Fighting Games Weekly | April 15-21 | That's 102%, Welcome to DCU


Wait, the xbla/psn has training mode, doesn't it? Or have I lost more brain cells to bath salts again?

Oh it does, I'm just not buying it :p Though DSR made me a better Vsav player. I can now body the guy who used to body me for free.


Oh it does, I'm just not buying it :p Though DSR made me a better Vsav player. I can now body the guy who used to body me for free.

I'm still upset over no super story mode, even tho I didn't get to play it for a while(I played the shit out of the arcade version first, then the DC version).

I would make him Smash Bro's link for starters ;)

of course I would update all the enemies in the game accordingly

Besides the obvious graphics enhancements, I would love to see some more recent weapons in the second quest. And lots of FMVs with ganon's laugh everywhere.

Oh my childhood memories...
Does anyone have that gif of somebody chucking Street Fighter X Tekken into the ocean?





PC version

But, surprised you didn't say Dio, because Dio would fuck them all over. Time stop, happy birthdays everywhere!

Dio would get torn up in Marvel. Time stop wouldn't even be that good on incoming. Shadow Dio might work better, but honestly I think Kakyoin is the only Jojo's character with a real shot on a direct transfer, maybe Hol Horse.


Mrs. Harvey
I'd watch some FGC stream but real stuff is going down right now in Boston. More bombs, carjacking, one officer dead, they surrounded a house, etc. Listening to the news and following what's going on.
What team?

Yeah I don't think it's the white hat guy.

What's the link to the missing student? People keep bring that up in the thread but I don't know what thats referring to.


The student was a kid that went missing about a month ago from Brown University. Some people were trying to say he was one of the bombers because of a photo from the marathon even though it was a long shot and now it looks like he might be a suspect.


Mrs. Harvey
There are conflicting reports. One channel is saying this and another that, etc.

The whole missing student thing is about some Brown university student went missing a while ago; nobody has heard from him, his parents, friends, family ,etc. And his face resembles one of the suspect and the descriptions. Now certain people are saying he is one of the bombers and apparently the police scanner is saying names of the suspects and it's his name.


The "bidding war" for the ENTIRE Marvel license is complete bullshit and everyone knows it. The premise doesn't make sense and I can name 3 Marvel games off of the top of my head in concurrent development right now (Heroes, Deadpool, LEGO). We know that at one point Activision (maybe still) had exclusivity of the X-Men license, and even still through negotiations they were able to allow certain marquee characters to appear in other games. Why would you have to wait for a game to be done development and out there for another license to be put out? The fuck? Common sense tells you not to trust a man that spews that. Not to be any more armchair analyst, but there is no logic in that (incoming BUT CAPCOM DUSNT USE LOGIK).

lmao @ tossers believing this bidding war shit, gonna be hilarious if Sagat gets nerfed... bu-bu-but champ said!


Don't beat yourself up over that. Also, still on a laptop that can't handle ggpo?

Not calling you out or anything but just a genuine question. Now that Capcom has released DS:R with GGPO powered netcode why don't the VS community migrate over to that version ? At least to show support especially considering the low sales it currently has ?
Not calling you out or anything but just a genuine question. Now that Capcom has released DS:R with GGPO powered netcode why don't the VS community migrate over to that version ? At least to show support especially considering the low sales it currently has ?

I think Capcom's mistake was asking "Do you want DS:R?" when they should have asked "Do you want DS:R and will pay $22 for it?" (Don't know what the US price is).

Then maybe they would have had more realistic sales and adoption expectations.


I think Capcom's mistake was asking "Do you want DS:R?" when they should have asked "Do you want DS:R and will pay $22 for it?" (Don't know what the US price is).

Then maybe they would have had more realistic sales and adoption expectations.

15$us and is the same price for MvC2, MvC:O, 3S:OE and countless other downloadable title. Only JoJo was 20$ for some stupid reason. Fans were asking for DarkStalkers but apparently they weren't willing to pay for it ? Hey Capcom gives us a pretty good package but screw you we're still going to pirate the game on PC GGPO.

I try to be optimist and think the size of the player base of Darkstalkers is just really small. I'm actually surprised the GGPO client still has it's VS lobbies active to be honest.


I think Capcom's mistake was asking "Do you want DS:R?" when they should have asked "Do you want DS:R and will pay $22 for it?" (Don't know what the US price is).

Then maybe they would have had more realistic sales and adoption expectations.

Between my JP 360 copy (to have a boxed disc) and PSN copy (not to mention PS1 classics), I don't want to think what I paid. Sven should send me a thank you card.


15$us and is the same price for MvC2, MvC:O, 3S:OE and countless other downloadable title. Only JoJo was 20$ for some stupid reason. Fans were asking for DarkStalkers but apparently they weren't willing to pay for it ? Hey Capcom gives us a pretty good package but screw you we're still going to pirate the game on PC GGPO.

I try to be optimist and think the size of the player base of Darkstalkers is just really small. I'm actually surprised the GGPO client still has it's VS lobbies active to be honest.

There is a set playerbase of hardcore FG players. The titles that sold really well this gen (SF4/MK9/SC4) are the titles that sold beyond that base.

Among the hardcore folks, there are some games that folks just won't buy. Darkstalkers is a series that does not have casual appeal at all.
15$us and is the same price for MvC2, MvC:O, 3S:OE and countless other downloadable title. Only JoJo was 20$ for some stupid reason. Fans were asking for DarkStalkers but apparently they weren't willing to pay for it ? Hey Capcom gives us a pretty good package but screw you we're still going to pirate the game on PC GGPO.

I try to be optimist and think the size of the player base of Darkstalkers is just really small. I'm actually surprised the GGPO client still has it's VS lobbies active to be honest.

I don't think it is so much about the GGPO crowd. There cannot be too many really and I would like to think they would have mostly purchased it anyway.

I think it was more the people who heard about it and decided it was an amazing game because of the hardcore crowd still supporting it. A bandwagon is all good, but there is always a price point to make people actually buy it.

I would have tried it at a much lower price. I had never even really heard of the series until recently and otherwise don't see any particularly good reason to play it.


$15 is a reasonable price. Skullgirls was $15. HDR was $15. VF5FS was $15.

At $5 it makes no sense, $10 is the lowest I could see it going. You could always wait for a sale, but I think $15 is a perfectly fair price.
$15 is a reasonable price. Skullgirls was $15. HDR was $15. VF5FS was $15.

At $5 it makes no sense, $10 is the lowest I could see it going. You could always wait for a sale, but I think $15 is a perfectly fair price.

And yet here we are. The price being reasonable to the people who didn't buy it is probably more important at this point.

HDR making sense at $15 doesn't mean DS will sell for the same.
Not calling you out or anything but just a genuine question. Now that Capcom has released DS:R with GGPO powered netcode why don't the VS community migrate over to that version ? At least to show support especially considering the low sales it currently has ?
My PS3 is ded

Just about every single GGPO person I knew bought and suppported DSR. We lined up before all the people who say they actually want a DSIV even though we probably risk supporting the creation of a shitty new game.

Believe me, I was more conflicted about what it might mean for a sequel than a $15 price tag. The thought of a sequel scares me more than a $30 price tag.
I don't think it is so much about the GGPO crowd. There cannot be too many really and I would like to think they would have mostly purchased it anyway.

I think it was more the people who heard about it and decided it was an amazing game because of the hardcore crowd still supporting it. A bandwagon is all good, but there is always a price point to make people actually buy it.

I would have tried it at a much lower price. I had never even really heard of the series until recently and otherwise don't see any particularly good reason to play it.
It'd be worth the buy if you are interested in playing with the primordial soup of anime or a proto-Marvel. The first time I played it I was amazed that this game could be more than 15 years old.


Injustice is teaching me a lesson to be more aware of my biases. Really like it. The art is still not what I want, and I wonder if it may end up holding the game back, but the rest of the package is really, really nice. And man, the "spoiler summary" of the story was terrible, but the *actual* story has captured my interest in a big way - lesson learned there, too. Now to find some legit WW combos (did not think I'd be playing that char but she seems like a good fit and hey, Linda Carter memories).


I don't think Darkstalkers would have sold better at a lower price. Timing, gen-7 fatigue, obscure series, fighting glut, it all factors in. HDR had all of those factors on its side, which is good given what an abomination those backgrounds are.

It's a real shame, though, because Iron Galaxy has really shown they are getting up there with M2 in my book for conversions.

I've been daydreaming about having enough free cash to set up a little company and hire Iron Galaxy to make a fighting game. Nice dream for the day.
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