Fighting Games Weekly | Aug 18-24 | Fall back, u nerd

Is that a possibility? Like, it's technically a community thread, the fighting game one, so we can be moved to community...can we? I would like that

The reason it's not in Community now is because no one liked the idea the last two times it was brought up seriously.

If lots of people were up for it, we could get moved easy.


Unconfirmed Member
Why *shouldn't* the thread be moved to community? New news goes in new threads anyways, and it's not like these threads are talking about *actual* news most of the time anyways aside from drama, which doesn't deserve attention. Not to mention all the off-topic talk that goes on, which is conveniently overlooked.

We have this discussion every now and then but nothing ever comes from it.

I'm fine with either honestly. I'd prefer a longer life span community thread but it's not worth arguing about


I don't want to see this thread in community. I came up with the idea for a FG thread on GAF because I wanted the topic of FG discussion to be consistently visible to the larger community. Community is literally a ghetto. I only remember that part of GAF-tropolis exists when I click on the damned Community tab by accident. Every time this happens; an eerie, prickling sensation creeps along the skin serving as a cold warning that that is an unfamiliar and desolate precinct to which I do not belong.

Nyoro SF

I don't want to move to Community. I like the current format where people can pop in on the daily. Community threads are usually dominated by the same 4 people that post over and over again; plus in weekly the thread is more visible to GAF's larger population.
I don't want to see this thread in community. I came up with the idea for a FG thread on GAF because I wanted the the topic of FG discussion to be consistently visible to the larger community. Community is literally a ghetto. I only remember that part of GAF-tropolis exists when I click on the damned Community tab by accident.
Community isn't a ghetto. You're still used to what GAF was like before your ban; things have changed. Don't go making incorrect statements like that because it makes you look foolish. The community sections are where the real discussions for games and other topics happen anyways. Unless you LIKE drive-by posts.

And what fighting game discussion happens here that isn't related to drama or gossip anyways? Like I mentioned before, new news already goes to new threads. You act like GAF as a whole is going to be wandering around asking "where da fightans at" if we get moved.
I don't want to move to Community. I like the current format where people can pop in on the daily.
People can still do that in Community threads, omg shocker.


tagged by Blackace
This always happens after Evo.
Yup, it's been a few years now I feel lol

And every single time this gets brought up the overwhelming majority prefer the weekly format, mods still like it too, still works to adhere to weekly changes in the community/games/stream etc.

I've no doubt if this moved to community we'd see growth taper off though. The community graveyard stuff is still real, unfortunately, those threads discourage outsiders from coming in and participating and become pretty insular. That's the last thing that should happen to FGW IMO.
I've no doubt if this moved to community we'd see growth taper off though. The community graveyard stuff is still real, unfortunately, those threads discourage outsiders from coming in and participating and become pretty insular.

These weekly threads are already what you're claiming will happen. And if people want to talk fighting games, then they'll find the thread. People still find community threads because they want to talk.
For those in favor of a community thread: what pros do you see to us being moved to community? I can see reasons why it would make sense, but no actual benefits for us.


Community isn't a ghetto. You're still used to what GAF was like before your ban; things have changed. Don't go making incorrect statements like that because it makes you look foolish.

People can still do that in Community threads, omg shocker.

WTF are you babbling about? People subscribe to those threads - not browse the forum to which they actually belong. Obviously, having a weekly thread in Gaming, where people actually browse the forum, gives us more traffic and more potential for growth. I don't care about "Drive-By" posts if they're not disruptive and the drama talk isn't going to be "fixed" by going into Community.
Obviously, having a weekly thread in Gaming, where people actually browse the forum, gives us more traffic and more potential for growth. I don't care about "Drive-By" posts if they're not disruptive and the drama talk isn't going to be fixed by going into Community.

And what does the thread gain by this growth? Because I've certainly seen a lot less actual fighting game talk, and a lot more bullshit.


For those in favor of a community thread: what pros do you see to us being moved to community? I can see reasons why it would make sense, but no actual benefits for us.

Not every time we want to talk about fighting games with each other, and if we start going off topic Shouta comes and blow us up. And there's nothing wrong with it, this is the gaming page, we should only talk about games.

And if you think about it, we shouldn't be talking about games also, because it should be discussed in it's specific thread. So we should only talk about community stuff, and...I don't want to talk about Chris G's stupid tweets all the time, and big events have their own threads

Nyoro SF

Yup, it's been a few years now I feel lol

And every single time this gets brought up the overwhelming majority prefer the weekly format, mods still like it too, still works to adhere to weekly changes in the community/games/stream etc.

I've no doubt if this moved to community we'd see growth taper off though. The community graveyard stuff is still real, unfortunately, those threads discourage outsiders from coming in and participating and become pretty insular. That's the last thing that should happen to FGW IMO.

Enzo speaking my mind directly. Being part of the daily draw of threads on the main Gaming area is important.


For those in favor of a community thread: what pros do you see to us being moved to community? I can see reasons why it would make sense, but no actual benefits for us.

I guess the only benefit is drive-by shit posting would decrease. I'm in favor of things staying like they are though. I like that there is this thread as a portal to all the individual game OTs etc. that are in gaming community. We only take up one spot on the front page of GAF but as a result it's always easy/visible how to find more specific fighting game GAF stuff.


And what does the thread gain by this growth? Because I've certainly seen a lot less actual fighting game talk, and a lot more bullshit.

I think the saddle on your high horse is blistering your ass. This shit always happens around this time of year. We're out of tournament season and dramatic issues facing the community are legitimate points of discussion. Conflict is a part of growth. It's like saying racist comments from an NBA franchise owner shouldn't be worthy of discussion on a forum about the sport of basketball.
There's no reason for these threads, really.

Actual game news gets threads.

Majors get threads.

Games have OTs.

The only things that get talked about in these are NLBC and garbage drama.

How about a compromise where the treads stay in gaming but get half the posts because people don't waste board space on "this guy who plays fighting games often said/did something dumb while not at all in the state of playing a fighting game".

Of course, in general I don't see the point of discussion of players outside of the moments where they are interacting with the actual games (the real thing I care about).

Game design, art design, or lore talk would all be nice if they were more frequent, instead of LOL TRIFORCE week after week.


tagged by Blackace
For those in favor of a community thread: what pros do you see to us being moved to community? I can see reasons why it would make sense, but no actual benefits for us.
I would like to hear this too, it does seem like there isn't much benefit, and most of the pro-Community stuff like what Beef mentions is functional in either format. For me:

- I have less work to do

- We lose weekly spotlights, which are a unique element to this community
- A few people use the weekly thread refresh as a quick reminder for what to expect in the coming week. Even if they look at it once, it's a reminder for when to check back in the thread.
- Being in gaming already makes this thread more accessible to someone who needs to ask a quick question, less intimidating for a genre that already carries stigmas

I guess I'm pro-community
I think the saddle on your high horse is blistering your ass. This shit always happens around this time of year. We're out of tournament season and dramatic issues facing the community are legitimate points of discussion. Conflict is a part of growth. It's like saying you're racist comments from an NBA franchise owner shouldn't be worthy of discussion on a forum about the sport of basketball.

I see no reason to give attention to bullshit like OBS or EMP Moment of the Week when actual fighting game news that people try to bring up gets overshadowed.
FGW doesn't suffer from drive by posts.

Yeah, I really don't know what he's talking about there.

Look at Valle's, Chen's, and Jebaily's post historys in these threads. And those are just the non-troll posts.


tagged by Blackace
I realy disagree with the assumption here that these threads are essentially just for drama. Damn near every week we have passionate arguments about mechanics, player performance, developers/publisher talk and speculation, and of course stream talk that lasts just as long or longer than Triforce doing some dumb shit to lighten the mood.

And hey, even if you think anything fighting game community news-related is classified as drama, it's better contained in here than making threads all over Gaming about what Triforce did, who won, wow Capcpom so dum, etc. or having a "drama thread." Stop complaining and contribute positively to discussion instead. you agree that you continually try to discredit people's opinions instead of arguing straight or what?

Instead? I don't agree, because I obviously post more than just one word responses and they're not about just you.

Second, I've been compared to ZTS in these threads just for speaking about Tekken. An SF savant by you as well. Playing victim while your opening post reads "others have difficulty viewing them as having complex, nuanced opinions" is a failure on your part to admit that you may have been...wrong? You are entitled to your views of course, but it's a failure to admit that they're anything but well thought out. They're not.

I definitely feel like I could have worded my subsequent critiques better, so I'll give you that, but I don't really understand when you get so mad about hand waiving when I always address every point in my replies and you target specific ones. Combine that with your continual use of personal attacks and I don't really feel like it's worth arguing with you half the time.

A lot of the times I don't address everything because some of it is a dead end argument. But at least every one of my points is substantiated with reasoning and explanation. You on the other hand, retort basically with "this doesn't matter". The strata of high level street fighter play was full of that. I wasn't speaking in tongues Enzo. Rice Eater posted and immediately got what I was talking about.

So did this minion piss in your cereal or what? Because I don't get it.

You piss all over the thread or do I have to repeat it?

A large portion of this thread called your's, kirblar and karst's posts earlier in this week rightfully as ignorant. You cite Sayah's patience but even he got angry with the BS.


Why *shouldn't* the thread be moved to community? New news goes in new threads anyways, and it's not like these threads are talking about *actual* news most of the time anyways aside from drama, which doesn't deserve attention. Not to mention all the off-topic talk that goes on, which is conveniently overlooked.

I don't care either or in regards to where FGW goes. But I've seen plenty of community OTs on gaming side have it's usual strings of off topic nonsense. Doesn't really stop them from continuing on (beecause those threads know when to stop like we all do.) As much as I couldn't care less for the bullshit goings on in the FGC a lot of people actually enjoy hgetting a sense of discussion going on (I assume.) If you want discussions of the actual games, well go to the OTs already there.

I REALLY really wish we would stop giving certain figures/people attention, but ay

anyway fighting games are fun


I see no reason to give attention to bullshit like OBS or EMP Moment of the Week when actual fighting game news that people try to bring up gets overshadowed.

That's not the slightest bit true and you know it. You're magnifying an issue that isn't even an issue because you're currently frustrated by it (because there's less currently going on to distract you from its existence).

This is coming from someone that hates the drama talk and largely only pays enough attention to knows what's going in. You're blowing this projected shallowness way out of proportion.
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