Seasoned Badger
That was some BIFU tier shit!!
Damn I could taste the salt from here
The PIE revolution is here.
People talking about Marvel "dying" while I'm over here trying to play Melty and Project Justice :| It gets real silly in here. (PJ is dead and deserves to be dead. I'm not wanting it to be alive again, but damn that game is a riot)
Melty and Project Justice cater to a very small audience outside of Japan, can't really help it when it comes to marketing games like them. Xrd will be a different story though, game is Kreygasm.
Also with Marvel dying, I honestly don't see how the game is dying. The tournaments are getting fresh blood in top 8 each time I see it and people are drastically improving their gameplay. Hell, the numbers I see for each tournament increase every year and the ball rooms for tournaments get so packed that the hype is insane.
Also, each time I play marvel at my game center, a new person wants to pick the game up and I teach them the basics to it with my other friends. Marvel may be stale but god damn is the game design exquisite. It isn't slow/boring as SF4 to some people (not me, love that to death) and its really flashing with good collision detection within the game.
Marvel won't die, it'll still be alive without live support with years to come. USF4 may change those numbers but eventually it will balance itself out and it'll be the same as it was now. Please don't hate on marvel talk cause when anime is spoken about here, no one is complaining to my knowledge, hell everyone loves it here and contributes to it. I even picked up Blazblue to play Tager cause of all of you.
Blah, too many words.
Stop hating on marvel talk and enjoy everything that's talked about here. Also, this isn't directed to you AnnelFrank, its to those who hate on marvel.
I was with that post until you said "good hit collision detection".
Top 3 biggest complaints about Marvel 3 are TACs, character imbalances and absurd hit boxes. When people say the game is "random" they almost always are talking about the high damage and insane hit boxes in the game along with TACs and crazy mix ups. When you get hit by a move that has no business crossing up which gets converted into a death combo leading into a 50/5/ on incoming it's enough to make anyone salty. The hit boxes in the game contribute a great deal to ambiguity in the game.
I think you probably meant good hit detection as in what it feels/looks when someone gets hit in and in that I am with you. Getting hit by moves like Pipe and Bionic Arm FEEL like they hit hard. Some moves are bad in this regard like Zero and Vergil who have a ton of hit stop on their moves and their repetitive combos exaggerate this effect by a lot.
I'm not hating on Marvel or anything <3
I just find it silly to see people saying it's "dying" while playing actually dead games. It's very far from dead and just the thought people worry about it dying amuses me. Hating on games is dumb btw, it's one of the stupidest FGC habits around. I don't like a good handful of games but I at least show respect.
Kevin Landon ‏@Di3mini0n 8h
So just a small update: I was supposed to come back to USA today, but I stayed. I'll be staying in Paris until the end of May..
byebye dieminion
byebye dieminionKevin Landon ‏@Di3mini0n 8h
So just a small update: I was supposed to come back to USA today, but I stayed. I'll be staying in Paris until the end of May
Yeah I agree Annel but FGC gonna FGC.
Also, only reason I picked up an anime fighter was cause of Xrd hype here and how enthusiastic you were about it so I gave it a try and its fun but getting bodied makes me salty, gotta get my own copy and stop borrowing it!
The PIE revolution is here.
I used to get bodied by Zeus online, and I never liked Vega before I saw him play.
So godlike.
don't tell me dieminion gave his ticket to triforce.byebye dieminion
.Christopher Gonzalez ‏@NYChrisG 19m
Ok so last minute I won't be attending NCR. Sorry guys. To everyone else going goodluck.
its hating more on the sheep below the game rather than the game itself
Yay! I'm glad my enthusiasm got somebody interested. Tbh I've been pretty blegh lately about a lot of FG stuff and have just been playing old games lol but I'm here to help with anime stuff whenever I can.
P.S. It's just Anne
I do say that UMVC3 those are three most hated things I know, but I do think that in this game you need high damage because how the combo system is, if you change the damage in the game, you NEED to change the fighting system mechanics, like the scaling, hitstun and hard and soft knockdowns in this game.
But also you would need to change how some characters are in this game if you change the system mechcanics, like Frank West, Phoenix(Dark Phoenix in this game) or ANY character that causes long combos in this game(Zero, Magneto, Vergil, Dr. Strange, Dante this would effect GREATLY) and also X-Factor would need to change too.
Christopher Gonzalez ‏@NYChrisG
Ok so last minute I won't be attending NCR. Sorry guys. To everyone else going goodluck
Without getting too much into patch theory talk... high damage in the game as it is actually a good thing. It allows more characters to be viable and it always allows you to be in the game. It also makes hardcore zoning teams less insufferable because you just need that one clean hit. It also makes XF less strong relatively speaking.I do say that UMVC3 those are three most hated things I know, but I do think that in this game you need high damage because how the combo system is, if you change the damage in the game, you NEED to change the fighting system mechanics, like the scaling, hitstun and hard and soft knockdowns in this game.
But also you would need to change how some characters are in this game if you change the system mechcanics, like Frank West, Phoenix(Dark Phoenix in this game) or ANY character that causes long combos in this game(Zero, Magneto, Vergil, Dr. Strange, Dante this would effect GREATLY) and also X-Factor would need to change too.
Hoping JWong takes it!Here's hoping that Rog nor JWong take Marvel.
Here's hoping that Rog nor JWong take Marvel.
Is Apologyman going? Winning both Cali majors would be cool.Here's hoping that Rog nor JWong take Marvel.
Hoping FChamp takes it!
im actually REALLY surprised there hasnt been a marvel 3 hack like project M yet
something like that would be AMAZING for the life of the game and would breathe new life into it...