Flying High
He didn't give me a shout out at all =(, but still SMUG your the beast man!
What the hell is being played on Art's channel, vanilla SF4 or the 3DS version of the game???
Wii games have been hacked for a while... a semi functional PS3 game emulator just came out. It's not going to be optimized for a few years at least and by that time we would have new games to look forward to actually REALLY surprised there hasnt been a marvel 3 hack like project M yet
something like that would be AMAZING for the life of the game and would breathe new life into it...
I'd really like to play on something that large.
What the hell is being played on Art's channel, vanilla SF4 or the 3DS version of the game???
how do you guys feel about low hitbox characters like rocket in fighting games in general. People want to put the p3 dog in p4u2 and I'm on the side that it would be really stupid given its size. He would just naturally low profile many moves since there aren't huge hit spheres (like marvel).
I always felt weird with inclusion of midget sized characters in fighting games. Servbot, Ammy and RR come to mind. They work out though in the case of MVC3 like you said because the hurt spheres are quite large on characters especially when they are being do you guys feel about low hitbox characters like rocket in fighting games in general. People want to put the p3 dog in p4u2 and I'm on the side that it would be really stupid given its size. He would just naturally low profile many moves since there aren't huge hit spheres (like marvel).
Cinematic Ultra Trailer.
Looks cool, but would be even better without all the cutting. Guile looks boss.
I always felt weird with inclusion of midget sized characters in fighting games. Servbot, Ammy and RR come to mind. They work out though in the case of MVC3 like you said because the hurt spheres are quite large on characters especially when they are being comboed.
If they make it work then more power to them.
Forgot about Yoda and Gon. Yea those characters are pretty stupid because of the nature of 3D games.
Depends on the game. Yoda was dumb as hell because Soul Calibur isn't a game designed around such small characters, but in 2D games it's fine.
That looks so bad. It's just cutting all of the already existing cinematics and scattering them around with a couple of second of new stuff with no real flow or anything to it. Lazy Capcom.
Yea I was about to say. The intro is reflective of the effort put into the product. Let's hope more effort was put into its balancing.pretty apt metaphor for ultra overall
did spidey get the memo that the patch isnt coming
People still calling ultra "lazy" smh
This is Elena's ending in USF4.
5500 viewers was right what I expected. Like I said I'm not expecting 10k.
By the way I love switching to other games during breaks people need to hold that. Sf4 and marvel on 24:7 lol
Fuck do you guys feel about low hitbox characters like rocket in fighting games in general. People want to put the p3 dog in p4u2 and I'm on the side that it would be really stupid given its size. He would just naturally low profile many moves since there aren't huge hit spheres (like marvel).
Interesting, Kindevu is whiffing cr. MK after a back throw to give him the perfect time to jump in with when Momochi used DWU. And cr. MK is a total of 12f longer than cr. MP, which is almost the exact timing DWU leaves you grounded. People just need to find set ups against DWU, and if unblockables can be found then the one waking up will be more predictable as they'll most likely want to avoid the unblockable.
Kinda digging the player select screen music.
Interesting, Kindevu is whiffing cr. MK after a back throw to give him the perfect time to jump in with when Momochi used DWU. And cr. MK is a total of 12f longer than cr. MP, which is almost the exact timing DWU leaves you grounded. People just need to find set ups against DWU, and if unblockables can be found then the one waking up will be more predictable as they'll most likely want to avoid the unblockable.
It won't kill it, but it will remove the guaranteed nature of it.I think UB's were also supposed to be taken out of the game as well, but I do think there will be anti-DWU setups. DWU won't kill set play as much as people think except for a few months.
Fuck midgets.
I think UB's were also supposed to be taken out of the game as well, but I do think there will be anti-DWU setups. DWU won't kill set play as much as people think except for a few months.
-Get ready for C. Viper again.
Secret? He was the most buffed character by a mile.Ken for secret top tier.
So with the damage reduction for ultra W, is there any actual reason for zangief to pick W over just straight up using U2? A fully stocked W U1 from gief seems to do little more damage than an ex spd
Isn't the Red Focus going to be a huge buff for Akuma? He can just do standing combo, Red Focus, Raging Demon.