Aquaman is amazing. Injustice has hooked me. Pun intended.
I believe after 1 patch that addresses Raven, Killer Frost and the interactables, this will become one of the best fighting games this gen. Right now its a bit rough around the edges.
This game is really 'Marvel Kombat'. Every character has some ridiculous shit that nobody else has, exactly like Marvel 3.
Flash get Free Ammy super. Grundy gets super damage off chain grabs. Superman with that 2 frame panic super. Raven with the 'don't fucking move' gravity squeeze. Aquaman with everything. Deathstroke with soul bombs and hidden bullets. Bane with the most ridiculous super armor I've ever seen. And of course Doomsday with 'don't press a button' pressure. Hawkgirl's cowardly float that most characters can't even fucking reach. Fucking love it.
I was just wondering how wonderful MK10 would be. At first Injustice's gameplay felt inferior to MK9's to me. But its grown on me. MK9 story mode still blows Injustice's story mode out of the water, and Challenge Tower is still much better than STAR labs. But in pure gameplay terms, If MK10 goes the MK9 way, I'd rather have Injustice 2, even though MK10 is my dream game.
But then again, its an NRS game. In a couple of weeks we might discover 5 infinites, 10 hitbox glitches, and 3 game breaking glitches and I might end up looking like a fool.
So I decided to check out ares in Injustice since he seems pretty underplayed at the moment... Wtf he can dash cancel EVERYTHING? THE FUCK?
Haha I was doing that too. That inescapable unblockable reset is dirty. Easy to do, easy 33% conversion, and an Ares player was destroying Arturo with it.