The online buttonA true Bryan master spams df3.
This is also secret discord tech 👁
The online buttonA true Bryan master spams df3.
Your turn in Tekken is after you block. Just about every move is - after block. As far as strings go, a lot of them you can just block it out mid but may have a high or low attack thrown in that you can duck/block/low parry. It's a risk on their part because these attacks are predictable when they are part of are string unless they have mix ups in which case it's a mix up and you may have to guess. But if your spacing is proper, then people aren't going to be throwing out strings, they will be throwing out poke moves that are usually all - on block.
If you block a move that makes you stagger back then that's the type of move that is going to be positive on block but these moves usually have a lot of start up or hit high (or block) meaning they have other counters to them than just blocking. Likewise if you block something and they stagger then that means they are extremely punishable which is something you see quite a bit blocking certain low moves.
Learning an fg is part of the fun
If you don't like that *shrug*
You just get it by playing a lot and playing around with other character's tools in training mode. Having frame data helps of course just like with any fighter.
Of course James Chen is coming from the perspective of playing once a week. That's not enough for any fighter IMO. Imagine playing Marvel once a week, you aren't going to make any progress in the game whatsoever. Tekken just requires more homework than most games and people just don't want to do homework, which is fine I understand.
Flash forward three months from now and James Chen will be making the same posts about Marvel Infinite if he hasn't quit already.
Learning an fg is part of the fun
If you don't like that *shrug*
Most other fighting games i have played were a lot more interesting to learn when starting out, learning specific match ups in tekken felt too tedious after a certain point.
Yup, he already made a very similar salty post about Xrd half a year ago or so.
Dont get baited by James salt posts folks. Looks like csr already did.
Something interesting is that DBZF being a thing, i've seen in quite a few twitter threads where folks are actively railing against the DBZ game being a fighting game. And a refusal to understand fighting games in general and its genuinely interesting. From mechanics to termonology , just a rejection.
Its interesting
Something interesting is that DBZF being a thing, i've seen in quite a few twitter threads where folks are actively railing against the DBZ game being a fighting game. And a refusal to understand fighting games in general and its genuinely interesting. From mechanics to termonology , just a rejection.
Its interesting
I just said i felt the same about tekken, i didn't say james chen is always right or an authority in everything fg related.
I stopped trying to learn tekken because of the stuff that james chen mentioned.
You specifically said you stopped playing because of what James said
You mean you thought that i said i stopped playing tekken because james chen didn't like it and not because i happened to feel the same way before he said it?
That doesn't make much sense.
You saying you quit after James said what he said means you do see him as an authority on the matter if that is what pushed you over the edge. There were others that made similar salty posts and that didnt cause you to do anything but yet James did. Own your words man.
I thought it was obvious what i meant, apparently not. I just saw those tweets today, i stopped playing tekken years ago.
I'm more interested in MvCI because of the mechanics and I like Marvel and Capcom characters. Definitely not a fan of the base roster though; gotta milk that DLC in this day and age. DBFZ largely has the looks and style (so gorgeous) going for it. My interest and excitement for DB dropped off a while ago.
When's the last time Daigo won an SFV major? Ever? First time I've seen it.
it's from the TGS invitational tournament, not the CPTJiyuna is commentating a CPT steam right now. Either there was some misunderstanding or y'all got memed.
He's got a great chest and has been penetrated plenty so I guess he counts.Luffy played Nash at the beginning of DFV before he switched to Mika.
mista is so sick, he's who I would play if blonde Kira wasn't so fun alreadyJoJo ASB:
Pucci VS Mista:
Puuci C-MOON demonstration and mirror match:
Pucci is a 'segmented' character meant to evolve over time. As he 'evolves' he transitions between three separate sets of special moves.
Disk Throw: All forms have this special move. Pucci throws a CD-ROM forward with 236A, where LMH determines the speed and recovery time of the move. It's a single hitting projectile with a good amount of hit-stun. What makes this projectile surprisingly annoying is the start-up. Pucci, does a little spin, then throws the disc. The problem is that the projectile spawns as he spins. This means there's a moment where an active projectile is overlapping Pucci. This makes it tough to punish, as even having a read and jumping too early can still get you hit; and counter-hit damage adds up quick. This special is what holds Pucci together and allows him to be super annoying.
White Snake: Pucci starts off in this form. The main gimmick of this form is to use his S-ON command throw, or combo into his super in order to steal the opponent's 'memory disk'. That is to say, While Snake literally ejects a CD-ROM from the opponent's head which contains their memories of how to do their special moves. This seals the opponent's special moves like Rohan, but this time, it's permanent. The only way to regain your special moves is to hit Pucci, which makes him drop the disc. From there it's a mad dash for either player to grab the disk.
The other gimmick of this form is 'chanting the 14 special words'. There's a special counter near Pucci's meter that fills up as he presses and holds 22H, chanting a special word. If he chants all the words, White Snake will transform into C-MOON. The rest of White snake's moves -- the disc, an S-ON counter, and S-OFF chop combo ender, along with Pucci's surprisingly good normals are designed to turtle, stall, delay and annoy the opponent until the opponent is dead or until he gets C-MOON. White Snake does not have an ultra.
C-MOON: Once White Snake evolves, C-MOON loses the ability to do a super or steal disks. This means if you want to do damage, you'll have to spend time in practice mode learning C-MOON specific combos. C-MOON S-OFF has disc throw, a counter, and an anti-air launcher that pounds the ground, sending debris into the air. S-ON he gets access to two unblockable moves that can be Stand Rushed to create/extend combos.
C-MOON also has the added ability to turn anything it punches inside out. That would be too gory for T-rated game, so all that means is it gives a status effect that slooowly drains health (about 100 damage, total). Inflicting this 2 twice in a row is a double negative and will cure the opponent.
For 2 bars of meter, C-MOON can do an ultra, which is a slow, vulnerable transformation that permanently transforms C-MOON into Made in Heaven. With 3 bars, you can do the debris special > roman cancel > ultra to guarantee it.
Made in Heaven: In this form, all time in the universe bends to Pucci's will and is sped up exponentially. This means Pucci is super fast, and the opponent is super slow. Almost unplayable slow. Pucci gets access to a lunging dash attack and teleport in addition to the disc. If Pucci pulls this off, you're basically a sitting duck as it's impossible to fight back. You're only hope is to hope you have a life lead and try to run away for a timer scam. In this form, since time is constantly speeding up, the timer counts down quicker, too. By the time it reaches 20, it will count down to 0 in the span of maybe 5 regular timer ticks. Pucci moves so fast, that he can combo you forever if he gets a hold of you.
How does this all add up? When the game first came out. There was a period where he was thought of as the best character in the game, due to Made in Heaven. However, at this point he is considered decidedly middle tier. To play Pucci to his 'fullest', you basically have to master 3 incomplete characters and take the risk to transition between them. In order to get to Made in Heaven you have to basically turtle and sacrifice damage until you get all 14 special words. Each time you press 22H drains a bit of meter. Then you have to save up 3 bars of meter to guarantee the transformation into Made in Heaven. In order to realistically do this, you would have to sacrifice a round to get the words/ meter in, or again, turtle like crazy. Stealing the opponent's memory disk helps a lot, but characters with good pokes aren't affected as much. Even initiating a throw counts as a hit, even if Pucci breaks the throw. On top of that, Made in Heaven is kind of a terrible comeback mechanic. Like I said, the timer ticks down super fast. If the opponent has a life lead, it's very possible to timer scam yourself. You'd be better off using C-MOON with it's unblockables and decent damage for a comeback. This means the only way to use Made in Heaven is to be so much better than your opponent that you use it as an ultimate 'style-onning' gesture. Many Japanese players just stick with White Snake, who is pretty good, but has kind of a limited moveset/strategy. In Eyes of Heaven, they made White Snake and C-MOON separate characters with full movesets (full for that game, anyways).
Still, he's a good choice if you like to turtle, or be a giant jerk. He's definitely a 'heel' kind of character, the kind people like to root against. Knowing how hard it is to get Made in Heaven, it can be pretty hype if he gets it -- like getting all the cards and summoning Exodia if you remember that from Yu-Gi-Oh...
it's from the TGS invitational tournament, not the CPT
mista is so sick, he's who I would play if blonde Kira wasn't so fun already
Nothing says Justice Gakuen like TAIGUR UPPAHKUTapparently the sixth s2 character for sfv is snoozeville
i'm hoping s3's theme is rival schools
I feel like the internet can get great use out of this:
Well damn, I tried to show my friend the Menat trailer, all excited like, and all he did in response was reply with a Viola vid from Soul Calibur 6.
I like Menat, but goddamn the similarities are on point
Well damn, I tried to show my friend the Menat trailer, all excited like, and all he did in response was reply with a Viola vid from Soul Calibur 6.
I like Menat, but goddamn the similarities are on point
Don't worry, this just confirms Soul Calibur 6 is a thing.
Does your friend work at Namco?
? Hong Kong esport festival is Capcom pro tour premier event, no ? He was there with Zhi.
I've been trying to play some trialls/missions on umvc3,sfv in preparation for mvci and dbzf.
I've played fighting games when I was young but I was just button mashing.
But damn it's harder to execute moves in pad compared using a keyboard.
Okay, I just found a fighting game on my retropie I'd never heard of before. Hadn't even seen it in the weekly monday footage a certain awesome dude keeps posting us of various games being played competitively at high level.
What in the hell is Spectral vs Generation? Anyone ever hear of this thing? It said idea factory so maybe a fighter maker thing that made it all the way to arcade and PS2?
That's a good suggestion actually. I originally only discovered kof in 2000 on pc using emulators. Fucked me up returning to it on console after learning to move using keyboard. Hell I was on pc directions too. I moved with my right and attacked with my left back then.have u considered a hitbox?
Neat. Didn't know what it was, much less it being a crossover title. I'm slowly digging through a hyperspin hard drive I ended up with from someone and I'm finding a ton of stuff that's cool I hadn't heard of before. From Out Zone (neat Toaplan shmup), to Runark (bizarre beatemup from taito), to Spectral vs Generation...I just daily find awesome stuff. Pretty happy had both Rumble Fish and the Hokuto no Ken fighter on it. I need to see if it had Sengoku basara X buried in it somewhere. I wanna try that one out.It's a fighting game based on 2 jRPG series.
I owned it on PS2 but I've not seen much footage of it online over the past few years now that I think about it.