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Final Fantasy 7 The Best Game Ever?


A FF7 remake with Advent Children artwork would be the best game ever (or reasonably close).
Not even close to the best Final Fantasy, and was the point where the series started to go downhill. Beyond average game with a rediculous amount of hype. Kids these days that never owned a console before the PSX...
Definitely the best FF game, and the best PSX game excluding remakes IMO. Best game ever though? Well it's certainly a contender.


Well it is my favorite game of all time, but I'd be hard pressed to call it THE best game of all time. It has signifigance for me in that it was not only the first Final Fantasy I'd ever played, but also the first turn based console RPG I'd ever played. And no the Playstation was not my first console. ;) I'd just never picked up an rpg. Now I'd say that 90% of the games I do play are rpgs and I can directly attribute that to FFVII.

I played through it again recently and it still holds up well for me. Some of the magic was a little dulled by time, the game isn't nearly as pretty as it was the first time, but overall it was still a wonderful experience. I'd imagine that there are a lot of people like me that were affected by VII this way and that's why you are constantly seeing it in the "Best Of" category. The game has it's flaws, but it did a lot of things right, most importantly it opened the eyes of U.S. gamers to the possiblilites of the genre and there have been a lot more rpgs released here since. For that alone give the game its props. ;)

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
It's a shame Metal Gear Solid and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past didn't make it to the finals. That's the travesty here.
Kefkaff said:
Yes, and we all know how that turned out.

Yah we ended up getting alot of obscure RPG's that'd probably never got released here without FF7 introducing alot of people to RPG's. Curse Square for such a crime!


FF7 is one of my favorite games ever. But I think A Link to the past should have been in the final too, or Mario 3 or Mario world.
Agent Dormer said:
They have battles that end up getting skewed because of the site's userbase.

The battles are screwed up because people cheat which is well known. This goes all the way back to when they were doing the best character awards and you had Nintendo and Square characters going head to head. Both sides were constantly cheating.


It would be interesting to see wich game would win if it was the gaf community who got to vote.


Agent Dormer said:
They have battles that end up getting skewed because of the site's userbase.
Uh uh! Final Fantasy Seven and Super Mario 3 are the best two games of all time! Of course they're better than Tetris or those absolutely shitty games like that. There's no bias; RPG players of all sorts use Gamefaqs!


works for Gamestop (lol)
Final Fantasy VII was alright but damn is the game overrated. Although I'm sure this is the first rpg for most people, so I'm not surprised that people worship this game so much



FF7 was the worst of the series. Boring, uninspired main character. Boring uninspired team members. I still think FF6 is the best ever.

Also for that Crapfest to beat Mario 3, just shows how uneducated some of the idiots on gamefaqs are. It really is a shame.


Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
SolidSnakex said:
The battles are screwed up because people cheat which is well known. This goes all the way back to when they were doing the best character awards and you had Nintendo and Square characters going head to head. Both sides were constantly cheating.

So scandalous. Now we wait for the Dateline special report on the matter.


I enjoyed it a lot but I think it's not the best game ever...hell, it' isn't even the best Square game ever ! I think that Chrono Trigger was a better game but well...we all know who rules gamefaqs.


Gamefaqs is filled up with these:

Final fantasy games are nowhere near being the best games ever.
Wario64 said:
Final Fantasy VII was alright but damn is the game overrated. Although I'm sure this is the first rpg for most people, so I'm not surprised that people worship this game so much

Well all those games would pretty much apply as overrated to atleast one person. The polls are never going to please everyone.

And as much as people like to point out that the only reason people like FF7 is because it was their first RPG, you also have to keep in mind that it's the most popular FF in Japan also who were big FF fans before FF7 ever came along. Not that it's my fav FF or anything (that'd be FF8), but it does catch more bashing than it deserves because of how popular it's became.
GlockNova said:
Don't they do these kinds of polls like every three weeks? In that case, no sense worrying about it.

Why do people keep saying this? This was the first game battlke, and the character battle has still been once a year. Unless I'm missing something.


Unconfirmed Member
Xizk said:
It would be interesting to see wich game would win if it was the gaf community who got to vote.
The final would be Kohan vs. ICO.

There, I saved you a lot of trouble.
I'll never understand all the love this game gets. This was one of the first RPGs I ever played all the way through, and even I could see it was pretty unbalanced and only survives because everyone on GameFAQs is a closet CloudxSephiroth yaoi lover. :\


The best ever? I don't know, but I do know that no other gaming experience has equaled the one I had when I first played Final Fantasy 7. The closest may have come with the first time I played Mario 64 (when 3d was all new and shiny and different), but for the feeling I got from playing FF7, that alone cements it as one of the top games ever in my book.

Its kind of strange that most people think of it as average and can't understand why people like it and I feel exactly the opposite. Personally, it seems to me that a lot of people attack FF7 because of its fanbase, not because of what kind of game it was.
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