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Fighting Game Headquarters |3| [Cinematic Title Expansion Coming Soon]

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Perhaps you aren't hearing me, but I said there's a season before the playoffs, which is the correlate of pool play.

It makes sense that pro sports leagues have entry rules, because they want to sell stadium tickets. You can't even charge $8.95 for a FGC event without it becoming a meme. You have to build a sport up before making demands of its player and fanbase. You can't make the demands to build up the sport - that doesn't work.

It actually doesn't correlate to pool play because any average can walk in off the street and slap down $10 to be in that pool. You can't do that in a franchised league.

What I'm saying is that in the not so distant future those demands will likely be there in some form that makes alternative event formats appealing. They are already kind of there by the number of pot monsters that are actually just spectators and the way streams are headed.
I only talk about this because, yeah, I see a future where open brackets aren't going to be viable all the way through. Doesn't mean large bracket events will go away, but sustaining them the way we do now as growth happens and the viewers become more important is impossible. Why other esports orgs have gone the way they've gone. Basically the tournament will be what happens after pools, pools will just be a qualifier. Hell, in some esports orgs you have to qualify in multiple events just to get into pools because so many people wanna enter something that can only have so much time.

That sounds pretty reasonable. Open tournaments are already designed around compromise. For instance, Smash gets its highest numbers at Evo but it's difficult to put it in the same regard as other tournaments because it's only best of 3. If reducing pool play led to more time given to semi finals and what not, you could have longer sets and better production dedicated to showcasing those games.
It actually doesn't correlate to pool play because any average can walk in off the street and slap down $10 to be in that pool. You can't do that in a franchised league.

What I'm saying is that in the not so distant future those demands will likely be there in some form that makes alternative event formats appealing. They are already kind of there by the number of pot monsters that are actually just spectators and the way streams are headed.
In the comparison between fighting games and sports, it does correlate. Correlate doesn't mean identical in all ways.


Yeah NFL/NBA seasons are not even close to what pools are in fighting games.

NFL/NBA seasons are more like SF Topanga league if Topanga league had a big playoff/finals at the end.


I will say that I am down for massive ass open brackets and don't want that taken away, and I don't want anybody to bypass anything in those cases. Alternatives are going to need to be sought at some point though. Not every event can do that in the future.

Also fuck yeah Capcom.


Insult? Nah. The video was actually pretty solid for a press video. The girl pretty much knew what she was talking about. The whole "Can Tekken make a comeback" thing is just click bait. They don't dog on the series at all really, they just want a console port like everyone else

Yeah, I guess... The way the headline was written kind of set me off.

I know everyone wants the same thing. I want it too, more than anything else. I think I played more Tekken than I ever did with BB/P4 combined, and I love those two also.


I guess you could say the FIFA World Cup is an open tournament because it is open to pretty much every country in the world if you correlate country teams to individuals. Every country plays in their regions and then countries have to qualify out of those pools and then those teams go into the World Cup qualifiers after which they finally get put into the world cup bracket. It's still different in that it's not one big tournament but various qualifiers before they narrow the world down to 32 teams.


Tennis is the best real sports comparison to Fighting Games/Smash. Not only is it 1v1 (with a 2v2 format a la Smash), but the fact that there are open tournaments that take place all year round in different locations around the world, and often in multiple locations in the same week. More similarities: Smaller tournaments will try to get big-name players to attend in order to boost attendance, some events are worth more ranking points than others, etc.

The NFL (or other league) comparison doesn't hold up at all for fighting games, and is only used as a comparison by Americans who stopped following tennis after Agassi retired.


Bleh, bought a new stick a month ago and I think the PCB has gone bad. And it's past the return date on Amazon by 3 days.

I'm sad now :[
Yeah, I guess... The way the headline was written kind of set me off.

I know everyone wants the same thing. I want it too, more than anything else. I think I played more Tekken than I ever did with BB/P4 combined, and I love those two also.
I want every major title to get content-as-service updates throughout the year simultaneously in all regions. I want people to talk about a 5 day Evo.

I wasn't even entertaining that there should/could be a Marvel Pro Tour but since you brought it up...

Why SHOULDN'T there be a Pro Tour for Marvel 3 (or really any other fighting game for that matter) and why is that a good/bad thing?
There's no money in it for Capcom. They can't even sell the damn game anymore.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
God do I miss smothering folks with Bane after a knockdown. Please let the Injustice 2 announcement happen soon.

Who did everyone here have the most fun playing as in Injustice BTW?

For me:
  1. Bane-armor for days, and ate every wakeup in the game. Ruins every bracket.
  2. Hawkgirl-Learned to counterpick Superman. Loved because shes everything Green Arrow didnt get to be.
  3. Shazam-Learned after elbow patch gave him a great starter and made his combos so fun.

That order too. 3rd is tight though with Batgirl coming in reaaaaaaaaal close. Them flying bats and teleports.
Greenlantern cause vortex crap that they got rid of in a patch which sucked

NIghtwing cause the stick
Tennis is the best real sports comparison to Fighting Games/Smash. Not only is it 1v1 (with a 2v2 format a la Smash), but the fact that there are open tournaments that take place all year round in different locations around the world, and often in multiple locations in the same week. More similarities: Smaller tournaments will try to get big-name players to attend in order to boost attendance, some events are worth more ranking points than others, etc.

The NFL (or other league) comparison doesn't hold up at all for fighting games, and is only used as a comparison by Americans who stopped following tennis after Agassi retired.

Yea, I think pro Tennis is the best sport comparison as well.


I want every major title to get content-as-service updates throughout the year simultaneously in all regions. I want people to talk about a 5 day Evo.

There's no money in it for Capcom. They can't even sell the damn game anymore.
Wasn't talking from a business perspective but rather a competitive perspective. Obviously such a thing makes no sense from a business point of view but I wasn't concerned about it from Capcom's point of view but rather from the player and community point of view.

And this isn't even just directed at Marvel 3 but any fighting game really. Nintendo should have a legit Smash pro tour as well.


If Leffen is complaining about burnout from playing too many games, just stay on the winners side of the bracket.

Good for Capcom, we really need to praise them for this.




The FA Cup is sort of open, too. It's just that none of the teams from outside the Premier League and the next couple of leagues down are likely to get very far.


Damn I just realized no more cursed Noel Brown coaching for Justin at EVO which means finally he will return to MVC2 status Wong!
Wasn't talking from a business perspective but rather a competitive perspective. Obviously such a thing makes no sense from a business point of view but I wasn't concerned about it from Capcom's point of view but rather from the player and community point of view.

And this isn't even just directed at Marvel 3 but any fighting game really. Nintendo should have a legit Smash pro tour as well.
Ah, I dig. I can agree to that.


I am legit surprised that such strong actions have been taken. Didn't think it would happen at such a scale.

Guess I got what I wished for.
No shit. Go Capcom and MrWizard.


For Noel's sake I hope he takes this as a serious wake up call and those who would look to conduct themselves in a similar manner.
I envisioned in my head the future of the FGC looking something like:

1) Fighting games blow up (it's a fantasy, humor me here)
2) Esports buys up/sponsors all the top players
3) Season long leagues form, only sponsored/top players can participate
4) Open invitational tournaments become training grounds for the new top players, actual top players become more celeb like and are paid for attending, do some casual sets, talk to people, etc.
5) EVO stays a free-for-all for everyone because it's EVO.

A little bit how motorsports work.
Too bad Ibuki won't be released in time for Evo, she looks like she would be fun. I pre-ordered Revelator, because to be honest, I didn't find a character I liked in Xrd. I didn't put a lot of time in Xrd, and even forfeited my Evo match last year just to play more Tekken casuals (Became a fan of Claudio after 1 session), but I always liked Johnny and casually learned him when +R hit steam. It only takes 1 character I like for me to pick up a game. I would also settle for a side of Bacon if she was in before him. Though last year at +R Evo side tournament I played Justice because I think her design was cool. I got bopped because I suck at throwing bombs.



What if there is a persistent point ladder like the MIOM ladder? Could you use that to have invite spots in an invite that is going to end up having a capped bracket anyways? It makes no sense to do this in an uncapped open bracket, to me anyways, but ya know, things change.

I don't think a point ladder works unless it's a structured league or a specific event that's actually an invitational. Just using it for any big tournament or a capped one is antithetical to what makes fighting games great as a competitive medium.

Doing it for a single tournament also doesn't make sense from an operations stand point right now. Most events live and die by players participating to recoup costs currently and if they were to do this, a lot of folks would get locked out of a chance to earn their spot from pools. That would discourage folks from participating. You'd need a lot of resources and time to make it viable at all. And honestly at that point, it should just be an invitational instead of some weird hybrid.
Why is the risk of any player burning out brought up like it's everyone's concern in the first place.

Handle your own shit. If you get bopped because you were in no condition to play that's your own problem. Once again there's only a "community" when someone has something to ask, it just happens to not be money this time.


I'm not that surprised about the reaction. It's as much about who it is as about what; people have given Noel slack before, this isn't the first issue he's had at FGC events. At some point you have to start sending a stronger message about dumb shit going on at their events.


Gotta agree with the concept of more pro tours for more fighting games. Its where I hope things end up going. If for no other reason that its getting ridiculous in many cases to try and run tournaments with every fighter on them without running into serious issues with organizing things. Also though, because I think doing pro tours with scattered seed points and prize pots helps out a game's appeal and increases public interest in it. It gives people something to shoot for. If every fighting game was apart of some sort of organized tour at launch it'd definitely help me plan my vacation time.

Also legit praise for the banhammer over that groping shit and for setting it up as standard policy. I dont care who did it...no one should get away with that. I hope that further down the road this year that yet still more folks ban him and others who have done this from their events as a group stance on this shit. Knowing someone is coming to a venue that was banned from others due to sexual harassment is not a selling point IMO. Keep those folks out. Start a fucking offender registry.


Wizard just put up a twitter poll asking if you'd like to see Ibuki playable at Evo or not:

Joey Cuellar ‏@EvilMrWizard 1m1 minute ago
With Ibuki hitting the last week in June, would you like to see her playable at Evo 2016? #Evo2016

I personally don't think she should be allowed but also don't feel that strongly about it either. IF she hits the last Tuesday in June that's the 28th, so it'd be about 2 1/2 weeks in the wild before Evo.
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