It looks worst than it is. There's still a lot of folks without him. Your time will comeSure is lonely is the NoMansLandu pool...
It looks worst than it is. There's still a lot of folks without him. Your time will comeSure is lonely is the NoMansLandu pool...
god damnit does everyone in this thread have orlandu except for me?!?
congrats you lucky bitches!!
I will post it again since it's now morning but I've added 25 slots after getting orlandeau, there's 20 left.
ID 394 684 820
Please put GAF in description
If I can fill the 25 slots, I'll add some more.
I will post it again since it's now morning but I've added 25 slots after getting orlandeau, there's 20 left.
ID 394 684 820
Please put GAF in description
If I can fill the 25 slots, I'll add some more.
lmao dont really feel sorry for me guys
i have double noctis, elza, double gilga, ramza, randi...
im not hurting for the old geezer
Accepted.Sent you a FR
You finally opened some slots lol.
Invite sent.
Thread just feels a little different these days.
It is different, we have way less posts for one. I used to have trouble keeping up after waking up and checking the thread, now it's very easy.Not that I am one, but I really wonder if there are any casuals left. Thread just feels a little different these days.
Grats on everyone's recent pulls. I'm still enjoying the relative lull and how easy it is to farm the raid and the event.
I can't manage to get the full 27 hit Orlandu chain. I'm tapping the two of them as fast as I can but I typically get two chains of 11. If I wait for a split second, I get a 9 chain or so. Am I doing it too fast or too slow? If I'm too slow, what technique are you using to tap them so fast?
When I run the Ifrit raid to use up the orbs, I tend to avoid using an Orlandu so I can save them for when I run the Auracite event.
I noticed that the entire screen as I went to pick a friend unit was Orlandus. So out of curiosity, I scrolled a bit. Outside or Rixa's Ace, the entire first 3 screens of my friend's list is either Orlandu or Noctis. I'm pretty damn sure I'm the only one left that doesn't have at least one of those dudes.
Meanwhile, I pulled my 18th blue trash unit since the start of this banner with my 1/2 pull. That makes 15 consecutive blue crystals off individual pulls, all of which have been Bedile level shitty.
Sure is lonely is the NoMansLandu pool...
I noticed that the entire screen as I went to pick a friend unit was Orlandus. So out of curiosity, I scrolled a bit. Outside or Rixa's Ace, the entire first 3 screens of my friend's list is either Orlandu or Noctis. I'm pretty damn sure I'm the only one left that doesn't have at least one of those dudes.
You arent alone my friend
Not that I am one, but I really wonder if there are any casuals left. Thread just feels a little different these days.
Grats on everyone's recent pulls. I'm still enjoying the relative lull and how easy it is to farm the raid and the event.
I'm F2P and fairly casual and I imagine part of whars happening in this thread is that now content is getting more difficult, if you don't have a very good 5* or at least some good TMR you're going to fall behind in content.
I wasn't able to do the Trial before Gilgamesh until after my TGC pull as there just wasn't enough damage to get through, even with Bartz & Noctis(friend unit) MP-batteries. Managed to do it after TGC though.
I doubt I'd handle Gilgamesh at the moment, as I missed a couple of the earlier event weapons, such as Chirjaden and my only healer is Tilith until Y'shtola is levelled. Getting the "free" Y'shtola should help a few, but that required a fair amount of effort if you could only do Pro so maybe that was out of reach for some of the more casual players.
I think as more of the 6* awakenings become available that'll help too, but at the moment things seem a little tough for those without a 5* or at least some TMR.
Still, getting TGC has made me a lot more active in this thread so hopefully the same rings true for any other lucky players
At the very least
Based on Val's hard work making F2PLay teams. You need to be scoring all the event stuff you can
This raid and event is the absolute critical time for new players. Get Minfillia and Yshtola
They are a harsh requirement going forward. Youll need a DC healer and top support units, breakers, etc
There are Tons of easy DPS units to aquire but its clear building a well oiled team is far more important than chasing easy mode Orlandu
Done with the event, 127 ELT run, 29 red / 1 black / 6 yellow chocobos.
I had 225% bonus with my party without friends, thanks to GAF Exvius we're full of Orlandeau haha.
I'm pretty damn sure I'm the only one left that doesn't have at least one of those dudes.
Meanwhile, I pulled my 18th blue trash unit since the start of this banner with my 1/2 pull. That makes 15 consecutive blue crystals off individual pulls, all of which have been Bedile level shitty.
lmao dont really feel sorry for me guys
i have double noctis, elza, double gilga, ramza, randi...
im not hurting for the old geezer
Let me balance out the average.
Fran, Sabin, Ovelia.
That's why it's hard to not break promise about not chasing rainbowdude its raining rainbows in exvius gaf
holy hell
Let me balance out the average.
Fran, Sabin, Ovelia.
Edgar, Cyan and Roselia
Daily Yolo
Knew I was over due for a Rainbow.
3 star fake Orlandeau!
So THAT'S what Fake Noctis is. I've seen it mentioned countless times but never explained.I remember when people talked about fake Noctis, that was a good one (blue crystal upgraded to rainbow)
3 star fake Orlandeau!
okay guys, I used up all my Lapis (5x11pulls) and tickets (~20) to get the one and only thunder godus,... of course I got nothing to show for... u.u
I can't aford to buy in but I still have like 4565 Lapis left and only need to steal like 20 times for another free 500 lapis trophy achievement. This will be my last straw, that one last attempt, before I wave the flag.
My phone battery is completely drained since I farmed for the thief trophy during lunch break and forgot to charge it, before I left for work.
I'll pull when I get home in like 2 hours.
I really expect nothing but disappointment so I want to give this desperate attempt a brighter flavor. I got a few unused steam codes for smaller games like FEZ or the typical humble bundle stuff, it's nothing big, but for some these might provide a bit of fun.
So for shits and giggles, tell me the following things and if you are right, I'll send a few of my codes to you![]()
Main question: will I pull Orlandeau Y/N ?
since this might be a bit too easy to determine one winner, here two additional questions:
How many Gold/rainbow crystals will I get?
How many of my personal "Best of" trash tier units will I get? (Shadow, Bedile, Sabin, Clyne, Cyan and Anzelm)
hope some of you might enjoy this, remember this will be just one 11 pull.
I'll report back in and post my result in like 2 hours.
Can the OT5 be called OT-RAINBOW instead?
Good luck. RNG is a fickle and evil thing. Some got him on their first 11 pull. Some like myself spent $600 (but I have 2 of him though!). The rngods are cruel.
That's a lot of money D: