Hopefully. They might spread them out during the streams they're having too.When are we getting the 2 new characters? Monday during Sony's Presser?
Hopefully. They might spread them out during the streams they're having too.When are we getting the 2 new characters? Monday during Sony's Presser?
My guess for the next reveal is an original character. Revealing a new character after 4 returns sounds like a good thing to do.
Were supposed to be getting two though.
New + the someone we haven't seen in a while is my guess.
Easier to call them strings than chains.
Rogue Legacy is amazing. Everyone should get it.
I think they are called Target Combos in SF. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I guess Juri Feng Shui normals can be called chains.
What is *****? *****s?
edit. That word is banned?! Why?
yep, just like *****_
What is *****? *****s?
edit. That word is banned?! Why?
So strings, chains and Target combos are the same? I though strings are buttons you hit when you are applying pressure.
It's combo with a k. Weird. Didn't think it was censored.
What is *****? *****s?
edit. That word is banned?! Why?
So strings, chains and Target combos are the same? I though strings are buttons you hit when you are applying pressure.
Capcom need to step up their music game though.
there's banned words on gaf?
I would've called them chazwazzas.Where I come from we use the word gatling :T
I'd say the general usage of the words are:
Strings are a preset button combination that results in a pre-canned combo animation. SF calls it Target Combo. Predominant in 3D fighters.
Chains are normals/buttons cancelling into each other, without changing the buttons animation. Usually seen in anime games such as UMvC3, GG, UNIEL, etc.. In USFIV Juri can use this when in Feng Shui Engine mode.
EDIT: And yes mashable lp/lk are chains and can usually not be cancelled into a special unless you link it.
Where I come from we use the word gatling :T
dem German magazine leaks
Zu den bereits bekannten Teilnehmern Ryu, Chun-Li, Nash und M. Bison gesellen sich die Veteranen Cammy White und Birdie. Cammy spielt sich flott wie eh und je, die quirlige Dame setzt in erster Linie auf Schnelligkeit und Nahkampfangriffe. Birdie hingegen ist ein gewaltiger Brocken, er haut ordentlich zu und steckt einiges ein. Der Koloss ist zwar sehr unbeweglich, seine Eisenkette hat aber eine nicht zu unterschätzende Reichweite. Deswegen ist der Riese in der aktuellen Vorab-Version auch deutlich zu stark. Hier muss Capcom noch an der Balance schrauben!
it's melanin time
It's getting confusing even for me
Gimme dat avatar back
Nidhogg on sale for $1.50. Grab one of the best fighting games in recent years if you haven't already.
Damn you Cammy
Couldn't you have been revealed at a later date?
which one will be the banana thrower?
which one will be the banana thrower?