It's that time once again...
Vampire savior
Xmen vs street fighter
Always thought these games were super fast paced (maybe not as much xmvsf) and always try to catch people playing them on YouTube.
It's that time once again...
Sucks for Kaz, but I don't think he would have done much better than he had anyways.
What should come back? Garou. Love watching that game. Dat Gato <3
Who's getting MKX next week?
Well, Combofiend was there to rep Capcom.NorCal Regionals ‏@NorcalRegionals 3m
To clarify the decision to replay the four winner matches was made by @CapcomFighters and not the NCR TOs.
What should come back? Garou. Love watching that game. Dat Gato <3
Who's getting MKX next week?
When you have Kazunoko and Fuudo commenting and wanting to check out your vids on twitter, you know you did something right.
Had the results stayed as they were, Kaz's next opponents would have been Justin and then Daigo. Kaz has beaten both of them in last two encounters in tournament, at least. He had an extremely good chance of winning NCR and qualifying.
Had the results stayed as they were, Kaz's next opponents would have been Justin and then Daigo. Kaz has beaten both of them in last two encounters in tournament, at least. He had an extremely good chance of winning NCR and qualifying.
Nice, but it was 1.00 they were playing on, not 1.03.
Also, it was Ricky who noticed, not Snake Eyez.
There are people already playing MKX :lol
Street date officially broken
There are people already playing MKX :lol
Street date officially broken
I kind of wish 98UM and VSav had active scenes outside of the east. And I don't even know how active VSav is in Japan.
Yea, pretty sure even a gaffer has it too. Though streaming it is likely just to get you banned super fast.
Sucks that Spooky got his stuff stolen again. First was his stream 3ds and now his sticks.
Nah, Twitch was too busy changing their ToS to ban people for anime cleavage instead of actual nudity/street dates being broken this weekend lol. People were playing for what seemed like all weekend with not an admin to be found.
Nah, Twitch was too busy changing their ToS to ban people for anime cleavage instead of actual nudity/street dates being broken this weekend lol. People were playing for what seemed like all weekend with not an admin to be found.
Yea, pretty sure even a gaffer has it too. Though streaming it is likely just to get you banned super fast.
Don't matter if it's smash or general fgc, people are scumbags in generalSucks that Spooky got his stuff stolen again. First was his stream 3ds and now his sticks.
Since yesterday, dude. The problem with PC versions, you can never get it before street date.
huhHe's Finnish.
I'll be all over MKX for PC!
BTW who's making the thread? Only 8 days away brehs
What's the best deal for that? GMG coupon or something?
What's the best deal for that? GMG coupon or something?
Who's getting MKX next week?
What should come back? Garou. Love watching that game. Dat Gato <3
Who's getting MKX next week?
I am, I feel like getting it for Xbox one because I like the D pad. But I always here the playstation d pad getting praise. Am I doing it wrong? Any tips for getting better on the DS4?
Kinda wanna get MKX, but gore porn isn't my thing, and the way NRS does updates kills interest in the group I primarily play in. Meh we'll see.
did mr wizard say anything about the decision at NCR? wonder what evo would have done.
Did any of these people playing MKX right now comment on the netcode?
Don't they have a gore filter? I could've sworn that's an option on MK9 to dial down the blood or turn it all off. Not sure what it does for fatalities if true.
I don't dig the gore either, but I do like MK9's play style and character diversity. This game seems to be doing more of just that so I'm all ogre it.
Play what works for you. You could probably by some 20 dollar adapter and play the XB1 controller on a PS4. Or invest in a stick if you never have and grind on one of those, but I hear MK is as pad friendly as it gets so no need for one?
I don't use the dpad on my PS4. I have used the analog stick for guilty gear xrd before my new arcade stick came in for PS4. So damn expensive. $225 feels like it could have gone towards a damn Wii U for some smash instead. :/
Any reports on the online netcode?
Got a feeling it's going to be as shit as MK9. If that is the case I might not buy the game at all.
Not gonna support shit online netcode on next gen consoles.
It's the $20,000 question right now. Most playing the game are in Dubai currently.
Any reports on the online netcode?
Got a feeling it's going to be as shit as MK9. If that is the case I might not buy the game at all.
Not gonna support shit online netcode on next gen consoles.
The netcode is that bad?!
Sorry for being slightly off topic, but can someone link me that manipulated GIF of Aris throwing his PS4 controller to himself?
I need it for utility purposes.
Melty Blood, without a doubt. The game had a real scene in the US from around late 2006 to about early 2012. That was almost 10 years ago!... and now I feel old(er). D:It's that time once again...