I would give the world for another Leo, gotta have that shield for Cecil.
Now hold on
Esper Terra is a New unit but she is permanent
I saw talk that the 6 Start Terra can transform into an Esper Terra Mode as well
Says it right here.
Normal Terra can transform into her Esper form. There is also a new Unit that is permanently in Esper form and is Base 5
So what have u gotten lucky with in JP? I remember seeing u get Tidus but what's your team lookin like these days?
This is what I have right now + a Swimsuit Rid that's off screen. Didn't want to bother with a screenshot for just one char, lol.
My Tidus looks like this right now. Gromph's Tidus is probably more gross. ;_;
This is what I have right now + a Swimsuit Rid that's off screen. Didn't want to bother with a screenshot for just one char, lol.
My Tidus looks like this right now. Gromph's Tidus is probably more gross. ;_;
Whoa!! that Tidus!! what is he equip with?
Sword of Loto + Genji Katana
Empire Helm, Demon's Mail.
Monarch Ring x2
Dual-Wield and 40% worth of attack abilities across 3 slots.
He could be stronger.
I have a Gilgamesh friend with 950+ attack on him. D=
Okay wtf, Shouta your list goes on and on with OP units! CoD, Vargas, Cecil, WoL, Tidus, Refia, that one SoM guy, that DQ machine dude, fuck it I can keep going but it's pointless. Pls tell me u don't struggle on trials or I'll cry
Okay wtf, Shouta your list goes on and on with OP units! CoD, Vargas, Cecil, WoL, Tidus, Refia, that one SoM guy, that DQ machine dude, fuck it I can keep going but it's pointless. Pls tell me u don't struggle on trials or I'll cry
Was coming to ask this very thing
Yes they do. ExDeath learns Meteor at 6* and it's Golbez's TM.I don't think that any unit ever learns its TM reward innately. That would kind of defeat the purpose of obtaining the TM.
How many giant gigacactur can max out a 5* unit?
Yes they do. ExDeath learns Meteor at 6* and it's Golbez's TM.
I want to say around 36 give or take a gigantuar to go from 0 to 80 with just regular "Success" everytime. If you get lucky and get some Great Successes, it will cost less.
They mean learn their own TM. Like Exdeath's TM is wouldn't make sense for him to just learn that at 6*. A lot of units learn someone elses TM.
Ah ok. That's cool, give Ultima to Kefka! Then I won't have to bother with the Meteor TM since Ex gets it at 6. If you don't give Kefka Dual, you have to give him Ultima!
I've run it a few more times, and am convinced Ice Megacrysts have a higher chance on the drop table or something. I've yet to have a run where I didn't get at least one, and numerous times have gotten 2 or more. It's absolutely a better energy investment than Wolfgang or Kolobos Marsh for me, plus it's easier to run.
Only downside is it gives blue magicite, and no-one really uses siren, but apart form that it's sped up my farming for hero rings considerably.
I ran it a bunch of times yesterday, and got primarily Wind and Water megas. That said, I probably got the short end of the RNG stick. More runs are needed to determine long run averages, but as you note, I think it can be safely said that the beach is rough equivalent of Westersand in terms of sheer speed for farming their relevant hero ring megacrysts.
No uses Siren? Eh? You mean no one uses Siren's skills. Siren is probably getting benched with Diabolos comes out, but until then any esper attached to a character is better than no esper at all at least for the stat boost at a minimum.
You wait three weeks for Cactaur Dunes to show up to farm cactaurs.
Cactaur Dunes shows up and cactaurs rain like candy, but you burn all of your energy in seconds. Now, there's nothing to do except watch the energy bar slowly rebuild.And complain.
First World Problems, lol.
What the heck did you do with all the energy that was handed out for free over the last month or so? I have a ton sitting in my mail.
It's still there. Kinda reserved for cactaurs, but I don't have anyone meaningful (bah to the morning pulls) to dump the cactaurs into atm. So, no immediate burning desire yet to chug energy potions.
Using a potion for normal dungeon running seems horribly inefficient for some reason.
I hate hoarding cactuars for some reason so I'm just maxing Zidane and Kuja for no reason lol
I hate hoarding cactuars for some reason so I'm just maxing Zidane and Kuja for no reason lol
It's still there. Kinda reserved for cactaurs, but I don't have anyone meaningful (bah to the morning pulls) to dump the cactaurs into atm. So, no immediate burning desire yet to chug energy potions.
Using a potion for normal dungeon running seems horribly inefficient for some reason.
Nice job on (not)-resisting, it worked out well for you, haha.Sweet, I got Luna with my daily pull. Finally something useful for once.
Suck it Anzelm you piece of crap.
I'm so glad I have no self control and decided to go for a couple more pulls.
I can't wait to see what that 6* Kefka has to offer.
\o/!Did my half price pull....
Officially joined the Zidane club. Heeeeeeeeeck yeah!!!!!
This is a game-changer!The ffvi event will introduce setzer and gau to the party Too.
And in Japan from next batch gold and Rainbow crystals will only give you base 4 and 5 star units
Congrats on the Zidane!WOW great day today
Made 5 pulls (1/2 and 4 tickets from today's gift), got:
Sabin, shantotto (I have 5 now), Krile (have 4), ROSELIA and ZIDANE.
Now I'm really done until Light or something like that.
Also *6 Kefka YES, I have 2 of those. I'm happy and glad many of you are also![]()
Congrats to you on your Zidane, as well. It's a Zidane free-for-all!Pulled Zidane today, wew.
Is he any good besides his TM tho? Not really into TM farming.
As I said, a free-for-all! \o/!!!Well after my 11 pull this morning I said screw it I am gonna use 3 tickets and then shut it down until the next banner.
Well, maybe not a free-for-all...Took an ill-advised ticket pull after posting that last statement.
Anzelm. Dammit. /grumble
This is what I have right now + a Swimsuit Rid that's off screen. Didn't want to bother with a screenshot for just one char, lol.
My Tidus looks like this right now. Gromph's Tidus is probably more gross. ;_;
Maxwell from Brave Frontier, you had to beat her while using Diabolos to recruit her.Holy shit, thats impressive. lol
Also who is that on the far right in the second line of the first screenshot?
Pray she gets a 6* upgrade >.<
And now Yshtola another base 5 with 95/100 on Altema. And they say this game isnt F2P friendly. Ok isnt much right now in Global but Japan is in a really good spot for F2P players.
She's a cat girl, you can summon FF XIV characters and their awakening mats with some special currency you get while fighting FF XIV Ifrit.Yshtola is the indian girl with short hair, right?
There's a banner going on in Japan that you can trade for 100 bronze coins... fot a ticket, maybe? I didn't understand how to accumulate those.
Yshtola is the indian girl with short hair, right?
There's a banner going on in Japan that you can trade for 100 bronze coins... fot a ticket, maybe? I didn't understand how to accumulate those.
Yshtola is the indian girl with short hair, right?
There's a banner going on in Japan that you can trade for 100 bronze coins... fot a ticket, maybe? I didn't understand how to accumulate those.
I hate hoarding cactuars for some reason so I'm just maxing Zidane and Kuja for no reason lol
Squall ASF said:Temporary events like Cactuars that you want to farm a bunch of is exactly what that energy is for. Stock those Gigantuars up so when you pull your next unit worth leveling, you can instantly do so.
problem for me is that I've never upgraded my unit slots so I can only hold so many and I can't bring myself to waste lapis on anything but saving for pulls now that we have the pull 11 option. Decisions decisions. Well, if I leave just one spot open it will let me do the pull and then I can sell off all the pulls save the ones I want if I get lucky. I can then use the gigantuars on said units to free up space.
Man, took 50 damn NRG for that stupid Spider Gloom quest. Second run of the banner event short changed me so swapped to the Dirnado levels and naturally the first one doesn't give me any glooms....I jump to the middle stage next and it gives me more than I needed to finish ;p Oh well, out of the way now.
Should have done the vortex event 10 glooms a run.
All of the equipment is exclusive to their characters.Oh wait, that jacket is only for Thancred. Nasty. =(
Looking good!Almost there to make shadow great again
Man, the story content ended abruptly, not many new quests to work on either.
Oh well, time to finish my Espers and craft more Hero's Rings!
Depends on their growth pattern.How many giant gigacactur can max out a 5* unit?
You get currency by defeating FFXIV Ifrit and you use that to roll in a special gatcha that only has Thancred, Y'shtola, Minfilia, and materials for the special equipment for this event. 100 per roll, or 1000 for 10 rolls. It's very easy to get the currency and you'll eventually get Y'shtola or Minfillia. Even if you don't, Thancred is a decent 5-star unit and some of the FFXIV gear is really good like Thancred's jacket which gives 10% HP/Attack and 8 Atk/25 Def.
No, you get her with event currency, the banner that Japan has now is for Summer Majin Fina and Summer Fina. FFXIV units are free.
She's a cat girl, you can summon FF XIV characters and their awakening mats with some special currency you get while fighting FF XIV Ifrit.
Video of someone doing it : at 2:35
All of the equipment is exclusive to their characters.
And getting these rare materials for them is kind of turning out to be a pain. Wish they made those milestones instead of these 6* awakening materials that I have over 200 of...
Oh man you are golden
Just pick a crazy Chizuru friend and go to town
Full Break Then Focus with Vaan Then attack
Max damage output everyone else. Have Lenna Cheer first turn then Curaja as needed to offset Meteor
Should be dead in 2-3 rounds.