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Fighting Games Weekly | April 7-13 | Smash our expectations


I sucked six dicks to get this tag.
Man snitches and big mouths ruined it for everybody on day1, otherwise we'd all be enjoying Topanga right now.

Somebody gimme a link :(


It was on forever too, he had a delay and everything so he could cover up the ID when Nico showed it.

Oh well, he said he will be back tomorrow.


Damn, missed everything it seems!
Well, that's for the best, it's happening right when I'm at work...

Could I get the link still? In case NicoNico-cops somehow forget about the guy until tomorrow...


Is there an overall listing for who had been playing who and how the sets have been going?
From Shoryuken.
DAY 1 – April 10 (Thu)

PR Balrog (Balrog) vs. Umehara (Ryu) – 3-7 ●○●●○●●○●●
Fuudo (Fei Long) vs. Xiaohai (Evil Ryu) – 7-5 ○○●●○●●○○●○○
INFILTRATION (Akuma) vs. Bonchan (Sagat) - 3-7 ●●○●○●●○●●
Xian (Gen) vs. wao (Oni) – 3-7 ○●●●●○●●○●
PR Balrog (Balrog) vs. Xiaohai (Evil Ryu) – 7-4 ○○○●○○●●○●○
Bonchan (Sagat) vs. Fuudo (Fei Long) – 7-4 ○○○○○●●●○●○
Umehara (Ryu) vs. Xian (Gen) – 7-5 ○●●○○●○○●○●○

DAY 2 – April 11 (Fri)

INFILTRATION (Akuma) vs. Xiaohai (Cammy) – 3-7 ○●●○●●●○●●
Fuudo (Fei Long) vs. Xian (Gen) – 2-7 ●○●●○●●●●
Bonchan (Sagat) vs. PR Balrog (Balrog) – 7-2 ○○●○○●○○○
wao (Oni) vs. Xiaohai (Cammy) – 6-8 ●○○○●○●○●●●○|●●
INFILTRATION (Gouki) vs. Fuudo (Fei Long) – 6-8 ●○●○●○●○○●●○|●●
PR Balrog (Balrog) vs. Xian (Gen) – 3-7 ○●●●○●○●●●
Umehara (Ryu) vs. wao (Oni) - 7-5 ○○●●○●○○●○●○


Just a reminder about the robot fighting tournament at Super Arcade this weekend.

The Gundam stream should be hot with the same 4 player view from SCR. I am pumped to see high level Virtual On: OT play. And Virtual On Force will be....hey Gundam and VOOT are going to be really good dammit.

Tex from GundamGAF will be playing in Gundam & VOOT. A friend of mine (Schooly D) will be in VOOT and he's a pretty good player to watch. Donkey Show's bro (GM Custom) is going to be commenting the Gundam matches, and GAFfer Shingin is responsible for the stream.

I can't wait for this. Now that I understand the game better, watching the stream should be a pleasure.


I thought he meant PS3-PS4 dual compatible. I don't think you can be official and have sony/ms cross going.

I always wondering about that weird, trashy official Soul Calibur 2 stick that was gamecube/xbox/ps2. I wonder how they go that deal.

It's not a matter of them *keeping* the sticks from being dual compatible. There is just no way to do so and stay in the console companies' good graces as a flagship licensed peripheral provider.

I don't understand, What's the distinction between a manufacturer like Eightarc and Mad Catz?


Official Microsoft controllers use a security chip that identifies controllers as being specifically compatible with the console. The dual-console sticks like the eightarc, qanba, joytron/paewang, etc. use some form of bootleg or spoofed security chip in their PCBs. It's also why most controller converters for 360 require you to hook up an official 360 controller in order for them to work. It should be pretty obvious why Mad Catz won't do that and why Markman wo't just come out and put them on blast over it.


Can't help but feel that infiltration is just testing the waters and messing around before Ultra.

Expect to see him dominate again in 2015
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