I...I have no words.I think I used up all my luck
Congrats. I think I kind of hate you right now. Just a bit.
I...I have no words.I think I used up all my luck
I can't even finish a battle without crashing now![]()
Thanks, one madman hereWell, I've been grinding TM all day - Rixa you are freaking amazing. It sucks. Will probably bot it tonight, then do it by hand on and off tomorrow. Rinse and repeat for Sunday
PSA: Check to see if Auto Limit Burst is turned on from the options screen at the Home menu. If it is on, turning it off will fix all in-battle crashes that are occurring.
I can't even finish a battle without crashing now![]()
Finally got my 1st TM
From combining 20 Rizers lol
No crashes here. On android.
Seeing all those great pulls I'm really tempted to spend a few tickets . Must. Resist. The. Urge.
Good call, it might be iOS restrictive.Weird...no crashes here so far but i havent played that much. Maybe its something that only affects the iOS version right now ? They need to fix that asap.
Good call, it might be iOS restrictive.
Does anyone on iOS not experience crashes of any sort?
Nice, same phone as me.I've not has any crashes as of yet, although I am playing quite casually. I'm on an iPhone 5S, I believe.
But Zidane might get boosted in a few weeks, your CoD would've had DW + 2 rising sun (after she gets her 6* form).Time for the big fuse !
Alright ! I've got a very happy CoD now![]()
But Zidane might get boosted in a few weeks, your CoD would've had DW + 2 rising sun.
Congrats nonetheless!
Got WoL
So now I have to choose between him and Cecil.
I yolo'd one ticket and got Lenna.
I guess WoL is not for me. I'm fine with that.
Lenna is legit right ? I guess she'll replace my Fina.
Why noth both?
I pulled Vivi, Kain, FranJust for fun, not saving tix til this banner is going on.
No, I just find it kind of funny. This is pull 11 and I have yet to get a banner one. Where Tellah or Lenna would be massive upgrades for me.
It's just the sort of irony that happens a lot to me.
And no, I can't have both. My issue right now is my lack of DPS for Frost Dragon. I'm already fine with taking the hits without either. It's just I can't keep up before running out of mana. WOL should hopefully fix that with full break.
What's your current team?
Kefka, Rain, Bartz, Artz, Fina.
WoL is definitely replacing my Rain and it's just such a massive upgrade, it's not even funny. I just don't have anyone else who can use fire spells naturally now. So I'm grinding out Tronns to slap it on Kefka.
I think I used up all my luck
2nd bartz??
Why don't you craft fire rod?
Fire rod? I'll look into it after the weekend. Just focusing in on TMs and Esper farming with access Energy.
So begins my crafting of the Gravity Rod. ^_^
Is lenna really that hard to obtain?
Me and my wife already pulled her from the gatcha. Mine's 4 stars already and now working to bring her to 5 stars.
Tellah seems more easy to obtain, I've already pulled like 3 Tellahs. Still no Warrior of Light for me though.
Also, I've had a single crash so far when I was about to choose a magic for Shantotto. I'm on Android, btw.
I pulled a duplicate Exdeath before her. For me, she's might as well be a rainbow crystal.Is lenna really that hard to obtain?
Me and my wife already pulled her from the gatcha. Mine's 4 stars already and now working to bring her to 5 stars.
Tellah seems more easy to obtain, I've already pulled like 3 Tellahs. Still no Warrior of Light for me though.
Also, I've had a single crash so far when I was about to choose a magic for Shantotto. I'm on Android, btw.
why is Kain so terrible
Any use of having two of the same units? I have two WoL, any advantage like fusing them or anything else?
I'm getting a lot of crashes after the update, anyone else?
Specifically in battle.
Got you, thanks. So I'm good with tellah, lenna, WoL, garland and laswell so far until I can replace laswell with better.Unless you're farming for TM, merging your low level TM WoL isn't worth it.
IMO you just need one tank and healer, the rest are mage and/or your physical attacker.
and you need 10 sacred crystals from 4* to 5*
I think I used up all my luck
Sorry, I should have said is Miyuki instead of just she. I already knew that Shantoto's role is to be TM grinded ad nauseam so her delicious MAG +30% can power up superior mages (I have Kefka).
It seems like Sakurafubiki will do very nicely on my Chizuru, but is Miyuki herself any good? I'm guessing I won't have use for her as a unit, seeing as I already have Chizuru, Firion, Vaan, and Cecil. Am I wrong?
If I can figure out how to set up macros in Nox then I think my first TM farm party will be Miyuki, Cecil, Shantoto x3. Afterwards, I'll do Golbez, Luna, Luna, Chizuru, Kain or Sabin.
Time for the big fuse !
Alright ! I've got a very happy CoD now![]()
two summon
Fran and Shadow.
i think i used my luck in other gacha games and now i only got to get all the worst unit.
Used three tickets:
Tellah (Again)
JUST GIVE ME A DAMN LENNA! 16 pulls on this thing and not a single Lenna!
I yolo'd one ticket and got Lenna.
I guess WoL is not for me. I'm fine with that.
Lenna is legit right ? I guess she'll replace my Fina.
Nice pulls, the magic of 10+1 is here it looks like xD
Miyuki is very average with all the new units. Only care to use it for the katana.
Congratz!, now your CoD can throw things to innocent birds xD
The luck is in the 10+1, not in single peasant pulls.
Very legit, is the best white mage in the game now (until garnet comes, but is not worth your money because is base 4star and her abilities are not worth pull for a 4star)
anyone know what units will be in the next boosted unit event?
I am considering skipping trying to get WoL... I got the other 2 and I am afraid I will just be getting the same units.