GratsToss Kefka away from party, cause others are physical damage makers and Lenna has Cheer skill.
Damm, my Kefka is doing 10k+ with hyperdrive! And he's being really important to clear stages quickly with his "graviga".
GratsToss Kefka away from party, cause others are physical damage makers and Lenna has Cheer skill.
G-g-g-guys, I'm literally shacking right now.
Had 2 tickets so I decided to YOLO them and...
I'm sorry for the salt this post will generate since I got another Chizuru yesterday
Damn this game has been handing out the lapis lately.
Congrats on blowing away all your accumulated Lightning luck. Enjoy nothing but Bediles and Anzelm for the next few months.
Is the game crashing a decent amount for anyone else? Ever since the update on iOS.
Is the game crashing a decent amount for anyone else? Ever since the update on iOS.
Congrats!G-g-g-guys, I'm literally shacking right now.
Had 2 tickets so I decided to YOLO them and...
Wait, it's evolving...!
I'm sorry for the salt this post will generate since I got another Chizuru yesterday
Congrats you too!... YOLO pull. 3* Exdeath to go with my 5* Kefka, 5* Golbez, 5* WoL/Cecil, 5* Terra and 4* Lenna and Tellah. Need to max him and start farming TMs. This game does NOT want me to have a non-magic party, ever.
Oh man, you're so close. SO CLOSE!Cause everyone, me too. I yoloed my 5th Shantotto. Good thing is that I still can feed it to someone. Bad thing is that it really doesnt make any difference
I guess it saves me some runs in ES, waiting last Shantotto to be 95% then to fuse it. Surprisingly Iam not going to TM 5th MAG 30% ability...
Insane team, congrats.Yolo pulled a Cecil. So I have a tank...
From main team of
CoD (5* level 50-something)
Chizuru (5* max level)
Bartz (5* max level)
Kefka (5* lvl 72)
Lenna (4* level 50-something)
Who should I swap out? My thoughts were to Keep lenna on the power leveling team, but swap her with Cecil on the main team.
It's a sign of things to come. Rates will suffer, despair will be had by all.Damn this game has been handing out the lapis lately.
What the heck? Lightning isn't even top 5 physical damage anymore? Don't see how that's possible when she has built in dual wield, 10x attack, and can exploit all the major elemental weaknesses... Can't read Japanese so wasn't able to delve into what makes the others so great. I guess we can take heart if we don't get Lightning ;p Go for Orlandu! Whenever the heck Tactics comes here.
Ok, decided to make few fp summons and sold those units. Well I didnt lock that Shantotto and now its yolo sold too. I guess its time to go to sleep. This is why you lock your main units. No big harm done here![]()
What the heck? Lightning isn't even top 5 physical damage anymore? Don't see how that's possible when she has built in dual wield, 10x attack, and can exploit all the major elemental weaknesses... Can't read Japanese so wasn't able to delve into what makes the others so great. I guess we can take heart if we don't get Lightning ;p Go for Orlandu! Whenever the heck Tactics comes here.
Such is the fate of all units, no matter how rare they are. Can't let players settle on one jackpot card when there are newer and shinier jackpot cards to be had.
Someone can correct me on this, but I think the issue with Lightning is similar to the discussion I was having with Valentus earlier on this page. Lightning is indeed powerful, but newer cards can do what she does with fewer clicks/taps/turns. Why bother wasting a turn debuffing a monster to setup a powerful move, when a superior card has the needed debuff already built into the move itself? (At least, that's my perception of people are gauging the power levels of top tier cards in this game.)
Such is the fate of all units, no matter how rare they are. Can't let players settle on one jackpot card when there are newer and shinier jackpot cards to be had.
Someone can correct me on this, but I think the issue with Lightning is similar to the discussion I was having with Valentus earlier on this page. Lightning is indeed powerful, but newer cards can do what she does with fewer clicks/taps/turns. Why bother wasting a turn debuffing a monster to setup a powerful move, when a superior card has the needed debuff already built into the move itself? (At least, that's my perception of people are gauging the power levels of top tier cards in this game.)
Damn, I'm good... was not happy with the performance of Nox on my Mac, so I looked into alternatives. I downloaded Andy, which works like a CHARM on my Macbook Pro with absolutely no slowdown.
Then I used my knowledge of scripting and automation to use Automator to record my mouse clicks, pause a little bit to get the five minute delay total so no drain on energy, and then loop the sequence indefinitely.
WAY better than Nox, and it wasn't too hard to do... I'm such a geek! Now I have a script for TM I can run from time to time with zero hit to performance. Pretty proud of myself. My husband laughed when I showed him and said that is why they pay me the big bucks...
Except this isn't a typical "game".
It's entirely relying on fandom of existing games.
They can't keep trashing heroes for the sake of their gatcha philosophy of they are gonna alienate players.
Many people are gonna keep somewhat less powerful units for the sake of playing their favorite characters. So they need to be competent even if not absolute top tier. That's most likely where the 6 stars updates came from to begin with.
They are walking on thin ice.
Yeah I expect there to always be better stuff coming out, that's why I'm being patient with Squall, he'll be a monsterI'm just surprised she's already ousted out of the top 5 for physical damage...My problem is I can't read all the info on these units so I'm not sure what's making then stronger. Built in Debuff to attack is nice, do they have dual wield also? It's probably too much to ask one of you guys what all of them bring to the table (the 5 ranked at the top) but what makes Orlandu the best?
Also, I'm assuming Tactics is far enough down the road that we can blow our load trying to get Lightning and then stock back up on lapis in plenty of time for Tactics, right?
Edit: Valentus, you rock!
Why is there no Orlandu in that FFT banner?
Except this isn't a typical "game".
It's entirely relying on fandom of existing games.
They can't keep trashing heroes for the sake of their gatcha philosophy of they are gonna alienate players.
Many people are gonna keep somewhat less powerful units for the sake of playing their favorite characters. So they need to be competent even if not absolute top tier. That's most likely where the 6 stars updates came from to begin with.
They are walking on thin ice.
that's the point when we all say "summon smart", if the datamine says there will be a 24hour rate up for zidane, why summon for useless crap now? If you are not going to whale, then summon smart. Thats the only way to get powercreep and not burn money.
Chilly, I don't talk about any base 5* units. Too painful to contemplate the odds. Seriously, I have to be smart with my pulls if I don't want to spend anymore. Regret my YOLO pull today - will do one more on the last day of the banner, but yeah. Moving forward with Vaan the makeshift tank
Yeesh.... stay away from Reddit tonight, it is completely toxic.
At least here there is decent discussion on what will happen in the future based upon the datamined banners. Over on Reddit, proclamations are being pronounced over what banners to pull on and who is "garbage" (including one 5* base already) because of future JP content 6+ months from now.
I just had to step way from the laptop, take some aspirin, and go for a walk to recollect myself. I almost feel bad for everyone there is who is already being conditioned to save up and pull for only specific rainbow units (almost surely in failure).
Oh... and it's still the Lightning show over there by a wide margin, with a consolation prize to the 24 hour Zidane banner, should it happen.
I wish I could pull a Cecil or WoL, it sure loves giving me Tellah's and Lenna's.
Sure would like an Exdeath or a Kefka too.......Golbez is starting to show his age for me.
pretty sure 5 star crystals dosn't exist, all these pics must be photoshop
I got lucky with that Cloud of Darkness early on at least.
But he's what I want.
Will I go as insane as I did for Ex-Death? Probably more. But it isn't about OKMFGBBQ GOTTA HAVE ALL THE LEET UNITS.
Yeesh.... stay away from Reddit tonight, it is completely toxic.
At least here there is decent discussion on what will happen in the future based upon the datamined banners. Over on Reddit, proclamations are being pronounced over what banners to pull on and who is "garbage" (including one 5* base already) because of future JP content 6+ months from now.
I just had to step way from the laptop, take some aspirin, and go for a walk to recollect myself. I almost feel bad for everyone there is who is already being conditioned to save up and pull for only specific rainbow units (almost surely in failure).
Oh... and it's still the Lightning show over there by a wide margin, with a consolation prize to the 24 hour Zidane banner, should it happen.
I'll play who I want, and you'll play who you want, and so will everyone else (well, at least whatever units we all end up pulling in our boxes).
I feel bad for saying this, but I don't envy the people chasing the rainbow. At least they are subsidizing the game for the rest of us and paying the server bills to keep the lights on. Still, it feels bad to acknowledge such reckless behavior that the game clearly preys upon.
Truth be told my OMG I need this unit characters are Ramza, Delita, Orlandu, and Agrias. See a pattern - FFT is the bomb! My chances of getting any of the above? Not too good. So I target more likely units, and work with what I have. I love the premium units - just hope a few whales are on my list so I can at least see them
And Chilly, one day you will get the Emperor.
The only problem is gonna be Secret of Mana.
Limited characters are the worse, you're forced to waste money to get them.
Damn you're dropping knowledge on us today.reading that topic on reddit, i find curious that Lenna has a 6star sprite
Maybe future updates? i hope so.
My thoughts of future banners:
-its your money lol, the main point of the game is having fun, if you have fun getting the unit of your favorite character, go for it man/gal!
-Now, if you want to listen to some advice...
1.- Get AT LEAST 3 Ludmilles. Dualcast IS A MUST, and is not so hard to get.
2.- If zidane banner appears, get AT LEAST 3 zidanes, so everybody should get at least one dual weild, or more, depending of your patience.
3.- Reddit is right: Ignore the brave frontier banner. Tilith, Seria and Karl are useless crap right now. Tilith are OP in 6star and Vargas will appear in 6 months in global.
4.- Actually, aside of Lightning, all the base 5star units we are going to get now are very equal, so if you are going to bet all for one, and get one or other, be very happy and dont feel dissapointed.
5.- Dont feel in disadvantage if you dont get a base 5star, if you have chizuru, bartz, CoD or ExDeath, you still have chances of having a great team.