i have to stop the beserk dick riding here though, because despite it being in my top 3 favorite series....
kentaro miura is a blight on mangaka everywhere and is pure scum
find me another mangaka that blatantly shits on his fanbase taking YEARLONG breaks regularly. Oh you guys want the next chapter? MY BAD IM TOO BUSY PLAYING THIS IDOLMASTER C YA NEXT YEAR
miura is a homunculi and i hate him
togashi is a part of this club as well but even he has finished series and isnt quite aas bad as miura imo*
I agree with all this..
Although a new Berserk chapter just came out and the next chapter is coming out within 2 months as well.
I introduced my uncle to berserk with the movies. Did I fucked up?
Not really. I have introduced many people to Berserk using various methods (manga first, anime first, movies first).
Those who saw the movies first got instantly hooked. Many who saw the anime got hooked too. People who I recommended the manga were so slow to read it and then eventually gave up on it (some continued and thought it was GOAT of course).
IMO anything that gets people more into Berserk is a good recommendation. If the movies get people more interested in Berserk then good for it (and them). But I always preface the movie recommendation by saying something like "this is not the best version of Berserk".