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Final box cover for U.S. Kill Bill: Vol. 2 DVD

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Kumiko Nikaido


What's with the red background? It's out of place.......should have used the black background they were initially going for seen here:


or heck.........even use the splendid Japanese cover:



So it was weak????

I will watch it next Friday, when it's released here in Spain.. I am expecting something great...


megateto said:
So it was weak????

I will watch it next Friday, when it's released here in Spain.. I am expecting something great...
It wasn't a bad movie but I was disappointed. There are some good moments in KB2 but overall it was pretty anticlimactic. The music is as great as it was in the first tho.


Hollywood Square
First, it wasn't a sequel. Secondly, it was vastly superior to the first. I guess it's weak if you don't like such things as plots or character development, but in this society, who knows.


I agree with Wilco. I thought it was amazing.

Can't wait for my super-uber-special-limited-something-something-edition to be released in the fall.



The massacre scene, Pai Mei and the 'showdown' were good but the rest of the movie dragged. I know what Tarantino plot/char dev looks like and this was one of his weaker efforts, with a paint-by-numbers and edited-for-time feel to it. Character dev was weak in the first but pacing was so much better.

Plus what made KB1 so great to me was all the oldskool Asian cinema homages, and it was pretty light in KB2, therefore in my eyes Vol 1 owns Vol 2.


megateto said:
So it was weak????

Opinions obviously vary, but I thought it was one helluva flick. It helps if you go in thinking of it as the second half rather than the sequel, and look for the many other types of film referenced beyond kung fu flicks.



I've enjoyed volume 2 more than volume 1. But I can't wait for a total package and watch everything through as it was meant to be.


megateto said:
So it was weak????

I will watch it next Friday, when it's released here in Spain.. I am expecting something great...
Volume 2 was amazing.

Watch volume 1 on DVD before you see Volume 2 in the theaters.


I hate to say one is better then the other, being that it was supposed to be one film, but volume 2 was outstanding! Madsen was just excellent as BUDD, and I really think David Carradine deserves an Oscar nomination. The pacing and character development was far superior then the first which was a bit too action heavy for my tastes.


I know there was this version called "The whole Bloody Affair" that was shown at Cannes... will that be released on DVD?


DonasaurusRex said:
THe worst part of killbill2 is that they cut out the opening scene that showcases how much of a badass Bill really is/was.
Yup. You wanna talk character development, how about explaining what made Bill so formidable? It better be included in some upcoming SE release (along with what was cut/edited in KB1).


..That will be presented as a deleted scene and not part of the feature, right?

I'll wait for the SE box set that includes the Japanese cut of KB1 and an uncut version of KB2.


It's presented as a deleted scene. Tarantino doesn't believe in inserting deleted scenes back into movies. And why would there be an uncut Volume 2?


Are you sure about that Guzim?

Anyway, Tarantino sucks major dickage for making me think that the scene was actually going to be in the movie(it was shown in the final KB2 trailer). He sucks even more for fucking saying in an interview with Fangoria that KB2 would have an anime portion as well.

Also, the released soundtrack CDs are pathetic. They are missing like half of the music from the movies. Just wanted to throw that in as long as i'm in a venting mood. :p


Willco said:
First, it wasn't a sequel. Secondly, it was vastly superior to the first. I guess it's weak if you don't like such things as plots or character development, but in this society, who knows.

SaitoH said:
I agree with Wilco. I thought it was amazing.

Can't wait for my super-uber-special-limited-something-something-edition to be released in the fall.


I second both posts... :D .
damn that red box is fugly. The black/yellow box looked great, especially next to the Vol 1 box.

I liked Vol 2 more than Vol 1, but I can see where Vol 2 can dissapoint people.

Any plans for when the Vol 1+Vol 2 Cannes cut of the movie will be out? I heard early 2005 in theaters?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Guzim said:
It's presented as a deleted scene. Tarantino doesn't believe in inserting deleted scenes back into movies. And why would there be an uncut Volume 2?

The same reason why he released the uncut version of Vol1 for Japan?

Kumiko Nikaido said:
In addition to the feature film, this extremely limited Japan-only Premium Box includes a reversible jacket featuring two characters from the movie (first pressing only), making-of featurette, unreleased scenes, footage from the premier party, trailers, a cool Kung Fu t-shirt, Pai Mei keyholder, "Love Bride" Bearbrick, 24 page all-color booklet, and special memorial cards (complete set of 10).


And where does it say that the DVD will have the Michael Jai White deleted scene? I hardly doubt the US dvd will have any good extras since Miramax already admitted that they're gonna milk the dvds by releasing the barebones versions now and then releasing the real DVDs later

p.s. Volume 2 fucking rocked


I often wonder how film companies end up choosing these covers and who the hell hires the art team for them.

DVD cover exec 1: We need a Kill Bill 2 cover...
DVD cover exec 2: How about the one of the Bride in her wedding gown and the sword in her hand?
DVD cover exec 1: No, no. That's way too badass and tasteful. We need something ugly that will tell people "Hey, look at me! Buy me now and then wait for the ultimate edition which will actually have cool artwork! For now though...ugliness you will get!"
DVD cover exec 2: Uhh...
DVD cover exec 1: I've got it! RED! ALL RED! What an ugly freaking colour to use on a DVD cover! YES! And then we'll just Photoshop Uma into the side or something. I'm a fucking genius.


Willco said:
First, it wasn't a sequel. Secondly, it was vastly superior to the first. I guess it's weak if you don't like such things as plots or character development, but in this society, who knows.

i do, but tarantino makes good quality cheese. i like that, i expect that from his movies.
but i dont expect good quality cheese and a self proclaimed homage to 70s MA flicks to have crappy melodrama and no action.

"in this action packed finale..." uhhhhhh...it was not action packed.

the second part was like a drawn out DBZ episode. boring dialogues, stupid stare downs and a retarded final fight.

only part i liked was the training session with the 2000 year old chinese master. THAT was good.

i mean why oh why would i expect plot and character development in a movie that clearly markets style over substance? thats retarded.


Junior Member
Willco said:
First, it wasn't a sequel. Secondly, it was vastly superior to the first. I guess it's weak if you don't like such things as plots or character development, but in this society, who knows.

Pretty much. It was weak the way PS2 ports are 'weak' to Xbox versions.


Got that hurt my wittle brain to type out jibberish. I'ma go sit down.

Alucard said:
Well, at least we can all agree that Unbreakable was a really good movie.

Nope. :p


LinesInTheSand said:
Volume 2 is superior to Volume 1 in literally everyway. Only a fool would argue otherwise.

You're the fool. The first movie was refreshing.... the second was a drag.
Then again, kudo for you're avatar. This my favorite album of DreamTheater.


I love things like plot and character development but not shitty plot and character development which was exactly what Kill Bill 2 had.


I'd just like to throw my hat into the "Volume 2 > Volume 1" group. I actually didn't think the entire story was deep at all, but Volume 2 had a lot more of it, which really made me like it more. Plus, David Carradine was brilliant.


XS+ said:
Yup. You wanna talk character development, how about explaining what made Bill so formidable? It better be included in some upcoming SE release (along with what was cut/edited in KB1).
Can someone explain what was cut (from Vol. 2, regarding Bill)? Label in spoiler tags, if necessary. I don't remember reading about this.
nomoment said:
Can someone explain what was cut (from Vol. 2, regarding Bill)? Label in spoiler tags, if necessary. I don't remember reading about this.

there was supposed to be a scene where Bill
beats the shit out of the guy that played Spawn
. Someone posted some screencaps of it here a few months back.
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