Good luck, getting 2 base 5* units would certainly be a miracle x)I call dibs on Ramza and Lightning!
Good luck, getting 2 base 5* units would certainly be a miracle x)I call dibs on Ramza and Lightning!
Good luck, getting 2 base 5* units would certainly be a miracle x)
Don't you dare spread that completely realistic negativity around here! You got lucky![]()
I can't lie, I'm not nearly excited for getting WoL as I should be. I would be more excited for Lenna.
That's the next 2/3 months set already, hope I'll get Cecil before so I can grind his limit.The Motherload of Datamined Global Banners
Oh boy.gif
FF13? FF4? FFT? And More! Half price banners everywhere!
Does anyone still using espers for damage?
I want those FFIX characters, b...ut a double rare chance for Lightning. Are any of those other XIII chars worth the lapis?
They're really trying hard to make summon tickets useless.
Good call, it might be iOS restrictive.
Does anyone on iOS not experience crashes of any sort?
The Motherload of Datamined Global Banners
Oh boy.gif
FF13? FF4? FFT? And More! Half price banners everywhere! One day single unit banners (Zidane, Vann, Garland, etc.)...
What, what? Shantotto 5*???
Majin (or probably Dark in Global) Fina, innate double cast Ultima and auto-refresh!Unless there's a mage that outclasses Kefka and ExDeath but I doubt that.
Nah, it's just that there'll be a 250 lapis rare summon per day and a summoning ticket is worth 500 (now we can't buy them directly anyway), so the tickets lost some value, oh and guaranted 4* with 10+1 lapis summon I guess.wait, are people saying Summoning tickets have less % to pull the good units compared to the pulls you use lapis for?
This is very true. I have zero interest in any of the FFIX turdlings. I just want that dual wield TM. (Sort of off-topic but a pet peeve of mine is that such an ineffective fighting style is top tier in video games.)So it looks like Zidane isn't part of the FF9 banner. Would be a good thing if we end up getting the solo rate up instead though.
wait, are people saying Summoning tickets have less % to pull the good units compared to the pulls you use lapis for?
Majin (or probably Dark in Global) Fina, innate double cast Ultima and auto-refresh!
But she's also very far away, like 4+ months to wait.
The Motherload of Datamined Global Banners
Oh boy.gif
FF13? FF4? FFT? And More! Half price banners everywhere! One day single unit banners (Zidane, Vann, Garland, etc.)...
What, what? Shantotto 5*???
It's like regen but for MP, recover 5% MP per turn.I meant out of the banners leaked but maybe I just didn't drill down far enough. Damn would double cast and Ultima be beastly. What's auto-refresh? Too bad Fina just doesn't transform into that form through the story ;p
Near the bottom of the link.Where in the ever loving FUCK do you see a 5* Shantotto!?!!
Near the bottom of the link.
Near the bottom of the link.
this was uploaded un june 21:
this was MOCKUPS made by people using the japan banners (and the shantotto banner was a typo in the japan server because she doesnt have a 5 star but alim put by mistake 3-5 star in her rate up banner)
And now if you see the images datamined are THE SAME that the mockups made by the people in june 21.
Are you telling me that gumi is SO CHEAP that they put those mockups in the game and will use them as official banners??????????????
That or the reddit people are fucking with us.
Hummana Hummana at the 10k lapis deal that nets you three guaranteed 5*s! You get a gold armor set plus an Attack 30% too so solid stuff regardless who you get but the bigger kicker is that most scrubs don't have a 5* form right now so hopefully not many opportunities to draw crap 5* when that hits (if it does). Although that says January so could be completely different story by then. Lets hope Shadow doesn't get a 5* ;pthis was uploaded un june 21:
this was MOCKUPS made by people using the japan banners (and the shantotto banner was a typo in the japan server because she doesnt have a 5 star but alim put by mistake 3-5 star in her rate up banner)
And now if you see the images datamined are THE SAME that the mockups made by the people in june 21.
Are you telling me that gumi is SO CHEAP that they put those mockups in the game and will use them as official banners??????????????
That or the reddit people are fucking with us.
Squall, I totally get it. But I'm starting to become a little concerned I won't draw a SINGLE six-star eventual tank. Seriously, the chances of Snow aren't that good, and in ALL of those banners I don't see a boosted rate for Cecil.
I'm just going to nuke the crap out of everything. I have DPS units in spades, and Lenna. I'm hoping to get the Dual Cast TM chick just so I can turn Kuja into the God he deserves to be... And I LOVE FFT, but I have resigned myself to probably not getting one decent unit off that banner
Snow is 4* base.Lightning, Snow
All based 5*
Must not be tempted
So many new mats. I can't even.
Lightning, Snow
All based 5*
Must not be tempted
this was uploaded un june 21:
this was MOCKUPS made by people using the japan banners (and the shantotto banner was a typo in the japan server because she doesnt have a 5 star but alim put by mistake 3-5 star in her rate up banner)
And now if you see the images datamined are THE SAME that the mockups made by the people in june 21.
Are you telling me that gumi is SO CHEAP that they put those mockups in the game and will use them as official banners??????????????
That or the reddit people are fucking with us.
Squall, wish I could give you a damage dealer. I'm crawling with them - that is why I cannot complain. Like I said, I'm going to draw Lightning trying to get Snow - just watch.