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Fighting Games Weekly | June 10-16 | We got new fighting games! And a new Smash Bros!


so...have people who said Rattana was high ever smoked weed before? Or is it another one of those times where someone is acting weird thus they must be high...seems like the latter to me.

anyway, I'm more hyped for what Fchamp said about all this secret tech that top players have saved for Evo than E3.


so...have people who said Rattana was high ever smoked weed before? Or is it another one of those times where someone is acting weird thus they must be high...seems like the latter to me.

anyway, I'm more hyped for what Fchamp said about all this secret tech that top players have saved for Evo than E3.

Yeah.... As I said, Rat's pretty clean now for various reasons. He won't even drink so he's pretty naturally energetic like that which makes him a lot of fun to hang out with when watching matches.


anyway, I'm more hyped for what Fchamp said about all this secret tech that top players have saved for Evo than E3.
Oh boy... here we go again.

There is no secret tech anyone is saving up. Maybe some pocket strategy or team composition designed to beat certain match ups but that isn't new tech. Right now the only person who actually is supposed to have secret tech is Nemo and I am thinking the deadman glitch was that tech.

If they are saving tech then it's not going to make a big impact at EVO. Same thing as last year.. remember all those people with secret tech? Japanese had one, TAC infinites in the pocket, Justin Wong Wolverine tech, Kubo escape etc. none of it was used in top EVO where it matters.


Oh boy... here we go again.

There is no secret tech anyone is saving up. Maybe some pocket strategy or team composition designed to beat certain match ups but this isn't new tech. Right now the only person who actually is supposed to have secret tech is Nemo and I am thinking the deadman glitch was that tech.

If they are saving tech then it's not going to make a big impact at EVO. Same thing as last year.. remember all those people with secret tech? Japanese had one, TAC infinites in the pocket, Justin Wong Wolverine tech, Kubo escape etc. none of it was used in top EVO where it matters.

I know, #secretjapanesetech etc. etc.

But it's "secret" so you don't actually know who has what = get on that hype train. I believe in secret tech after Fchamp busted out that Dorm team and basically beat ChrisG, aside from the chokes. People are hungrier than ever to beat him and aren't just gonna show up to Evo with their dicks in their hands. And they know not to let anything get out because Chris can adjust.



The only secret tech that I presume is stuff that the general player base knows about but the pros hadn't implemented yet. Like the Dorm tech I was talking about which FChamp was using.

FChamp is not going to be using Dorm at CEO most likely... he has locked himself completely into EVO mode. He has not streamed his play as of late either.


The only secret tech that I presume is stuff that the general player base knows about but the pros hadn't implemented yet. Like the Dorm tech I was talking about which FChamp was using.

FChamp is not going to be using Dorm at CEO most likely... he has locked himself completely into EVO mode. He has not streamed his play as of late either.

oh yeah, I know it's probably not "Secret" as in undiscovered. It wouldn't be some gimmicky glitch like that cross assault business or kubo escape.



tagged by Blackace
Hey Enzo may I suggest making a little section in the OP for Fighting Game Related E3 news for this week to make it easy to find as comes out?
This actually sounds like a really good idea.

Provided GAF stays up, I'll try to edit OP with everything thus far. Turns out the meeting I had today got cancelled, but I got some errands to run before I can make the section.

What announcements have we had thus far that are technically around E3 time? (Namco isn't at E3, but the announcement was clearly poised to take advantage of the media swing). Tekken Revolution is one, and I think there's something else I'm forgetting.


What announcements have we had thus far that are technically around E3 time? (Namco isn't at E3, but the announcement was clearly poised to take advantage of the media swing). Tekken Revolution is one, and I think there's something else I'm forgetting.

Harada was on his way to E3 but his plane had to turn around because of engine problems, I don't know if he has any interviews scheduled though.


Santa May Claus
Yeah, I don't expect secret "tech" in the traditional sense, but I do think there's going to be some surprise pocket characters. We've seen Justin use the same characters at every tournament, halfheartedly. We've seen him openly admit that there's no point in trying to beat ChrisG until EVO, where everything's on the line.

I'm hoping that a lot of weird pairings show up, but I could just be in for disappointment.
Honestly curious if PAR is actually concerned about the well-being of the community or just likes to check in every so often to see what kind of trash they can dig up, a job that's pretty easy when a few of our most prominent players provide it in barrel-fulls.

Not to say these aren't real issues with our scene though, because they certainly are. Hopefully the continued presence of outside entities make people realize some of the shit they say isn't acceptable.


Honestly curious if PAR is actually concerned about the well-being of the community or just likes to check in every so often to see what kind of trash they can dig up, a job that's pretty easy when a few of our most prominent players provide it in barrel-fulls.

Not to say these aren't real issues with our scene though, because they certainly are. Hopefully the continued presence of outside entities make people realize some of the shit they say isn't acceptable.

Agree that they are issues, but it seems like all their coverage is "look at all this bad stuff ... and there's a good side to the FGC somewhere I guess, but LOOK AT ALL THIS BAD STUFF."

No actual event or community coverage ... no "I went to ECT/FR/UFGT/CEO/SCR/NCR/NWM/NEC and these guys suck/rock," just dredged up twitter drama with some quotes to make it seem legit.


Oh man if PA is getting tipsy over someone screaming "bitch" when Raven is being played, they probably shouldn't watch a Marvel match where Phoenix or Morrigan is involved.


We honestly make this too easy for them

No. This is not even that bad of an article. It does okay at presenting the positive side, but where it goes wrong is how much emphasis it places on the negative. I mean, just to name two big things he relied on--Miranda's message had an overall positive tone, but he cherry picked the worst part. The people sending her dick pics are not prominent, or even visible members of the community. Absolutely nobody would agree with that shameful shit. He also mentions the OBS--you guys and most everyone else watch this for the schadenfreude. Their guests even blow them up. The stream monsters who enjoy it un-ironically are the same ones sending dick pics to Miranda--the worst kind of trash and also the kind of cockroaches that nobody can keep out from any fanbase for anything--be it sports, music, etc.

People speak up, commentators get banned, players get shunned...that's about all anyone can do. Not everyone is under contract to act nice like FPS/MOBA/RTS players, so the idiots get to speak out. Nobody has the power to do anything definitive about idiots except those in their immediate vicinity. All that can be done is to promote the idea that this stuff isn't cool--and we've got people speaking up all the time. There is no "yellow card" or blanket bans from tournaments, no way to sanction anyone. You can't make a citizen's arrest or force someone to go to a seminar. All we can say is "you're a fucking idiot" and people say that all the damn time...any time there's controversy.

I always get the feeling that people act like the FGC has its own policing system that is letting people "get away" with stuff, as if it's a conspiracy--like the last sentence of the article-- "waiting for another bigot to hijack the message." What in the flying fuck?! What they, the writers, the critics, and the twitchcops/esports guys are actually requiring/asking for is a solution to the problem of bigotry. It's absolutely fucking ridiculous. If we knew how to solve that, we'd be winning nobel peace prizes. People bring this shit in, it goes back way farther and deeper than when they first played SF2.

It's a slam dunk article to wait around, watching gamers until they say something stupid. And then when someone makes an argument like I've just made, they call it "circling the wagons" or deflecting.

At some point, they have to acknowledge the FGC is made of mostly unassociated individuals. You don't say SC2 has a "child molestation problem" that the community needs to solve just because a coach got busted for that. Or a "cheating problem" that the community needs to solve because some guys get caught in those scandals. You don't require the FPS community to solve its "bigotry problem" by keeping tabs on every guy on youtube who decides to make his own FPS show. Or, more analogous to stream monsters--by cracking down on FPS Xbox Live bigots.

I like this guy's articles generally, but he's just not all the way there, in terms of observing his subjects.

yeah, i mad. There's plenty of stuff to criticize but there's a fair way to do it and an unfair way. This isn't exactly Kotaku-levels of sensational unfairness meant to rile up readers, but I'm still not quite happy with the representation of the problem.



God damn Microsoft bringing DA PAIN...


Seriously so far this has been a great conference for them.


That leaked list of Capcom E3 games is worrying me

Dead Rising 3 IS and Xbone exclusive

Darkstalkers 4 might actually be a Wii-U exclusive.

I cant take that...I just cant.


tagged by Blackace
KI looked sorta cool, mainly because of the sound and visual effects.

Going to be a shit game though because it's KI.

That leaked list of Capcom E3 games is worrying me

Dead Rising 3 IS and Xbone exclusive

Darkstalkers 4 might actually be a Wii-U exclusive.

I cant take that...I just cant.
That leak was confirmed fake and DR3 has been rumoured Xbox One exclusive for MUCH longer.


Honestly this was Microsoft's best conference since their Halo 2 E3 reveal. It was all games all the time including some big announcements like exclusive Twitch deal. It's really a shame about the whole DRM non sense because otherwise I would be seriously contemplating getting an Xbox One in the near future.


tagged by Blackace
Xbox One conference was okay. Some cool stuff, some ResidentSleeper Stuff. Most of it still overshadowed by all the stupid DRM stuff which is pretty much in stone at this point.

Glaring lack of Mirrors Edge 2 though.


Most of it still overshadowed by all the stupid DRM stuff which is pretty much in stone at this point.
Exactly. If everyone had viewed this without the DRM lense, then this was a damn great conference.

I mean Halo 60FPS is a megaton by itself.

And GAF was unviewable for 99% of the conference. I was at work so I only had the Twitch App on my phone and trying to get into GAF. I felt I was in a black out and no one to discuss with.


Yeah, so KI was ass. What the fuck did they do to Jago?

Lets see how hard it gets pushed by Twitch though, should be funny.


Honestly this was Microsoft's best conference since their Halo 2 E3 reveal. It was all games all the time including some big announcements like exclusive Twitch deal. It's really a shame about the whole DRM non sense because otherwise I would be seriously contemplating getting an Xbox One in the near future.

Screwing every market but the US and half the games not being exclusives (the better ones too) did not help.
At all.
I mean, the best trailer was freaking MGS5


tagged by Blackace
Wait WTF Tekken Revolution is out tomorrow? Man I am so slow.

I'm working on the update to OP now with E3 fighting game related stuff. So far I have Tekken Revolution and Killer Instinct, if there is any other fighting game stuff that's been announced at E3 or in this general time period? DOA F2P was announced a while ago, right? Help me out guys.

The Light

MGS5 was the most hyped thing about the conference for me.

Wait WTF Tekken Revolution is out tomorrow? Man I am so slow.

I'm working on the update to OP now with E3 fighting game related stuff. So far I have Tekken Revolution and Killer Instinct, if there is any other fighting game stuff that's been announced at E3 or in this general time period? DOA F2P was announced a while ago, right? Help me out guys.
Also Madcatz new stick to go along with Killer Instinct.
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