Apparently I'm out of space for materials. Should I get more room? Also I seen to be capped at 9999 gold. How might I increase my bag of holding?
Capped at gold? What? I don't think that's a thing.
But as far as materials, yeah: I don't even know what kind of slots you start with, but expanding slots (for items, equipment, abilities, and materials) is a valid use of lapis. I mean, don't go crazy, but getting an extra 5 is fine.
Ah, I must have just lucked out and landed on 9999 gold. Just assumed I capped myself.
Is that what JP got? I'm sure they'll add something for global like they've been, that's all garbage to me. Though I guess I could just get the tickets and bounce, that's not such a bad thing.
Got the support cryst. Don't know if I can be bothered to farm another 100 Rainbows for any others. Would like the Power one for Agrias but Ramza is the focus atm.
Does anyone have a strong mage with Thundaga they could put as their friend unit for the next 30 mins or so? Want to attempt the Ariana battle and planning to Thundaga chain it to victory.
Put my Emperor up if that helps, though I can only get him to 747 MAG.
Just managed to beat it with Rixa's Ace. Thanks anyway![]()
You're welcome![]()
I find it very interesting that the FF6 banner represents the single largest departure from the JP schedule so far in GL's history. Doesn't seem to be generating much discussion, though, here or on Reddit.
I can't tell if they're simply slotting the banner into its proper place in the power ramp (who's going to pull for a 5* base mage who still hasn't received enhancements in JP... after Tidus and Aileen go in?) or what the deal is, though.
Someone suggested they are doing the same with Tillith.I think they're delaying WoL 6*, Tidus and Aileen on purpose, hence why this ff6 banner. Not mad though, I am excited about Setzer, looks like a very fun unit.
And... um... what did you want the devs to say about that comment? Gacha games are built on the premise on players losing when pulling for units. That's how they make money. The game wouldn't be financially successful if everyone could easily get the 5* base each week with free lapis/tickets with any consistency.
It's not like they are going to come out and say "Sucks that you had shit luck, but thanks for making us a ton of money! Hope you continue to have bad luck in the future for our continued financial gain!".
I think they're delaying WoL 6*, Tidus and Aileen on purpose, hence why this ff6 banner. Not mad though, I am excited about Setzer, looks like a very fun unit.
Daily : blue I don't remember... Vaan
My unlucky streak of daily keep going. I used all my tickets to get Xon and nothing worthy since the beginning of the banner except Miyuki (1st) and Gaffgarion.
With my 2k lapis on my bank account, and my frustration I decided to spend some money for the first time in this game (49.99) and I pulled.
on the first 10+1 so I stop because it's all I wanted.Fryevia and 2 Xon
I hope I'll never spend money again.
Daily : blue I don't remember... Vaan
My unlucky streak of daily keep going. I used all my tickets to get Xon and nothing worthy since the beginning of the banner except Miyuki (1st) and Gaffgarion.
With my 2k lapis on my bank account, and my frustration I decided to spend some money for the first time in this game (49.99€and I pulled.
on the first 10+1 so I stop because it's all I wanted.Fryevia and 2 Xon
I hope I'll never spend money again.
Broke the seal!
Regarding that Q&A session, Gumi sounds really greedy, is all I got from it. Anything that benefits the players they're consciously holding back. Kinda shitty, honestly.
Is equipment hard to come by early game? Barely have any for mah troupe.
Kinda curious, how do we know FF6 is the next banner? I haven't seen any news in game for it yet (or on FB), and datamined info still throws us for a loop occasionally...
Is equipment hard to come by early game? Barely have any for mah troupe.
Congrats on the very lucky pull!
Now, don't expect that to happen ever again.
There's that JP precognition rearing its ugly head again. Calm down, Veruca Salt.
As much as everyone wants game-breaking unit upgrades and wants them NOW, Gumi/Alim have learned at this point what broke the game in JP and is taking active steps to prevent such giant leaps of power from occurring at once on Global. As such, desired unit upgrades are going to be held back for awhile to smooth out the power curve increases for Global. They are going to happen, for sure. Learning from past mistakes to craft a better game (ignoring the gacha business model), can be a good thing.
You don't want situations where power creep just suddenly leaps up so massively that everyone was to have the newest OP 5* base unit to even be able to clear current content. That's bad for the long-term life of the game.
Just look at Orlandeau. He was delayed on Global for months and he still is ridiculously OP even after the power curve has caught up somewhat. It is an easy assertion to suggest that Gumi is looking at Ramza/Agrias/Tilith/WoL enhancements/awakenings in the same light.
Anyone have a strong character to be my friend? I have no friends![]()
Drop your code (if you know how to find it).
Not even looking at units dude, they're holding back INT maze and PRO dunes, shit like that. Stuff that hurts nobody, doesn't impact power creep, and just reduces grind. Unit stuff is whatever, since I've made peace with Global being different than JP, but this kind of stuff is what makes me salty.
Besides, you act like people already don't act like not having the hotness 5* makes you a loser. That's what makes Gumi all the money.
Next maze should be INT Maze though.
From the stream, the devs are acutely aware of this problem on JP and are trying to actively avoid the same scenario on Global.
Note how in this current event, the rewards from INT maze and PRO Dunes and Gil Snappers are present in the egg gacha as rewards from playing the game.
Yes, but as noted in the dev Q&A, the devs are very apprehensive about releasing INT Maze on Global. It may be awhile before we see it, and may be a reasonably safe assertion to suggest that it won't come with the Eileen banner like it did on JP.
I fear that GL will never get as much limit pots as JP then, gotta carefully plan on how to use them.
I think anyway!
Did some clearing to my friends list. I have like 27 spots available.
If any one wants to add me.
I run Cid or Elza most times.
I think anyway!
Edited greeting! How do I change my unit people summon? Even though my Noctis sucks and only doing beginner damage, I'll put him up if I can.
It says "This user has reached their friend request capacity." My ID is 576.267.377 if you want to add me. .
I wish events were more like this. "Having" to play 60+ minutes a day to "keep up" makes me like the game less, not more.In regards to PRO dunes, look at it from the devs' perspective.
Let's assume the average long-term player on Global has 90-100 energy capacity at the moment.
-- PRO dunes costs 30 EN to run.
-- Dunes takes maybe 30 seconds to run.
So, it is easy to see that a player can check in for 2~3 minutes 2-3x a day, burn all their energy and simply log out at that point. From the devs' perspective, that is really poor player engagement with the game and is not good for the long-term health of the game. Players won't refill when it only takes seconds to dump a whole energy bar, which makes the rewards relatively meaningless (even if they are actually powerful) because players did not do anything more than just hit AUTO to claim them.
Broke the seal!
Regarding that Q&A session, Gumi sounds really greedy, is all I got from it. Anything that benefits the players they're consciously holding back. Kinda shitty, honestly.
Congrats on the very lucky pull!
Now, don't expect that to happen ever again.
There's that JP precognition rearing its ugly head again. Calm down, Veruca Salt.
As much as everyone wants game-breaking unit upgrades and wants them NOW, Gumi/Alim have learned at this point what broke the game in JP and is taking active steps to prevent such giant leaps of power from occurring at once on Global. As such, desired unit upgrades are going to be held back for awhile to smooth out the power curve increases for Global. They are going to happen, for sure. Learning from past mistakes to craft a better game (ignoring the gacha business model), can be a good thing.
You don't want situations where power creep just suddenly leaps up so massively that everyone was to have the newest OP 5* base unit to even be able to clear current content. That's bad for the long-term life of the game.
Just look at Orlandeau. He was delayed on Global for months and he still is ridiculously OP even after the power curve has caught up somewhat. It is an easy assertion to suggest that Gumi is looking at Ramza/Agrias/Tilith/WoL enhancements/awakenings in the same light.
I wish events were more like this. "Having" to play 60+ minutes a day to "keep up" makes me like the game less, not more.