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Fighting Games Weekly | May 25-31 | Marvel vs. Comcast

Blackule, DahBomb and BakedYams are officially the 3 worst FG players in this thread



Aww it's gone. I do remember it saying something like "I'm not threatening people for their beliefs". Which I mean I guess he's not wrong, he is totally threatening fooblat tho, but for a totally different reason so it completely diff I swear

He had to delete his shit post once people took 5 seconds to understand what he was saying and people outside of his friends saw it.


lol alucard went from deleting all the posts that didn't agree with his post to straight up deleting his original post altogether.(either that or he set his privacy settings so that only his echo chamber could view it)
fix dat link breh

I'll be at A&C on Wednesday to pick up my FE stick. I get to have dat runback


He's 3rd on the wall of shame => 3rd worst FG player Kappa

fixed fam.

and come to A&C on the 6th for the monthly. We can get some more games in.
you sure you want this work fam


lol alucard went from deleting all the posts that didn't agree with his post to straight up deleting his original post altogether.(either that or he set his privacy settings so that only his echo chamber could view it)
I for one liked all the dissenting comments on his post.


lol alucard went from deleting all the posts that didn't agree with his post to straight up deleting his original post altogether.(either that or he set his privacy settings so that only his echo chamber could view it)

haha. I saw that.

Blackule's ego is massive. Someone stop him.


lol alucard went from deleting all the posts that didn't agree with his post to straight up deleting his original post altogether.(either that or he set his privacy settings so that only his echo chamber could view it)
So I don't post in here at all and you guys don't know me, but he's obviously hiding that shit.

I defriended him on Facebook over this shit, because I used to think he was a decent guy. I know he deleted/made private the original post about things incorporating gay characters and equating gays to child molesters like a day after he posted it. (Of course that was already too late, people took screenshots.)

I don't think it's in any of the screenshots either but he said "he had gay friends and that they knew that it wasn't right and they knew not to be all gay where it wasn't warranted. They knew life didn't accept them."

Shit is awful.
How are there people defending the USFIV PS4 port in that other thread? HOW?

Who the fuck is this scumbag? If I were a TO I'd straight up ban the asshole SMH. Just to clarify, this isn't that Marvel player Alucard right but a different guy with the same handle?

Say it ain't so :(

This the alucard from CORN so you already know not to expect any thing other than ignorance from them. He is also a marvel player as well.
same with big E

And not surprisingly that OBS host dude that no one gives a shit about.

james fink

well when he says something like this...

I'm actually enjoying PS4 USFIV, but I would be lying if I said part of it didn't have to do with everybody crying about it. If you actually have a shot at Capcom Cup, sure, cry. But the rest of the FGC needs to remove their head from their asses. Lol preach on!!


Tbh there's been a large amount of pushback against "SJWs and Political Correctness" in the FGC lately, just in the past month or two alone. It kind of echoes another recent trend in gaming sometimes.

Like there are groups in the anime FGC that are pretty gross, you just don't hear about them that often.


idk man.. last time was pretty free tbh

We had two sessions. The FT10 was free. The second time we played I was getting games off you and I hadn't even really played Ultra. Hell, I didn't even remember about Red Focus being in the game.

I never played a competent DJ ever. Of course it would be free.


Not saying you're trash or anything, but you do seem to be getting a little inflated. You're not that good.


Tbh there's been a large amount of pushback against "SJWs and Political Correctness" in the FGC lately, just in the past month or two alone. It kind of echoes another recent trend in gaming sometimes.

Like there are groups in the anime FGC that are pretty gross, you just don't hear about them that often.

You confuse me. You often spout aggressive things to non anime players and are hurt when anti PC/SjW groups come out?


Anyway welcome back hope youre okay
We had two sessions. The FT10 was free. The second time we played I was getting games off you and I hadn't even really played Ultra. Hell, I didn't even remember about Red Focus being in the game.

I never played a competent DJ ever. Of course it would be free

I mean.. its DJ

I'm down tho. Let's wait until the PS4 version is cleaned up. Learn how to play the Ultra version of SF4 tho.. not fun takin candy from babies
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