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Fighting Games Weekly | June 10-16 | We got new fighting games! And a new Smash Bros!

I would rather something be equal to SF 4 than something like what NRS offers or the KOF games.
Not the point, it seems KI dev's are just trying to grab players based on name brand. Rather than cite net code that is actually good.

Gives the impression that they don't really know what they are doing themselves.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";63744451]Weighing my options.[/QUOTE]

Props if you do go through with it. I may be able to lend you a hand sometime later this year if you need extra hands wrt coding; let me know.
I was going by current top tournament turnouts. I don't know why I put SFxT in there.
SFxT gets more players than most games.
I figured since he spoke on it for only around 5 minutes people wouldn't just take my word for it, but live and learn I guess.
The natural experience when posting on GAF. We never stop learning how to walk on eggshells. :p
He might have felt he was asked in just so they say he consulted on it, that might be why he did what he did. A little different than the time Sirlin put Udon and Backbone on blast.
I suspected as much myself, but I refrained from saying it because I don't like to participate in the possible ensuing drama.

Makes me wonder how many SG devs are actually involved in this at all or if they're someone who was attached to the project years ago before SG underwent it's gameplay and cosmetic makeover.
Not the point, it seems KI dev's are just trying to grab players based on name brand. Rather than cite net code that is actually good.

Gives the impression that they don't really know what they are doing themselves.
I'm not actually expecting to see the actual implentation of GGPO like Iron Galaxy and Lab Zero have done, but I'd like to be proven wrong. I'd namedrop Capcom, but SFxT pissed off a lot of people with sound issues and it sounds like they never really perfected it. Maybe SFV will be luckier in that regard.
I'll help make a game

Or put my name on the credits

Or something.

Have your people call my people.

Hit me up for serious discussion about it if you actually do it.

Props if you do go through with it. I may be able to lend you a hand sometime later this year if you need extra hands wrt coding; let me know.

Thanks guys. It was Shaowebb that gave me the idea. Even if I do it, you probably won't hear about it again for a while until I've done enough work on it.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";63832666]What's everybody's EVO snacks this year? Mine's grain alcohol and tears.[/QUOTE]
Salty chips.

(even though I'm rooting AGAINST ChrisG)


Santa May Claus
He's been streaming for a week straight, I can't really blame him.

He's generally pretty level headed and checks his facts, though. I'm just surprised. He even got the prices wrong.

He just sounds so bitter about it for some reason.
He just said he thinks the PS3 is better for consumers, he just seems to think people are misunderstanding how DRM works/how big an impact it has on streaming events. I'd keep in mind that his opinions have directly been informed by XBox devs.

he told people to stop believing online rumors and conspiracy theories on the xbox, yet he goes and mentions that the PS3's price reveal is sinister.

glass houses mang!

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Wow Beef I didn't know you were such an artist


Beef bringing thatskullgirls fan like love to marvel


Santa May Claus
He just said he thinks the PS3 is better for consumers, he just seems to think people are misunderstanding how DRM works/how big an impact it has on streaming events. I'd keep in mind that his opinions have directly been informed by XBox devs.

He said that because he wanted to stop the discussion about it and prevent any blow up debates. No one is suggesting that DRM is going to have an impact on streaming events. What people are worried about is the 24 hour authentication for tournaments, which is something that Arturo brought up and Sp00ky admitted he knew nothing about.

But whatever. <3 Sp00ky. The future will be here soon enough, and we'll see how it works at tournaments.

Spooky prolly knows more than you and i

But does he know more than a lot of insiders on this forum? Maybe, but I find that doubtful.

The DRM situation as it stands is pretty clear. If you read all the articles and have been keeping up with this forum, everything's been cleared up unless Microsoft changes their tune. It's not like a few weeks ago, when everything was in the dark. Sp00ky's making some big assumptions with his comparisons to Steam pricing. He even said there was an Offline Mode like Steam, which is just plain wrong.
But does he know more than a lot of insiders on this forum? Maybe, but I find that doubtful.

The DRM situation as it stands is pretty clear. If you read all the articles and have been keeping up with this forum, everything's been cleared up unless Microsoft changes their tune. Sp00ky's making some big assumptions with his comparisons to Steam.
Oh God... not this again. We already had tons of drones and fanboys drawing this parallel.

We're not going to get the same prices, we're not going to get the same sales, we're not going to get permanent offline play like Steam offers, we're not going to be free of online checks and Xbox will never be part of an open platform like Steam is just one of the many digital storefronts on the PC. This doesn't even touch upon stuff like the built in mod support and item creation tools for games. It's not even close. Origin is more like Steam than Xbone or XBL will ever be.
He said that's directly what Xbox devs told him. He's been working all week and is obviously tired as hell right now, just give the dude time to read up on things.
It's not so much an attack on him as it is a rebuttal of the ridiculous claims that Xbone policies are comparable to steam.

There was a thread on the subject that got closed. Apparently some Xbox engineer somewhere was trying to make the same argument. My beef is mostly with them and the people spreading this stuff, not Spooky.

Honestly, I don't really see the big deal regarding Xbone and twitch streaming. That'll probably stay the same. The lack of used games and these online checks don't seem like they'd have any impact on streaming whatsoever.
Besides prices, another reason Steam caught on is because everyone gets a new PC every so often and some people have multiple PCs they game on such as a desktop and laptop. Having your games on your Steam account makes it really convenient to reinstall and play your games in all those scenarios. I don't see that being nearly as useful on an xbox.


I'm really hoping the long-ass time it takes them to release that port means they're redoing the netcode entirely.
One can dream...

If not, someone in the FGC is going to have to make it their mission to take XIII/98UM/02UM (also rumored) and if needbe, hack the game to get a proper netcode.

I doubt these games will be more than GFWL-ed XBLA ports. The UMs are hopefully PS2 ports instead.

The best way to ensure the longevity of old games is to get them off of consoles period. Consoles die, OS's can be emulated 50 years from now, data can be savesd.
Besides prices, another reason Steam caught on is because everyone gets a new PC every so often and some people have multiple PCs they game on such as a desktop and laptop. Having your games on your Steam account makes it really convenient to reinstall and play your games in all those scenarios. I don't see that being nearly as useful on an xbox.
This is extremely useful. I could hit Edgeward up for some SFIV PC regardless of the platform and I have tons of graphically intensive games installed on the PC versus mostly indie games on the laptop (also on the PC!). Makes gaming so easy when your different towers/laptops may as well be another console with the exact same account and lots of different games.
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