I think Dave Lang would rather die than take up a project that anime. Porting MvC3 is probably bad enough in that regard as it is.Which Marvelous Entertainment game will IG port? Senran Kagura?
He also used to play a lot of TvC and Melty back in the day...Now I need to see who Keits used to main in MvC3.
WOAH!!!! :-D
Fanfiction patch incooooming!
Any fanfiction is better than a dead genre!Keits' fanfiction, you mean
Keits was a MODOK main. :-DNow I need to see who Keits used to main in MvC3.
I remember Keits dumping on Ryu on vanilla
tbf Ryu wasn't very good there but there were better characters to dump on
Old Bengus doesn't exist anymore ;_;the patterns guys
the patterns guys
I remember Keits dumping on Ryu on vanilla
tbf Ryu wasn't very good there but there were better characters to dump on
Vanilla Ryu was rough. He couldn't effectively slow down run away zoning nor could he thread the needle in the air easily enough to super jump in. He couldn't pressure on his own and his combos were too short without very particular OTG assist options.
I remember Keits told Mike Ryu was bad because he couldnt do cr.ABC Launcher, cuz the C was a sweep...
You can't win in Marvel 3 without fundamentals and footsies.I just hope that the next game relies more on fundamentals and footsies than gimmicks.
Said the Blanka playerFootsies suck.
I just hope that the next game relies more on fundamentals and footsies than gimmicks.
Footsies suck.
Markman got a new gig! https://twitter.com/MarkMan23/status/804186221626867712
Hopefully he can stop the Razer stick issues!
Markman holding down three jobs now?
AROOOO!Said the Blanka player
Markman holding down three jobs now?