Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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Ok... wtf. Decided to do a daily pull just for the hell of it. This is my second rainbow daily pull. The first was a Noctis.

Met doublicorn, provoke is a must i think if you dont want healer to get killed
Only give 1000orbs
lapis compensation incoming??


212 Phantoma for Elite with no bonuses. Gonna take a while to get this stuff.

Wish I'd pulled a banner character instead of Gaffgarion #3. Ah well, I could be getting Shadows and Bediles, so I shouldn't complain.


From what I can tell right now... I don't think this event is going to be worth shit. Probably some hidden random enemy we gotta rely on again for currency. But I'm not pulling this shit banner for shit characters to boost my currency. It's crap. I have never played that game, have no attachment to those characters, and quite honestly tired of being bored.


Not sure if I can get a friend to carry me through ELT. The boss would go down in two turns, but he keeps paralyzing my friend unit after the first turn and then I'm SOL.

Do you have unit that has "Esuna" spell?
If not, buy / use item: Unicorn Horn or Remedy


From what I can tell right now... I don't think this event is going to be worth shit. Probably some hidden random enemy we gotta rely on again for currency. But I'm not pulling this shit banner for shit characters to boost my currency. It's crap. I have never played that game, have no attachment to those characters, and quite honestly tired of being bored.

i can put up a lame seven as leader unit today for bonus!!!


From what I can tell right now... I don't think this event is going to be worth shit. Probably some hidden random enemy we gotta rely on again for currency. But I'm not pulling this shit banner for shit characters to boost my currency. It's crap. I have never played that game, have no attachment to those characters, and quite honestly tired of being bored.
Same, not worth farming these events unless there's a materia or wep that's worth.


i can put up a lame seven as leader unit today for bonus!!!

Guest units will be nice, but without having characters in your group, it sucks. Only event I got lucky with was FF13. In which I raked up shit quick with my two Sazh's, Vanille, and Hope. Ran Luneth with them to pew pew. But this? This event is going to blow.


Well. Daily was not event unit. But I got Miyuki. Its nice I guess. But sadly I do have already 2 Sakurafubukis and soon 3 BM's but the last Katana place is reserved for Gilgy Trial Katana :p.


Swapped out my Luneth's Chiji for murder knife since the robot things seem to be resistant to fire. Should help for anyone bringing my Luny.

Also, 210 currency on ELT. Urgh. Least I got all the level achieves first time through. Now I can blow shit up.
Only banner unit I wanted was Seven. I was hoping to use as little pulls as possible to get her. Started with the daily.

Boom. Gold Seven.

And.... done.

Nice!!! I'll level her up and share her with the group.


God. The rate for this currency. I'll be lucky for first Trust Moogle. I hope to god we get something good after Grande Burrito. Because this already makes me want to stab my eyes out.


As I said earlier in this thread, Iam not saving tickets and all the tix I buy from King Mog will be used here...

Event unit, just not this event XD

Well made 1.3k Phantasma. Bought 2 tix, used one. "Finally" got the event unit :D.


I didn't expect this. Not complaining at all. Will put it as leader and try to level it asap.


Congrats Rixa!!!

Fuck. They are selling 4 evading materias, just so the arena can get even more fucking annoying.

I noticed that. Going to be fun times ahead... like it already wasn't fun enough. Ugh.

Decided to do a daily pull, against my better judgment. However, it worked in my favor as I got Trey. So now I have one set unit in my group and can use folks with their bonus units. I'll share Trey once he gets up a little. Unless folks want a level 1 scrub with them.


I'll do my pulls only on the second week, so if the destiny decided to give me one of these awful 5*,it will be the 30% ATK chick.

I hope I can get at least one Cinque so my Noctis can be perfect.


As I said earlier in this thread, Iam not saving tickets and all the tix I buy from King Mog will be used here...

Well made 1.3k Phantasma. Bought 2 tix, used one. "Finally" got the event unit :D.


I didn't expect this. Not complaining at all. Will put it as leader and try to level it asap.

I dont know if congratulate you or say "im So sorry" for using your rainbow ticket luck in an Ace Xddddd

Anyway, i put my Noctis with machine Killer as fríend.


As I said earlier in this thread, Iam not saving tickets and all the tix I buy from King Mog will be used here...

Well made 1.3k Phantasma. Bought 2 tix, used one. "Finally" got the event unit :D.


I didn't expect this. Not complaining at all. Will put it as leader and try to level it asap.

Gratz on getting the worse 5* base currently on global :p

Seriously though, gratz. 5* is 5* :D


I dont know if congratulate you or say "im So sorry" for using your rainbow ticket luck in an Ace Xddddd

Anyway, i put my Noctis with machine Killer as fríend.

Gratz on getting the worse 5* base currently on global :p

Seriously though, gratz. 5* is 5* :D

Ah but Iam actually happy. I want to see what kind of mage I can make from this :).
I have enough DPS 5* and well this was Tix pull so it was free base 5*.

Also now I have more reasons to do something else than TM farming all the time :D


Not sure what got into me but I thought I'd go for an event unit. Took me 6 tickets to get that 3* dude...

Is the event sword worth it for Cecil with the 10% HP bonus attached to it?
Other than that I don't even know what I would want from the event since I have a ton of 6* mats and my unit inventory is full of Cactuars already... I'm almost done with most of my TMs so the Moogles are looking less appealing than ever, too.

Maybe that MAG+10% / MP+5% thing?


Grats Rixa!

Already faced the duplicorn twice...i could have 4000 more evebt currency....god dammit gumi!!!!!

Thanks, DCorn bugs? Havent seen it.

Loaning friend event units gives +600 event currency. Going to max lvl Ace asap. I will buy Cut Cards, but Iam not equiping them. I have 2 Noctis that will take care of stop etc. My Ace will be damage dealer without randomness.

Fire Flask works on boss, you can paralyze it.

Edit: As soon as I wrote this, I met DCorn. My party kills it in single turn, despite its 600k hp.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Saw your Seven, gratz!
You can skip daily now.
Even is easy, but i was libraing and then the last boss jump and kill my Trey.
Have to wait for stamina refill to get that 10 lapis >.>

Thanks bro.
I farmed the first 5 Tickets from the event and got a second Seven. I think im done with this banner now.

Didnt know 7 had a 6* version - now i wonder if i should max level her. Elemental Slash and Insult to Injury look kinda neat....hmm.
Ok... wtf. Decided to do a daily pull just for the hell of it. This is my second rainbow daily pull. The first was a Noctis.

Well made 1.3k Phantasma. Bought 2 tix, used one. "Finally" got the event unit :D.

I didn't expect this. Not complaining at all. Will put it as leader and try to level it asap.

That was fast...congrats.
You have been pulling too many Rainbows lately lol.


Yeah this currency event pretty much stinks. Will get summon tickets and cheap 6* mats (it'll put me past 99 on some) and call it quits


These events always presents a dilemma for me. Don't want to run it without having a few event units of my own, but don't really want to spend tickets on them, and my daily pull luck is crap (today was Russell).


Thanks for that 2000 Phantoma

Issue Report - Akademeia [Doublicorn]
Thank you for playing FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS.
We have confirmed the following issue with the game. It has been resolved and we expect no further setback from it.
The Akademeia event in game news stated from 1/10 10:30 to 1/13 2:00 (PST) that users could obtain 3,000 phantoma by defeating the Doublicorn bonus unit.

However, the correct amount of phantoma obtainable is 1,000, excluding unit bonuses.

As compensation for this error, we are giving all users 2,000 phantoma.

We are sorry for any inconvenience these issues may have caused, and thank you for your patience.


Well this is my Ace without MAG pots.


LB is level 4, didn't have more LB pots to throw.
I could swap DC & Ultima with 2x 30% MAG but Ill let it be this way.


They should have changed it to 3000 per duplicorn kill to stick to their word, just giving us 2000 doesn't really make up for giving us false information


Well this is my Ace without MAG pots.

LB is level 4, didn't have more LB pots to throw.
I could swap DC & Ultima with 2x 30% MAG but Ill let it be this way.
Just used him, could duo with my Noctis
Met Doublicorn. with Jack + Trey on my team.
1000 x 200% Bonus.

They should have changed it to 3000 per duplicorn kill to stick to their word, just giving us 2000 doesn't really make up for giving us false information

Sorry we got Gumied!


Just used him, could duo with my Noctis
Met Doublicorn. with Jack + Trey on my team.
1000 x 200% Bonus.

Sorry we got Gumied!

Yup. 3000 Would break this event :D. Already snagged all the Cactuars (and 2 cheap tix).

With Doublicorn, ELT gives ~85000 unit exp.
Well I decided to pull even though I said I wouldn't for some bonus units....took a daily and 9 tix before I got one...Trey rest was all fucking garbage including a troll rainbow Galuf....ugh I knew I shouldn't pull.


So, event currency is trash as expected. Kind of annoyed about the rare summon change. Thinking just to tm this week. I'm really tired of these terrible mog events.

Switch was disappointing. Only game that interests me is the new Mario.

$299, 2 hour battery life and paid online makes it the first Nintendo console I won't purchase.

Well that's one more game than the ps4's launch lol. We had to wait almost 2 years for anything good (I think Bloodborne was the first real good exclusive). Also didn't think they say the battery is 3-6 hours. Where did you get 2 from lol?

I didn't get Ayaka either this week, she's currently the best White Mage and incredibly busted.

I just looked her up. Why does she have every move?? This game is getting a bit too nuts for my liking.


Someone removed me on their friend list, guess I'll free some spot then.
773 ATK Noctis, will be at 800+ at the end of the month, add me : 464.761.570


Per usual, these events don't count towards the daily vortex quest right?

Could certainly use an Ace friend since I can't pull a bonus unit. Don't suppose you can make room please?

It counted towards the quest today. Cleared two quests by doing the same thing.
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