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Fighting Games Weekly | May 25-31 | Marvel vs. Comcast


I'm not sure if it was mentioned, but Sourenga from Dustloop caught this on the ArcLive stream

Ishiwatari just spoke during the ArcLive that Johnny's model from Story Mode couldn't simply be turned into playable character, but they had to pretty much re-create that model from a scratch in order to make him playable for Revelator. So, it has pretty much taken half a year to create Johnny...

Also, balance isn't apparently changing much because people have really loved 1.10 balance.



Are there dedicated fg fans on gaf who don't post in fgw? Every time I see a thread bout fgs its full of people I never seen before. I'm thinking maybe they are more interested in the capcom/Sony fucking up angle then fgs in general in this scenario.


I post on some FG threads and am legitimately interested in fighting games

I don't post here since my internet is too bad to play online or even watch live streams with. Since this thread seems to mostly be about these whenever I'm lurking, I don't feel like I'd contribute much to the conversation here. I mean I don't even have a local scene. I'm like an enthusiast at best and idk it doesn't feel right to me to post. That's why I just stick with specific topic threads to post in. Otherwise I just lurk

Also I just wanna say that I appreciate Tizoc for posting those meaty hour/s long match footage of Japanese fighting games every so often


It could be worse. He could be gordeau WHO JUST GOT SOME BUFFS MAN HE NEEDED SOME

This reminds me of the posts people said about SSF4 Sagat and UMvC3 Wesker.

Got to wait for the final game instead of just going by random buffs people noticed.



Are there dedicated fg fans on gaf who don't post in fgw? Every time I see a thread bout fgs its full of people I never seen before. I'm thinking maybe they are more interested in the capcom/Sony fucking up angle then fgs in general in this scenario.
Some of the most dedicated fighters don't post in fgw. Conversely fgw is filled with people who don't even play fighting games. That said, this is gaf, there are absolutely people who love to throw shade at rival companies. Fanboys gonna fanboy.

Yay, Anne's back! I missed you ;-;

You're literally worse than an 09er :p

It's like nothing about him makes sense. No one man should have all that power.
>implying that 09ers aren't og's now.
>implying 09ers haven't been kicking fighting game veterans asses.

The power of the internets/youtubes breh



And Big E with the "Well Said" co-sign.

This idiot equated his homophobia to not liking different foods "I don't hate cheeseburgers, I just prefer pasta. I don't think a burger tastes as good as pasta. (Metaphor) But I guess that makes me a bigot or ignorant."

Let's also ignore the fact he threatened Fooblat with violence the other day.

Unbelievable, banned from tournaments my ass, the East Coast main tournament organizer doesn't give a fuck lol.


And Big E with the "Well Said" co-sign.

This idiot equated his homophobia to not liking different foods "I don't hate cheeseburgers, I just prefer pasta. I don't think a burger tastes as good as pasta. (Metaphor) But I guess that makes me a bigot or ignorant."

Let's also ignore the fact he threatened Fooblat with violence the other day.

Unbelievable, banned from tournaments my ass, the East Coast main tournament organizer doesn't give a fuck lol.

I dont even think the dude knows what a metaphor is, because that certainly wasnt one.
Some of the most dedicated fighters don't post in fgw. Conversely fgw is filled with people who don't even play fighting games. That said, this is gaf, there are absolutely people who love to throw shade at rival companies. Fanboys gonna fanboy.

Space Flight sims are the future of fighting games. I think a lot of people here like the personalities and people around fighting games or are often in awe of how good people are in fighting games. I don't see anything wrong in that.


Space Flight sims are the future of fighting games. I think a lot of people here like the personalities and people around fighting games or are often in awe of how good people are in fighting games. I don't see anything wrong in that.
I didn't say there was anything wrong with that.


I def wasn't trying to call anybody out or anything I'm casual as fuck too. I was just suspicious that some folks might not be interested in a shitty fg port if there wasn't a juicy console war angle.

El Sloth

This reminds me of the posts people said about SSF4 Sagat and UMvC3 Wesker.

Got to wait for the final game instead of just going by random buffs people noticed.
I just want to say that my post about the damage Gord can get off with FA vorpal and CVO was more about pointing out how stupid FA vorpal is shaping up to be if left as is than "oh no the Reepah lives riiiiiiiiiip".

And Big E with the "Well Said" co-sign.

This idiot equated his homophobia to not liking different foods "I don't hate cheeseburgers, I just prefer pasta. I don't think a burger tastes as good as pasta. (Metaphor) But I guess that makes me a bigot or ignorant."

Let's also ignore the fact he threatened Fooblat with violence the other day.

Unbelievable, banned from tournaments my ass, the East Coast main tournament organizer doesn't give a fuck lol.
I wonder if all those people, including Big E, would have agreed with him if it was originally something racist he said.


>implying that 09ers aren't og's now.
>implying 09ers haven't been kicking fighting game veterans asses.

The power of the internets/youtubes breh

I was just kidding around. We saw people arrive even later that the 09ers kick ass. I bet those SRK folk feel silly now that a lot of the people they were making fun of surpassed them.
Are there dedicated fg fans on gaf who don't post in fgw? Every time I see a thread bout fgs its full of people I never seen before.

I don't know if I'm a dedicated fg fan but I lurk in this thread and try to follow the competitive scene, and I play SG casually not that I'm a good player >.>


I was just kidding around. We saw people arrive even later that the 09ers kick ass. I bet those SRK folk feel silly now that a lot of the people they were making fun of surpassed them.
Haha Yeah I was just giving you shit. Just giving the uninitiated some reason to jump in.


Ya, it's no surprise that fighting games have more spectators than actual players. Compare that to other competitive games that have both high player count and high spectators.

It really is just the nature of the genre, and how difficult it is to play them semi competent even as a casual. Id say the barrier to entry is quite high compared to other competitive games too. Some people feel compelled to buy a stick which is $100-$200 to even feel like they are on a even playing field. That cost + console price + game cost (higher if you import the latest ASW game). Ya, it costs quite a bit. While it's rewarding, it's hard to bring in people convincing them that they should spend X amount of dollars to start playing.


Don't forget online play. Really, it's very difficult to find good connections, especially if you live outside the main scenes.


Are there dedicated fg fans on gaf who don't post in fgw? Every time I see a thread bout fgs its full of people I never seen before. I'm thinking maybe they are more interested in the capcom/Sony fucking up angle then fgs in general in this scenario.

The FGW Illuminati is real.

def sim

I def wasn't trying to call anybody out or anything I'm casual as fuck too. I was just suspicious that some folks might not be interested in a shitty fg port if there wasn't a juicy console war angle.

Well, you're not wrong. You have people saying only pros notice these problems and aggressively apologize for a less than ideal version. SF4 has been out for over half a decade, I'm sure the community that has stuck by this game knows more than just a couple of 2 to 1 frame link combos.
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