Fighting Games Weekly | April 15-21 | That's 102%, Welcome to DCU


Does he have a horizontal projectile? Cause that'd be dope as fuck.

He does, but I should of been a little more precise he can only dash cancel his strings lol.

Basicly you cancel his strings into his power and you can hold the power button down and dash out like a fadc.

He also has an instant behind teleport. So if you fireball him full screen... LOL

Okay... I'll give you the former, but the latter is going too far, man.



Man I love these AE balance parody videos. Goes to show how dumb some of the people at CU are although you would get similar responses in other boards too.

The suggestions for a Marvel patch would be fucking hilarious. "Please make Hulk's charge punch unblockable!"


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
WTF did I wake up to?





I hate the fighting game community. I don't even recall who the fuck this dude is so him flipping out and filling my inbox isn't needed.


Aquaman is amazing. Injustice has hooked me. Pun intended.
I believe after 1 patch that addresses Raven, Killer Frost and the interactables, this will become one of the best fighting games this gen. Right now its a bit rough around the edges.

This game is really 'Marvel Kombat'. Every character has some ridiculous shit that nobody else has, exactly like Marvel 3. 
Flash get Free Ammy super. Grundy gets super damage off chain grabs. Superman with that 2 frame panic super. Raven with the 'don't fucking move' gravity squeeze. Aquaman with everything. Deathstroke with soul bombs and hidden bullets. Bane with the most ridiculous super armor I've ever seen. And of course Doomsday with 'don't press a button' pressure. Hawkgirl's cowardly float that most characters can't even fucking reach. Fucking love it.

I was just wondering how wonderful MK10 would be. At first Injustice's gameplay felt inferior to MK9's to me. But its grown on me. MK9 story mode still blows Injustice's story mode out of the water, and Challenge Tower is still much better than STAR labs. But in pure gameplay terms, If MK10 goes the MK9 way, I'd rather have Injustice 2, even though MK10 is my dream game.

But then again, its an NRS game. In a couple of weeks we might discover 5 infinites, 10 hitbox glitches, and 3 game breaking glitches and I might end up looking like a fool.

So I decided to check out ares in Injustice since he seems pretty underplayed at the moment... Wtf he can dash cancel EVERYTHING? THE FUCK?
Haha I was doing that too. That inescapable unblockable reset is dirty. Easy to do, easy 33% conversion, and an Ares player was destroying Arturo with it.


Yeah the game is solid to me too at least from an initial play. Nothing too absurdly broken outside of a couple of stages that have interactables that are too good but that can easily be avoided in a competitive setting.

I would sit on the game and experience it more before commenting on anything like tiers/balance yet. The only character I can say for sure is too good is Killer Frost, her overall toolset is way too good.


Aquaman is amazing. Injustice has hooked me. Pun intended.
I believe after 1 patch that addresses Raven, Killer Frost and the interactables, this will become one of the best fighting games this gen. Right now its a bit rough around the edges.

But then again, its an NRS game. In a couple of weeks we might discover 5 infinites, 10 hitbox glitches, and 3 game breaking glitches and I might end up looking like a fool.

The game is definitely rough around the edges, but I like what NRS is doing concept-wise.

I've been trying to use Flash, but his string cancels have weird timing to them. Maybe it's just because the game is still new to me and I don't have the muscle memory for it yet. It's a fun game though.


Yea Ares has cheap vortex shit too but Killer Frost also has a parry and a godly slide move plus seismos. Ares just needs some top player to push him so he can start wrecking.


I would sit on the game and experience it more before commenting on anything like tiers/balance yet. The only character I can say for sure is too good is Killer Frost, her overall toolset is way too good.
I've played a LOT of the game, and I'm going by 20% what I've noticed and 80% what the MK9 pros are saying.
Killer Frost seems too good on paper. Her ranged icicle is exactly like Aquaman's Trident summon, and she can EX it to hit twice, and then add another one. Her slide travels far, is safe on block, and can be confirmed into 30-40% damage. This already puts her in top 5. Then she's got traits and other subtleties that I'm not even aware of.

And Raven feels broken just because of that 1 move. You really don't know how bad it is until you play one. Fighting a Raven means throwing your gameplay out the window. It becomes a game of downbacking. If they fix that 1 move, she'd be okay.

Yea Ares has cheap vortex shit too but Killer Frost also has a parry and a godly slide move plus seismos. Ares just needs some top player to push him so he can start wrecking.
KF's is a Vortex. Ares' stuff is inescapable by most of the cast. At least it costs meter.
Aquaman is amazing. Injustice has hooked me. Pun intended.
I believe after 1 patch that addresses Raven, Killer Frost and the interactables, this will become one of the best fighting games this gen. Right now its a bit rough around the edges.

This game is really 'Marvel Kombat'. Every character has some ridiculous shit that nobody else has, exactly like Marvel 3. 
Flash get Free Ammy super. Grundy gets super damage off chain grabs. Superman with that 2 frame panic super. Raven with the 'don't fucking move' gravity squeeze. Aquaman with everything. Deathstroke with soul bombs and hidden bullets. Bane with the most ridiculous super armor I've ever seen. And of course Doomsday with 'don't press a button' pressure. Hawkgirl's cowardly float that most characters can't even fucking reach. Fucking love it.

I was just wondering how wonderful MK10 would be. At first Injustice's gameplay felt inferior to MK9's to me. But its grown on me. MK9 story mode still blows Injustice's story mode out of the water, and Challenge Tower is still much better than STAR labs. But in pure gameplay terms, If MK10 goes the MK9 way, I'd rather have Injustice 2, even though MK10 is my dream game.

But then again, its an NRS game. In a couple of weeks we might discover 5 infinites, 10 hitbox glitches, and 3 game breaking glitches and I might end up looking like a fool.

Haha I was doing that too. That inescapable unblockable reset is dirty. Easy to do, easy 33% conversion, and an Ares player was destroying Arturo with it.
They really mahvel now.


KF's vortex also costs meter but the combo you do after getting the mix up gives you the meter to continue the vortex.
Yeah, the freeze move. The point I was making was its a vortex, while Ares' thing is like Haggar's corner reset. Only a few characters can escape it.
Killer Frost's game being called a vortex gives the impression that its a guessing game, and you can get out if you guess right.


Sega Cup finally on at - good luck gaffers!


Man, look at all those Astro City cabs in the back.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man

Walmart is so desperate to get rid of those old MK vs. DCs that it just came free with Injustice. Along with a code for Arkham skins.
The speed of these VF rounds is refreshing. Nice and quick.

And 45 second round timer? This needs to be standard, it's always time to go in.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Anyone has the UMvC3 tier list that's filled with Soulfists? Thank you!
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