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Fighting Games Weekly | May 25-31 | Marvel vs. Comcast


Fgw| everything is shit. Except anime.

Can we seriously get rid of the people who thought it should take 10 steps to use a ps3 stick on ps4. Send them to rube goldberg hell where it takes 200 steps to do ever single simple task in life.


No game is impossible to learn and BlazBlue is certainly not the most complex game.

Tag combat never makes things easier, it always makes things harder and more complex. MVC3's standard characters are usually pretty basic (outside of some exceptions) but the overall game is very complex and hard to grasp starting out due to all the team variables and mechanics. That's how Tekken went from "fairly complex game" to "very complex game" with TTT2. So your assertion that tag/assists makes a game EASIER is something that I just can't comprehend.

90% of that post is just talking about BlazBlue characters and mechanics. If anything you are just supporting the claim that BlazBlue is a hard/complex game to get into.

I would say the same EXACT same thing about SF4 if they announced tomorrow that SF4 is going to have a 3v3 tag mode with assists and stuff on top of every character being in Omega mode. It would be more complex than a game where half of the cast isn't even used a lot despite being very good (due to there simply being a ton of characters for a 1v1 game).

What I'm saying is that if you can't do long combos without dropping them then just do your easiest combo and either DHC or tag combo. Whatever the game allows or both and get your damage that way. That is what's easier. Its like saying fuckit and TACing in Dr Doom or switching out from Poison to Hugo midcombo. Its just easier to finish your plate that way after you hit confirm into a combo. Can't out footsie? Use your assist to make shit safe and start chucking shit and fishing for the hit. You can't tell me it wouldn't get easier to deal with the neutral game in Blaz Blue if you had the occassional assist to cover your approach. Imagine Makoto's pressure with Amane Nishiki's drills for lockdown to hold you in one spot to make strings safe. Imagine Nu's zoning with Arakune curse shit goin down. Imagine Bullet using her grappling drive couple with Rachel's wind.

Getting your offense started and getting your damage would be easier. Good luck on the defense though.

Blaz Blue is fine and would work fine as a tag fighter IMO. It wouldn't overwhelm. Folks would just fish for the easiest setups/damage and uses between the cast like I stated above sort of like Marvel. Damage and setups would get easier. Folks wouldn't have to work as hard to get their offense started if they were overwhelmed by such daunting mechanics as a one button rekka.


I cringe when I watch tournament play and a guy will go for the same combo over and over and over and drop that shit like it's hot non stop.



Best example is Ferra Torr combos in MKX. It is a stupid ass timing to do his flip over the shoulder into a forward 3, stand 4, back forward 4. It generally nets like, 34%? Well if you drop the forward 3, and just do stand 4, back foward 4 instead you get 30%.

Is 4% worth hitting something 2/5 times? Shit no.

In a game where 3-4 touches = dead anyway... you don't need to sweat 4% IMO. :/

Azure J

I cringe when I watch tournament play and a guy will go for the same combo over and over and over and drop that shit like it's hot non stop.



Best example is Ferra Torr combos in MKX. It is a stupid ass timing to do his flip over the shoulder into a forward 3, stand 4, back forward 4. It generally nets like, 34%? Well if you drop the forward 3, and just do stand 4, back foward 4 instead you get 30%.

Is 4% worth hitting something 2/5 times? Shit no.

In a game where 3-4 touches = dead anyway... you don't need to sweat 4% IMO. :/

Stuff like this is actually why I learned so many combos with Dante in Marvel. It was never about learning to use stupidly precise things for a character who would top out at 5% special damage scaling/3% normal damage scaling despite a lot of my shit set up to look like that. It was actually about finding the "routes" that led to certain types of combos and knowing when one was available or how to loop whatever easy mode thing I was doing back into something similarly consistent but more damaging.

Then I picked up Viper and bullied everything. Mmm delicious ass damage.


Spooky setup the schedule for the Combo Breaker Re-stream.

TTT2- 2pm EST (11am PST)
UMvC3- 4pm EST (1pm PST)
Xrd- 6pm EST (3pm PST)
Skullgirls- 8pm EST (5pm PST)
Fgw| everything is shit. Except anime.

Can we seriously get rid of the people who thought it should take 10 steps to use a ps3 stick on ps4. Send them to rube goldberg hell where it takes 200 steps to do ever single simple task in life.

it isnt that bad, but definitely not the way to do it. All you have to is plug in a ps4 controller and then plug in the ps3 stick. the issue is that you gotta keep the ps4 controller plugged in so it doesnt die in a tournament setting. So at most you need 4 usb ports. It definitely isnt the mike z easy way and wont be super great in tournies, but it isnt something that takes forever to set up in casuals/locals
tbh, speedtest.net is a terrible indicator of how good your current connection is for games, especially FG's.

Everyone should be using pingtest.net


java makes me cry

Anime is a mistake.



You dont need 4usb ports, but dont let the controller die. Use a phone charger.

This. We have a "premade" MKX cabinet at the arcade, and the DS4s that the sticks are assigned to are inside the cab on a charging dock hooked up the power supply.
Stuff like this is actually why I learned so many combos with Dante in Marvel. It was never about learning to use stupidly precise things for a character who would top out at 5% special damage scaling/3% normal damage scaling despite a lot of my shit set up to look like that. It was actually about finding the "routes" that led to certain types of combos and knowing when one was available or how to loop whatever easy mode thing I was doing back into something similarly consistent but more damaging.

Then I picked up Viper and bullied everything. Mmm delicious ass damage.
This is Sas in a nutshell. Styling with him involves ice puddle, normal grab and high-low resets. You don't need style at all (not speaking in a derogatory sense here). Twenty seconds of whittling his health as Lei Lei, Morrigan or Lilith can be undone in six seconds or so between two resets with short combos. No need for Felicia tag team swagger or finger breaking Tenrai-Ha maneuvers. Short, simple and elegant play will take you a long way with the right hit boxes.



Hmm. Good point.

I've never thought of Vampire/Darkstalkers or SF as anime since they don't rely too much in tropes that i associate with anime. Also what we knew as anime back in the 90's was way different than now and way less annoying.


This. We have a "premade" MKX cabinet at the arcade, and the DS4s that the sticks are assigned to are inside the cab on a charging dock hooked up the power supply.

This really is terrible to have to do this, though. I mean, yes, "you can do it" and "it's not hard" but still it's not ideal and hard to justify given that it wasn't required.

Also what we knew as anime back in the 90's was way different than now and way less annoying.

This is old people talk.


Hmm. Good point.

I've never thought of Vampire/Darkstalkers or SF as anime since they don't rely too much in tropes that i associate with anime. Also what we knew as anime back in the 90's was way different than now and way less annoying.
I just mean Savior, since some people consider it an early anime game. Not actually about art style or tropes.


First patch went into testing.


Are there dedicated fg fans on gaf who don't post in fgw? Every time I see a thread bout fgs its full of people I never seen before. I'm thinking maybe they are more interested in the capcom/Sony fucking up angle then fgs in general in this scenario.

El Sloth

Well, I'm absolutely terrible at the games so I enjoy them more as a spectator than as a participant (even aspirational) and can't really contribute to discussions. So, I don't post very often. I haven't really been watching streams that long in the grand scheme of things, either; this money match was my first fighting game stream.
Eh, I don't think there's any requirement to participate in this this thread. On the contrary, I'd imagine the majority here would like for new people to constantly pop in. Regardless if they're players or just interested in spectating. I think as long as you enjoy some aspect of fighting games, even as just a spectator, you'll find chances to contribute.



Are there dedicated fg fans on gaf who don't post in fgw? Every time I see a thread bout fgs its full of people I never seen before. I'm thinking maybe they are more interested in the capcom/Sony fucking up angle then fgs in general in this scenario.

I'm a long FG fan, just i don't play that much nowadays (job, other stuff that keeps me occupied, family stuff too, etc.)

I usually don't come to the gaming side as a principle. But since i re-started to play VSAV i thought this was a great place to post. The coincidence is just that. Althought a pretty fun one.

Are there dedicated fg fans on gaf who don't post in fgw? Every time I see a thread bout fgs its full of people I never seen before. I'm thinking maybe they are more interested in the capcom/Sony fucking up angle then fgs in general in this scenario.
Much like any other community thread on GAF there's a pretty sizeable contingent of active members that don't post in or even read threads you'd consider them a "part" of

Azure J


Much like any other community thread on GAF there's a pretty sizeable contingent of active members that don't post in or even read threads you'd consider them a "part" of

See: me with the Smash 4 thread. I just don't know what happens but every time I want to play (or I'm actively playing), I'm never around something to chat with SmashGAF with.


Yay, Anne's back! I missed you ;-;

Well, I'm absolutely terrible at the games so I enjoy them more as a spectator than as a participant (even aspirational) and can't really contribute to discussions. So, I don't post very often. I haven't really been watching streams that long in the grand scheme of things, either; this money match was my first fighting game stream.

You're literally worse than an 09er :p

Fuck Sasquatch

It's like nothing about him makes sense. No one man should have all that power.
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