By whom? There have been all kinds of internationals winning tournaments. Like Wong in Brazil for example.CCL got turned away from a Japanese CPT ranking event for "not having a JP passport", and now Japan is top 2 at a European one. GG.
Ryan Hart being a player, commentator, interviewer and translator at Sonic Boom is pretty dope
By whom? There have been all kinds of internationals winning tournaments. Like Wong in Brazil for example.
By the TO.
Top 8 for most games should be on Team Spooky, Top 32 to top 8 should be on
When is Defend the North SFV top 32 starting? What stream?
Stream schedule in OP says top 32 to top 8 was supposed to start 9am Pacific, but I only see casuals on the KPBLive stream.
EDIT: guess they're just running late.
Apparently half the top 32 bracket didnt show/ is running late. Instead of DQing them they've been waiting over an hour for them to show up.
The fuck? It's 1pm on the east coast. I'd DQ every last one of the people in top 32 not showing up on time. That's ridiculous.
lol I wonder what would happen if 33-64 don't show up either due to them presuming their eliminate was final
Almost positive the losers top 16 matches are screwed up and they're running the wrong matches.
This bracket follows everything correctly except the 3 losers top 16 matches. Like Arturo confirmed he beat Yipes off stream yet he played Shin Phoenix for top 8, which makes no sense.
This is pretty important, it's a CPT ranking event...
Oh man, Defend the North TOs, what are you doing?
Shouldn't Capcom be alerted of this ? I feel like he has to be compensated in some way, that's really shitty.
You see two inconsistent schedules depending on whether you click on "Event" or "Stream". "Stream" put Smash 4 finals first while "Event" put it later in the day, so Stream is probably the more accurate one for today.
It says nycfurby when it should say teamsp00ky though.
How do these Wizard World events work? They always seem to get some big names for side stuff, commentary etc.
Are they all getting paid to be there?
Are they really 4 hours late or did something change? When is SFV top8?
Smash should be the final game of every event.They started late because the Top 32 players for SFV couldn't wake up in time, then Smash 4 did what Smash 4 does and ran for freaking ever.
Smash should be the final game of every event.