Just remembered that I forgot to do my daily pull today...
Holy Shit! I'm freaking out, this is amazing. Thunder God Mode Activate! I finally have a 5* attacker.
When I run the Ifrit raid to use up the orbs, I tend to avoid using an Orlandu so I can save them for when I run the Auracite event.
I noticed that the entire screen as I went to pick a friend unit was Orlandus. So out of curiosity, I scrolled a bit. Outside or Rixa's Ace, the entire first 3 screens of my friend's list is either Orlandu or Noctis. I'm pretty damn sure I'm the only one left that doesn't have at least one of those dudes.
Meanwhile, I pulled my 18th blue trash unit since the start of this banner with my 1/2 pull. That makes 15 consecutive blue crystals off individual pulls, all of which have been Bedile level shitty.
Finally got the stones I need to get Divine Ruination to +2 .Cripes that drop rate is garbage.
Now to get a few of the black stones so I can get Kuja's Thundaga to +2 before he gets his 6-star form tonight.
What if Kuja gets Thundaja though? lol
Thundaja is weaker and costs more MP than his Thundaga +2
Thundaga +2 = 250% AoE 1 Hit Thunder Magic Attack + 100% Each Use (Max: 5), 20 MP
Thundaja = 200% AoE 1 Hit Thunder Magic Attack + 100% Each Use (Max: 5), 45 MP
Doesn't he only have 2 enhancements though? What if Thundaja enhancements come with his 6*? Probably some sorta passive though >.>;
Yes, Thundaga and Barthundra are his only awakened/enhanced skills. Even if he gets Thundaja with his 6-star form, Thundaga +2 will do more damage and be more efficient which is why it's worth upgrading it.
I just remembered that Kuja's attack and magic are almost identical. I wonder if they'll give him some hybrid skills.
Also wondering if he'll get his trance form, as his LB does the animation like Terra's does and she got it at 6*. If so I guess we can expect an overpowered separate unit as well lol.
You don't think they'd give him a third enhancement with his 6 star form immediately? Even if it was Thundaja +2 it'd still lose out?
Well, they aren't mutually exclusive things...
It'll be interesting to see who also goes in for Aileen and Tidus. I think it'll only be the big spenders from this thread and the rest of us will "settle" for Orlandeau.
IIRC you're, if not a whale, then a very healthy dolphin, right?
My personal opinion, very likely coloured by the reality that I am more like an emaciated dolphin or an above-average sized otter, is that neither of the upcoming chainers will be worth pulling for in the short term. Contingent upon a couple of things.
If you have Ramza... and if his enhancements roll out in the first batch (like they did in JP)... and if they are the same (brokenly powerful) values... then Eileen especially and Tidus to a lesser extent offer not enough over Orlandeau until their own enhancements roll out.
Eileen has a group heal over time and a group MP refresh over time. That's cool, but... Ramza will do them both and better.
Tidus has a group MP refresh with a 100% water resist buff, an attack that gives +40% to all stats for everyone, and entrust. That's even cooler, and Ramza doesn't do the water resist buff (and can't entrust if he's singing), but he still does the other two better.
Because of these things I have serious doubts that Gumi will be following the enhancement roadmap 100%.
Don't get me wrong - both great units with their own niches, (Earth is less resisted than Holy, the other two have native Killer abilities, etc.) both with arguably superior enhancements to Orlandeau, both worth using if you pull them. Worth chasing if you aren't a whale and you already have Orlandeau? Err...
I'm going all in for Tidus no matter what. I need him. He's one of the few characters I will whale for.
I could go for Orlandu but his banner blows so whatever. I'm sure he'll be back down the line anyways.
Its kind of irritating how they handled this
Like the LB transformations are cool but then they made Esper Terra.... and 6 star Terra can only transform during her LB animation
Wow congrats Cmurph! Them daily rainbows be awesome these days.
That comic also got me. Hahahha. Love Lightnings face.
The Duane pull got me salty so I did a follow-up 10+1 with my lapis.
On screen flutters down a rainbow - aaannnnnd..... Dupe Olive.
Fuck this fucking game and it can die in hell.
That's the 2nd Off banner 5* I've gotten in only 3 10+1 pulls, which by itself is fine, but fuck - of all the banners to troll me.
The Duane pull got me salty so I did a follow-up 10+1 with my lapis.
On screen flutters down a rainbow - aaannnnnd..... Dupe Olive.
Fuck this fucking game and it can die in hell.
That's the 2nd Off banner 5* I've gotten in only 3 10+1 pulls, which by itself is fine, but fuck - of all the banners to troll me.
Getting a second olive is just like complaining like some asshole i know that get mad for getting a third Noctis instead of orlandu
DPS NoctisNot gonna lie I was pretty salty when I got a 3rd Noctis instead of Gilgamesh on the Player's Choice banner. > >
Just think of the double finishers you will have once you get some chainers though. I want a 2nd Olive.
Getting a second olive is just like complaining like some asshole i know that get mad for getting a third Noctis instead of orlandu
So maintenance is tonight yes? Story stuff tomorrow?
Any word on when the Brave Frontier crossover will return so that I can finally get Elza's event item? I got so upset that I missed getting it when I pulled her, that I swore I wouldn't get back into the game until I can get it.![]()
Any word on when the Brave Frontier crossover will return so that I can finally get Elza's event item? I got so upset that I missed getting it when I pulled her, that I swore I wouldn't get back into the game until I can get it.![]()
Any word on when the Brave Frontier crossover will return so that I can finally get Elza's event item? I got so upset that I missed getting it when I pulled her, that I swore I wouldn't get back into the game until I can get it.![]()
Long story short... no idea![]()
Holy shit! LolNow you can relive that moment forever.
-- Global precedent on event specific items is "now or never". It's very highly doubtful that her Tablet of Ruin will be offered again, based on how event items have so far never been repeated. However, Elza is surely destined to be on the second BF banner. Which creates a quandry as Elza still doesn't exist in JP... yet. So... maybe there's a chance?
-- Which brings up an interesting sticking point. What exactly does Gumi do with Elza on the BF-2 banner? Everyone generally loves purple-haired scythe-wielding Goth girls, but she's not exactly Orlandeau or Noctis. Given that Vargas will be on the BF-2 banner, that means it's going to be a split rainbow banner. Player's aren't exactly going to be thrilled for that unless enhancements happen first. Hrmmm...
Now that's an interesting thought to chew on. The first set of enhancements would belong to a "global exclusive" time-limited 5* base that was mostly ignored on her first banner and it has been long enough that most launch-ish players with her have left the game for various reasons. Elza has some abilities that aren't totally power creeped out that would be game-breaking if enhanced (like Ravishing Blow). Advertise that with enhancements against a buffed Maxwell that generally needs that kind of debuffing to win ..... yeah, people would pull.
But, then, there is the matter of timing. WHEN does this happen?
-- Given that the FF14 raid event has occurred, according to the JP release schedule, the FF-2 banner would be the final banner **directly before** enhancements hit. It would would seem plausible to move the enhancements patch up one event to cover the BF-2 banner. NOTE: The enhancements patch comes with the release of the next island after Mysidia, so ~2 months from now.
-- BUT.... and a huge BUT here, the banner comes with 6* Tilith, which everyone knows is an OP chase unit. It is equally likely that because of Tilith, they will both share the same fate as Orlandeau and be banished to the friend zone for an unknown number of months until power creep (and a few more global exclusives) catches up to them or passes them by.
Each of the two possibilities are equally likely, and the winds of change could blow either way.
Well, I finally the moogle from the raid doing only pro (I cleared elite twice back to back but didn't have the time to run it consistently). Just in time
Dude your videos are getting so good. That rant about Thancrad had me laughing for ages.
When we getting a face cam reveal lol?
Thank you! Im just having fin while i make those. I wont get away of the trials vídeos but i always wanted to do some ffbe vídeos with my twisted sense of humor XD
Now about the Brave Frontier banner:
Gumi is in Big trouble because the Maxwell trial was in the Vargas banner. But that trial was wasted un the first Brave Frontier banner.
Now, the second Brave Frontier banner Will be tricky as fuck because It Will have Vargas and elza as featured 5 star units.
And the worst is that we Will have still tilith karl and seria base 4 star.
So the rates of this banner Will be horrible, and lets not say if gumi adds a sixth unit (a base 3) to fuck more things .
The Brave Frontier banner Will be a lapis sinkhole if you dont have tilith yet.
I'm glad I already got Tilith, back then I thought my chances to get her would be even lower with another 5* in the banner.If we want to put thought to it, They do not need the BF Mogking event to return, rather, unless they want to make a bunch of new items. There isn't a reason for it to return.
What will come back for sure is the BF Banner along with Maxwell. That would basically be filler now between King events. 6* Versions of Tilith and Maxwell, Vargas added to the banner. Elza will be in there along with the Karls. So it will be a blood bath of a banner again.
I'm glad I already got Tilith, back then I thought my chances to get her would be even lower with another 5* in the banner.