Fighting Game Headquarters |4| Cheers Love, the Anime's Here!

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Heh...oughta make a Poverty fighter thread some day and add different games to it as viewers die out. It'd just be a hassle because at launch it'd be a stink off of arguing over whats poverty and whats not poverty rather than meta discussion, suggesting titles, character talk and matchmaking.

I doubt it'd stay too active either though. I just like toying with the thought of doing reference threads for various fighters so folks know what was out there like I did with Arcana Heart with the Wiki Mizumi info. I really enjoy detailing obscure or little known characters in games that really shined at what they did. Tomoka in DFCI, Super Sonico in Nitroplus, Dorothy in Arcana Heart, and all kinds of other cool characters exist and folks have no clue these styles of movesets ever happened.


Didn't find any Arcana Heart stream or EXAMU stuff to celebrate it. I really REALLY hope we get six stars playable outside of the arcades soon at some point. Its been out awhile, apparently reigns in scharlachrot and her Arcana's insane clash stuff eating folks and is overall just said to be more fun. Plus its got a really sick new dash grappler character called Minori I want to play as. She's got friggin Yamazaki KOF style face grabs!

Link to swag Minori grab combos


I'd love to see Sonicfox pick up the series and play it. Justin Wong used to be big into it.


Fanatiq became a ghost the day Nemo broke his MM streak in crazy one sided fashion.

Can't wait for day 1 "this game is ass" comments by OG Marvel 3 players on Infinite, Sanford style.


Interesting choice. IDK if he even plays fighting games anymore.

Didn't he retire when he stopped bein able to money match folks in Marvel 3 consistently? For some reason I just always think of him when I think of the series. More MVC2 though I guess. He was all about team 10 more years.

I guess the real ghost is Combofiend since he just doesn't get to play anymore. When he left I just felt like a lot of the tourney hype died with him. He was always a wildcard with a unique team in a bracket. He fucked with some players bad too...he just had that factor that tended to shake folks off their game and panic them near the end of a set. He's like this urban legend now that drifts around behind the scenes but doesn't get to compete. About as close to a ghost as I can see anyone becoming.


Combofiend the only Marvel 3 player to have always made top 8 in every EVO he competed in.

He said he was sad he couldn't get the EVO win the last time he entered because that was going to be his last one. Alongside Ricky and a few others, he's one of those Uncrowned Kings of US (shoutouts if you got the reference).


No one talking in umvc3 thread so I'll talk about it here.

Playing umc3 again and people sleeping on zero and Vergil with drones.

Bruh this shit is OD!!!
Fanatiq became a ghost the day Nemo broke his MM streak in crazy one sided fashion.

Can't wait for day 1 "this game is ass" comments by OG Marvel 3 players on Infinite, Sanford style.

There's gonna be at least one high profile player that does this. Well, a lot of them will at first, but then they'll get over it. But someone big is gonna disappear from the Marvel scene cause they hate the new game so much.

My guess is Flux.


There's gonna be at least one high profile player that does this. Well, a lot of them will at first, but then they'll get over it. But someone big is gonna disappear from the Marvel scene cause they hate the new game so much.

My guess is Flux.
Flux is the first person that came to my mind too lol!

I wanna see the whole Norcal crew back. Magus and ShadyK especially.


Wesker gotta be in MVCI
Has to be within first 20 characters revealed.

It's not like Capcom has a lot of big profile villains on their side and Wesker is among their biggest characters from their biggest franchise. And his moveset in Marvel 3 was so god damn swag and slick, became an instant fan favorite.


Let's go with that.

Shouta helped me out and I can create threads again, but this was finals week at school and I was basically trying to make sure all my kids were going to pass. So uh, basically, I'm taking a break.
Retiring cause you're in the industry is tough. Unlike others who leave the scene and disengage you're still into gaming, you just can't play. You have to watch all these people you beat win and get props. You wonder how you'd do. It's the right thing to do and totally worth it, but it's still a bummer. I think about my last EVO a lot. I know I could have won if I played a little better.
You think someone who has early access and influence on the design of the game should be playing for thousands of dollars?

the amount of money isn't large enough in most cases for me to even think about that. when we're in the million dollar prize range, i might consider it then

but yea, i don't think someone that has early access and influence on the design of the game has any significant advantage in the long run

sure, week 1 and 2 will probably be free. week 3 and 4 still 100-game win streaks

but, in the long run? whatever

like, as long as you aren't playing for millions two weeks after a patch that you personally crafted drops . . . no fucks given by me


for some reason i feel like scamby is gonna fuck i<3justice up really bad but on the other hand the latter double jeopardied fchamp

logic out the window

the total opposite happened
logic was correct this time around
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