Anything to mitigated the boss damage, especially after 50%?
If you are trying for the No Abilities mission, then the only valid defense spell would be Shellga. Dissonance is neutral-elemental, so none of the elemental resists will work against her. If you have Y'shtola from the FF14 event a few weeks back, she is the ideal healer to use.
That, and/or you need to stack HP (at least 4k on everyone at the very least) and have at least double Curaja ready to go each turn.
Options are limited as I expected. Thanks I have 3 Y'shtola actually so I'm good 😉. Yeah, Exdeath 3k HP pool just ruins my first attempt for the no KO mission... This guy is paper think despite his look.
What do I do with these turtles I get?
Sell them. $$$
Edit: W-T-F @ this board lately.
Also, sent you a request on main and alt. I see on my main you accepted.(Fader is my alt. My Delita is nice.. only because that is nicest thing I have on that account.)
Edit: W-T-F @ this board lately.
What I'm hearing Muku is we need some Sunday Off Topic Sports discussions lol.
So, who's watching/keeping up with the NBA playoffs this year?
Who you got?
Who you supporting?
Any first round upsets you see happening?
Cavs fan. They aren't winning. My money is on of course the Warriors or my dark horse is the Celtics/Rockets. I'm more of a hockey guy anyway and Go Pens!
I wasn't sure if there were any other hockey fans in this thread, yet alone a fellow Pens fan! Been a good start so far. I wasn't​ so confident in our chances of going back to back coming into this but we've started off well. Meanwhile Caps, and the rest of the east, have been iffy so far, so I feel we have a shot *touch wood*.
In regards to NBA yeah I feel the Warriors have it this year. There's a lot of lackluster-ness going around the league atm. At least KD could potentially get a ring now.
I think anyway!
Sent you an invite. I actually cleared a few slots of inactive friends so if anyone else wants a 972 atk Cid friend, I'm 911,468,888.
What I'm hearing Muku is we need some Sunday Off Topic Sports discussions lol.
So, who's watching/keeping up with the NBA playoffs this year?
Who you got?
Who you supporting?
Any first round upsets you see happening?
Outside of boredom, I could theoretically stay in an exploration dungeon and collect infinite metal eggs yes?
Was routinely getting 250, 500, even 1000 per battle in the last one. Walked out and did a 6000 egg multi pull.
What I'm hearing Muku is we need some Sunday Off Topic Sports discussions lol.
So, who's watching/keeping up with the NBA playoffs this year?
Who you got?
Who you supporting?
Any first round upsets you see happening?
I wasn't sure if there were any other hockey fans in this thread, yet alone a fellow Pens fan! Been a good start so far. I wasn't​ so confident in our chances of going back to back coming into this but we've started off well. Meanwhile Caps, and the rest of the east, have been iffy so far, so I feel we have a shot *touch wood*.
Must be becuase I added a bunch of "Find" requests for people with Xon and Marie. Didn't know it prevents people from adding me. I manually added you though because my friend list still has 20 spots open.
Freed up spots.
077 602 847
JP had WoL for ifrit's raid and the dark espers trial, we dont, so he's delayed in my books.They haven't delayed any of the above. WoL and Garland will be the next update units this months(early next one). One goat said they were next, everyone else followed, while Lasswell came first in JPN.
I'm from Montreal so obviously a big hockey and especially Habs fan here. Surprised to see the pens leading 3-0 so far, with all their injuries, it's very impressive. On my side, just happy the Habs scored with less than 20 seconds left last game to tie it and win in OT then another win tonight. We're now leading the series 2-1, quite a momentum shift.I wasn't sure if there were any other hockey fans in this thread, yet alone a fellow Pens fan! Been a good start so far. I wasn't​ so confident in our chances of going back to back coming into this but we've started off well. Meanwhile Caps, and the rest of the east, have been iffy so far, so I feel we have a shot *touch wood*.
It's a balancing act, for sure.
If players can dump their energy too quickly, then they don't become engaged with the game.
On the other hand, if it takes an hour plus to dump energy efficiently, then players will perceive the game as a slog. That's also bad.
For me, part of the event being a "miss" in terms of performance is that the most efficient dungeon to farm eggs is a 6 EN floor. With close to 120 EN at max, that is a crapload of runs for me to get rid of my energy stockpile 2-3x daily, and can take almost an hour.
Conversely, the devs have stated that events are generally fine-tuned to newer players (trials and ELTs being the exception to the rule). As such, the 6 EN floor being the most efficient might be a nod towards allowing lower ranked players to farm somewhat efficiently in this event. Still, the effect of that is making the grind for longer-term accounts very uncomfortable.
IMO, the devs should have made a 12-13 point floor from Zoldaad (as none exist yet in Mysidia on Global) that had the same effective egg drop rates as the Snow Planes. That would have solved a lot of grind problems many vets are experiencing in this event.
I was doing invincible exterior and PoP. What's that 6 NRG stage you're talking about?Yeah, agreed fully. It's kinda like they didn't know what the most efficient stage would be, and just threw the egg farming out there.
Personally I'd been totally fine with the egg drops being based only on the amount of energy spent. Now there's all sorts of weird calculations, like bosses having a 100% drop of eggs, which is part of the reason that notorious 6 NRG stage is the best one to run. Also, why do later stages drop more? Was that some motivation for players to complete more of the story?
I've also ran this event almost exclusively on Nox. I have a macro that completes the best stage with 1 click of a button. Even with that setup, it still takes quite a while to spend my energy, go through the hundreds and hundreds of egg summons, sort all the units and so on.
A poorly balanced event for sure, also overdesigned and overcomplicated. At least the rewards are good. If not, this event would be a total bust.
I was doing invincible exterior and PoP. What's that 6 NRG stage you're talking about?
Wish I had known before, thanks. Hated doing that invincible exterior exploration but now I'm done.Mysidia - Snow Plains - Beast on the Plains
Wish I had known before, thanks. Hated doing that invincible exterior exploration but now I'm done.
Yeah, doing the invincible exterior was taking me about 15 minutes per run for 14 NRG, was quite long. Ended up with anywhere from 12k to 18k eggs though.Has quite a swing, but 2k-5k a run, takes awhile to burn all the energy...
I think anyway!
I'm from Montreal so obviously a big hockey and especially Habs fan here. Surprised to see the pens leading 3-0 so far, with all their injuries, it's very impressive. On my side, just happy the Habs scored with less than 20 seconds left last game to tie it and win in OT then another win tonight. We're now leading the series 2-1, quite a momentum shift.
Rooting for the Cavs. Bron better flip the switch, or it'll be too late.
Right now I'm mostly interested on the Harden Westbrook match up! WB will win mvp, but my personal choice is Harden.
Did anyone get this notification about screenshotting the Ariana fight? I just got it today after I've already fought the event. I'm wondering if I can just do the 5 NRG fight to get the prizes.
Sabres fan here... HahaI wasn't sure if there were any other hockey fans in this thread, yet alone a fellow Pens fan! Been a good start so far. I wasn't​ so confident in our chances of going back to back coming into this but we've started off well. Meanwhile Caps, and the rest of the east, have been iffy so far, so I feel we have a shot *touch wood*.
In regards to NBA yeah I feel the Warriors have it this year. There's a lot of lackluster-ness going around the league atm. At least KD could potentially get a ring now.
Did anyone get this notification about screenshotting the Ariana fight? I just got it today after I've already fought the event. I'm wondering if I can just do the 5 NRG fight to get the prizes.
Finally got vestment of mind.
Man that gatcha was stingy with those moogles, meanwhile giving me a shit ton of Frieza's moogle.
Was my experience too. Ended up with 210% for fry, 145% for Xon, and 100% for Aiden.Pretty sure it worked in reverse with Fry's being the most common, followed patches and then Vestment. At least that seemed to be my experience.
Yeah I got it today after the update and logging in. Haven't done anything about it yet though.
Hmmm wonder when I'm going to get an exciting Daily, or at least a Gold. Been so long.
Pretty sure it worked in reverse with Fry's being the most common, followed patches and then Vestment. At least that seemed to be my experience.
Was my experience too. Ended up with 210% for fry, 145% for Xon, and 100% for Aiden.
Was my experience too. Ended up with 210% for fry, 145% for Xon, and 100% for Aiden.
Seemed like a dick move on their part.
Soooo for this egg event I have a ton of materials to play around with. What items should I be focused on crafting?
Soooo for this egg event I have a ton of materials to play around with. What items should I be focused on crafting?
FYI main team is ExDeath, Chizuru, Firion, Refia, Cecil and I just pulled Xon not too long ago.
Soooo for this egg event I have a ton of materials to play around with. What items should I be focused on crafting?
FYI main team is ExDeath, Chizuru, Firion, Refia, Cecil and I just pulled Xon not too long ago.
Bandana and Icy Vein are good replacement if you don't have enough atk gears.