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Fighting Games Weekly | June 10-16 | We got new fighting games! And a new Smash Bros!


Santa May Claus
Beastly art....

But Vergil bows to no one.

Yeah, that's the one thing I don't get about the picture. Why would Vergil be bowing to ChrisG when the other two are standing next to him? Is this the moment where ChrisG recruits Vergil to replace Akuma? Is that the tale that's being woven?

What did art say about jared? Man, fgc really needs a new streaming site. The guys at twitch are so unprofessional.

Called him passive aggressive and the first person to run to the media once there's anything remotely questionable about the FGC, I think.
It's not so much an attack on him as it is a rebuttal of the ridiculous claims that Xbone policies are comparable to steam.

There was a thread on the subject that got closed. Apparently some Xbox engineer somewhere was trying to make the same argument. My beef is mostly with them and the people spreading this stuff, not Spooky.

I think MS obviously told their employees to go out with that PR message and I'd agree it's a terrible comparison for the Xbones policies. I just think it's a little harsh for people to label spooky as a fanboy when he said the PS4 was better for consumers and that he hasn't exactly had the most objective exposure to the topic over the last week. Though given you weren't even saying that I have no idea why I quoted you in the first place.


Yeah, that's the one thing I don't get about the picture. Why would Vergil be bowing to ChrisG when the other two are standing next to him? Is this the moment where ChrisG recruits Vergil to replace Akuma? Is that the tale that's being woven?
That's what it seems like. Vergil is pledging himself to.the dark one for more power. ChrisG is intrigued.

I think ChrisG will be using more Magneto in the future.
I can't fucking wait for EVO, man. Chris G needs to take this shit. I want to see once and for all that Darkstalkers>everything else.
I think MS obviously told their employees to go out with that PR message and I'd agree it's a terrible comparison for the Xbones policies. I just think it's a little harsh for people to label spooky as a fanboy when he said the PS4 was better for consumers and that he hasn't exactly had the most objective exposure to the topic over the last week. Though given you weren't even saying that I have no idea why I quoted you in the first place.
I just meant that tons of fanboys and shills on GAF have been saying the same thing. Spooky doesn't strike me as the sort of person who'd be a fanboy. :p

Things get heated and five minutes later we wake up in a cold sweat. Posts were quoted and unfortunate word choices were made. This is GAF and it's how we roll.

Yeah, that's the one thing I don't get about the picture. Why would Vergil be bowing to ChrisG when the other two are standing next to him? Is this the moment where ChrisG recruits Vergil to replace Akuma? Is that the tale that's being woven?
Morrigan is the queen of her own dimension. She bows to no man, human or demon.

She bends over


I agree with his assessment.

Now that I see what jared said on twitter, I agree too. Id link but I'm on a shitty phone

Real talk, all drama aside, who would hire such a catty community manager? He really reinforces the message that sc2 and lol are all they care about.


Santa May Claus
I can't fucking wait for EVO, man. Chris G needs to take this shit. I want to see once and for all that Darkstalkers>everything else.

Morrigan is the queen of her own dimension. She bows to no man, human or demon.

She bends over

Chris is going to face his greatest competition at EVO. He has a giant target on the back of his head, and everyone has been preparing for the moment to take him out. I really hope he doesn't get complacent, because he's going to need to be clutch more than ever.

If Morrigan were on her knees, Kotaku would write an article about sexism in the FGC again. :p


Santa May Claus
ChrisG gonna get bopped at EVO. Kadey already cursed him....

:( I hope not.

God's Beard!";63843781][URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBGffJfBkd0&feature=youtu.be&t=9m42s said:
I've never really watched competitive smash other than wombo combos, but Metaknight is actually kinda cool to watch. Way more interesting than melee vids of people bouncing around.[/URL]

That armor piece juggling is a neat strategy. I found that far more interesting that anything Metaknight did. Isn't he supposed to be ridiculously overpowered?
God's Beard!";63843781][URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBGffJfBkd0&feature=youtu.be&t=9m42s said:
I've never really watched competitive smash other than wombo combos, but Metaknight is actually kinda cool to watch. Way more interesting than melee vids of people bouncing around.[/URL]

That's like the exact opposite of how every competitive Smash player thinks I'm pretty sure.
That's what it seems like. Vergil is pledging himself to.the dark one for more power. ChrisG is intrigued.

I think ChrisG will be using more Magneto in the future.

I find it interesting that ChrisG has been using so much Magneto lately. I'm not sure what his endgame is with him. He's got infinites but otherwise Chris's Magneto isn't that good.


Santa May Claus
If he is not motivated enough to win EVO and thinks it's not worth it then he doesn't deserve to win it.

I suppose that's true, but is there any real indication that he's not taking it seriously?

It's easier to take a victory when you have hidden or relatively unused tech in Marvel. That's why Kusoru made it so far. Not to say he's not a solid player, but the unfamiliarity with a character like Rocket Raccoon and pendulum assist + Joe triple jump did wonders for getting him as far as he got. The less exposure a strategy has seen, the fewer defenses there are.

I imagine ChrisG is going to have to come up with counter stratgies on the fly a lot at Evo. It's a tough position to be in.


I find it interesting that ChrisG has been using so much Magneto lately. I'm not sure what his endgame is with him. He's got infinites but otherwise Chris's Magneto isn't that good.
His end game is that he doesn't want to give away a free character against Zero teams in case Morrigan dies. Plus he doesn't actually like Vergil all that much.
Chris is going to face his greatest competition at EVO. He has a giant target on the back of his head, and everyone has been preparing for the moment to take him out. I really hope he doesn't get complacent, because he's going to need to be clutch more than ever.

If Morrigan were on her knees, Kotaku would write an article about sexism in the FGC again. :p
Clearly they've been out of touch in that case. Morrigan was used to be way more risky and in your face about her sexuality haha.

I'd say he mostly has to worry abou the usual suspects.
Arturo Sanchez ‏@nycfurby 11 Jun
Saw Jared and fishstix at the door. Fishstix said hi but Jared walked the other way as usual. Awesome #passiveaggressive lol

Damn lol
If he is not motivated enough to win EVO and thinks it's not worth it then he doesn't deserve to win it.
The most skilled player deserves to win it. This ain't some Shounen anime. :p
Marvel pools are 2/3 so it's definitely possible.
I'd say that favors him. Chris has fought just many team combinations as all the other high level players, but not many people have Mo/Do/Ve or Mo/Do/Ve available for play at every tournament.

Many folks at EVO will find themselves dealing with something they've got very little experience against.
I'd say that favors him. Chris has fought just many team combinations as all the other high level players, but not many people have Mo/Do/Ve or Mo/Do/Ve available for play at every tournament.

Many folks at EVO will find themselves dealing with something they've got very little experience against.

And that one main thing that many folks at Evo are going to have to deal with that they don't have any experience dealing with will be Chris G.


I suppose that's true, but is there any real indication that he's not taking it seriously?
He basically trashed EVO in an interview saying he doesn't care if he wins EVO or not because its not a big deal to him. He doesn't like the payout and he feels being an EVO winner doesn't amount to much. Although it was also clear the pressure was getting to him and this was his option select to counter it so when he loses he can fall back on it.


Santa May Claus
He basically trashed EVO in an interview saying he doesn't care if he wins EVO or not because its not a big deal to him. He doesn't like the payout and he feels being an EVO winner doesn't amount to much. Although it was also clear the pressure was getting to him and this was his option select to counter it so when he loses he can fall back on it.

Got a link? I'm just curious to read or hear exactly what he said.

Clearly they've been out of touch in that case. Morrigan was used to be way more risky and in your face about her sexuality haha.

I'd say he mostly has to worry abou the usual suspects.

True. Wasn't someone in a Skullgirls thread arguing that Morrigan was a virgin?

ANYway, I think you're right... that the regular top contenders in Marvel are the biggest potential problem for him, but none of them have been showing off their tech or pocket characters in the last few months. I think this unknown is the biggest threat to ChrisG. Even though his team is designed to neutralize the unknown, that may not work when the unknown is specifically designed to counter him.
That armor piece juggling is a neat strategy. I found that far more interesting that anything Metaknight did. Isn't he supposed to be ridiculously overpowered?

I don't really know or care, but it's definitely more interesting than I was expecting. Metaknight's flying all over the place, even under the stage. They should put more characters like that in smash so it's less about hopping back and forth. Samus starting with armor is cool too. I like gimmicks.


I agree with his assessment.

I think Jared is trying to do he right thing, but he's going about it like this, which isn't right.

That said, as long as a community gets folks largely from the lower-economic side of things, you're going to have the problems the FGC has. It's inevitable.

KI can probably function in an E sports environment.

FGC doesn't need esports. Esports can help the FGC, but it isn't necessary. The main goal of the FGC as a general rule right now should be sustaining itself through the next couple of lean years.
You know how when you play the old mario games there's invisible boxes that appear when you jump?

Mario should be able to activate those in Smash with his coinryuken jump to create new platforms. That'd be cool.
I think Jared is trying to do he right thing, but he's going about it like this, which isn't right.

That said, as long as a community gets folks largely from the lower-economic side of things, you're going to have the problems the FGC has. It's inevitable.

What did Jared say this time?

Mr Jared

If someone spent the past few years doing nothing but trashing you online to anyone who would listen, would you ever want to give them the time of day in real life? Yeah, sorry, it's not going to happen. I think I spotted him once at our party, and then proceeded to move on with my life. I've tried being civil with him in the past and discovered that it's not worth it. That he even bothered to tweet about some bogus encounter that only exists in his head only validates that decision.

Also, that people in the "FGC" still believe that I've ever gone to the media to bring to light any of the issues that exist within it is proof enough that it's a scene still not mature enough to accept the responsibility of its actions. Why would any Twitch employees actively try and damage the reputation of the site by trying to highlight some of its more embarrassing content? By this logic, we're the ones who told the media about that kid who forgot to turn off his cam for some "private time."

You guys talk about growth, and you talk about wanting to get a bigger spotlight and more cash, well, media attention is something that comes along with that.


I think he genuinely wants to clean up the stupidity in the FGC, the stuff that makes the FGC look bad.

It's a noble goal, but near-impossible, and perhaps unrealistic.

I haven't heard a peep from the guy since cross assault until today. All he did was take pot shots on twitter. Also, the implicit assumptions in this post and the one about "low economic status" are pretty insulting and naive. Cheers


If someone spent the past few years doing nothing but trashing you online to anyone who would listen, would you ever want to give them the time of day in real life? Yeah, sorry, it's not going to happen. I think I spotted him once at our party, and then proceeded to move on with my life. I've tried being civil with him in the past and discovered that it's not worth it. That he even bothered to tweet about some bogus encounter that only exists in his head only validates that decision.

Also, that people in the "FGC" still believe that I've ever gone to the media to bring to light any of the issues that exist within it is proof enough that it's a scene still not mature enough to accept the responsibility of its actions. Why would any Twitch employees actively try and damage the reputation of the site by trying to highlight some of its more embarrassing content? By this logic, we're the ones who told the media about that kid who forgot to turn off his cam for some "private time."

You guys talk about growth, and you talk about wanting to get a bigger spotlight and more cash, well, media attention is something that comes along with that.


Any time your name pops up, its on acct of some lame thing you did or said. Is getting pouty part of a comm managers job?

Maybe you should've said hi to arturo and attempt to build a bridge instead of burn it.
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