the game.

All of the longer ranged normals of Nash are - on block especially his command normals.

There's only a handful of chars that probably have that many and they might not even be able to capitalize on it like Nash can. I mean even the characters with stubby normals don't have buttons as good as Nash does, lol. Mika has 5 or so buttons that are even or better despite having some of the shortest buttons around.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";197597947]Anybody got Gief tips?
Here's my first time playing him if that helps.[/QUOTE]



God's Beard!";197597947]Anybody got Gief tips? [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtUcodO5UqI said:
Here's my first time playing him if that helps.

Ya know what, he didn't disconnect so he's still a winner in my heart.
This has to be a slap in the face. To be ranked below Naruto of all things...

Should've had some kind of arcade presence, but then I think about what Harada says about arcade operators and being beholden to them for as long as possible... It's a dilemma on revenue and console release.


Tekken 7 has already made a shit ton of money without a console release and it will make even more come the release of FR. Harada and crew are laughing all the way to the bank while Ono is sweating bullets. Dying model or not it gets results & $s.


Shouta Nash's buttons are really not that good.

Nah, they're definitely good. That's not to say they don't have weaknesses like the aforementioned stubby nature of some but it's harder for some characters to challenge his pressure inside because of the advantage he is.

I mean, even if we decide his buttons are fine as they are with the pros and minuses weighed, it's how the others can respond to them that is a big deal. It's the uneven spread of tools that's really the heart of the original conversation.

It's part of why Zangief has a hard time in the game currently. The best he can do is cr.lp to stop folks pressure because he doesn't have a get off me or a punish for things that are slightly minus.

This has to be a slap in the face. To be ranked below Naruto of all things...

Should've had some kind of arcade presence, but then I think about what Harada says about arcade operators and being beholden to them for as long as possible... It's a dilemma on revenue and console release.


That's just PSN downloads though.


Oh right, I forgot that was for downloads only and didn't take into account how many physical copies were bought as well.

My mistake.
Like, Bison is a good example I think. Strong character IMO, but he just has these huge gaps in his gameplan for no real reason other than giving him strong tools in other areas of his gameplan. It leads to some situations where another character and Bison just need to sit on the situation and basically come up with another way to do things. That's not wrong in and of itself, I just don't find it fun. A lot of characters do this especially with footsies, where it's better sometimes to just not play the footsies and look for something else to be doing. I'd rather have characters able to have a better handle on those than to just try to get back to their direct gameplan.
I feel like this type of design has always been synonymous with Street Fighter as a series, for better or for worse.

Yeah, that's part of the reason he's so good, lol.
His overall safety is really overstated when it's only situational instant-air Yoga Gales. Everything else either requires near-perfect spacing (Yoga Drills and Slides) or some level of consideration (everything else).


Sadly, this probably validates Capcom's trepidation to move forward with the series. The server issues and lack of content are not the reason people didn't buy the game at launch -- it's a general lack of interest, and that frankly is far scarier. Was their marketing completely misguided? Or was their approach completely off? (Thankfully for Capcom, the core player base has enough to have some patience for fixes -- they just need to show short and long term engagement).

Yeah, the low amount of sales transmit a lack of interest for the franchise first and foremost. The problems is possibly that for most casuals, throwing fireballs or DP is not enough to purchase a new entry in the series. Mortal Kombat has those fatalities which are bombastic in HD while the main appeal of Smash for casuals is playing between friends and using items. What does SF has to appeal to casuals outside of it's legacy or cinematic supers?

Games like Destiny or SW battlefront received lukewarm reviews and suffered from a backlash, but they still sold million of copies (10+ for both) because the masses decided that they wanted to buy them anyway.


Sadly, this probably validates Capcom's trepidation to move forward with the series. The server issues and lack of content are not the reason people didn't buy the game at launch -- it's a general lack of interest, and that frankly is far scarier. Was their marketing completely misguided? Or was their approach completely off? (Thankfully for Capcom, the core player base has enough to have some patience for fixes -- they just need to show short and long term engagement).

Capcom really fucked this up by trying to go with a Games As A Service model while trying to treat it like a standard retail release. They really should have ditched the retail release entirely (at least at launch) and went with some sort structure akin to LoL or KI. I don't think they would much of anything sales wise while getting much better margins on the existing sales and they could have done a much softer launch to help deal with server issues. They would have also avoided all of the negative PR that the game got.

It's kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Capcom didn't want to spend the resources to develop a Street Fighter game. Sony stepped in. Capcom, who didn't want to even spend money to develop the game to being with, didn't really make an effort to generate interest and to market it in a big way. Game fails. Well.

Then there's all the other shit. Word of mouth could've carried this game to decent figures. This thing ain't gonna get no word of mouth. And Evo isn't going to do shit, that kind of thing is super niche among mainstream audiences, most people that watch it are probably already part of the faithful anyway. This isn't going to be an evergreen title at all like some insist. This game is pretty much cooked, unless it's relaunched in a major way.


Ono is personally apology. Sounds like he is taking the blame
Damn Ono must be taking the heat from Capcom after those sale numbers came in. Sucks for him, I do not believe that SFV is a bad game by any means but it was clearly affected by exigent circumstances mainly brought on my Capcom as a whole.

We can take solace in fact that SFV as a product will only get better from here on. I just feel for any other decent size Capcom project that tries to take off from here that isn't called MH or RE.


I'm just glad I can finally play it on pc. With a decent graphics card the game looks great. Maybe they will change to some sort of free-to-play or reduced price model or something? I'm not sure what else they can do after the june update.


God's Beard!";197597947]Anybody got Gief tips? [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtUcodO5UqI said:
Here's my first time playing him if that helps.

RIP Ksabot.

Good answer on the tiger knee legs. I'll have to try that, lol.
SF will still be the biggest game in the FGC and Smash won't overtake it unless Nintendo actually starts supporting the scene, EVO will still grow year over year and SF5 won't die til the next SF comes along. I imagine the launch and sales outcome is really disappointing to the people who expected the exponential growth that SF4 brought, though.

Real talk, if SFxT had a number at the end of the title instead of "Tekken" it never would have died, no matter how much people hated the game.
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