reading that topic on reddit, i find curious that Lenna has a 6star sprite
Maybe future updates? i hope so.
My thoughts of future banners:
-its your money lol, the main point of the game is having fun, if you have fun getting the unit of your favorite character, go for it man/gal!
-Now, if you want to listen to some advice...
1.- Get AT LEAST 3 Ludmilles. Dualcast IS A MUST, and is not so hard to get.
2.- If zidane banner appears, get AT LEAST 3 zidanes, so everybody should get at least one dual weild, or more, depending of your patience.
3.- Reddit is right: Ignore the brave frontier banner. Tilith, Seria and Karl are useless crap right now. Tilith are OP in 6star and Vargas will appear in 6 months in global.
4.- Actually, aside of Lightning, all the base 5star units we are going to get now are very equal, so if you are going to bet all for one, and get one or other, be very happy and dont feel dissapointed.
5.- Dont feel in disadvantage if you dont get a base 5star, if you have chizuru, bartz, CoD or ExDeath, you still have chances of having a great team.