So i was able to get up 200 rainbow eggs. Any suggestions on which mats to get??
Get Support Crystal, and probably Power. Guard is also good.
So i was able to get up 200 rainbow eggs. Any suggestions on which mats to get??
No global exclusives in the FF6 event?
Did they lie at PAX?!?
What did u guys expect for the Anniversary?
Yeah I will soon farm the rainbow robe, though I will give it to WoL with a staff to use shard of genius on him. I'll get it then, it just doesn't look as impressive as it used to be before.
Brave Suits for everyone!
I might only do tickets so that I have 2 more event point units. Expecting it to rain Kefka's & Terra's.
I officially need more Holy Crystals.
Level upped Soileil, Garnet, Agrias, Cupid Art, Xon, drained me of my back stash of them since each requires 8.
Also finished off leveling Lasswell, Kain, Xon.
Still working on Agrias, Kyrie, Garnet, Cupid Art, and Soileil. They are definitely the next batch of exploration team to get free Xp for. Still would like to up Leon, Shine, and Primm.
Thinking about it too, this month is going to hurt for Cacturs. Kefka and Terra this week. Alongside Sezter and Trance if you're lucky. Next content release should include WoL and Garland too. Sort of wished I got those Medius Eggs now. LOL. Positive note is with Kefka and Terra both being in the bonus units, I'm sitting at 3 slots filled. Just going to keep doing dailies.
Random daily pull because I haven't pulled on this banner since the first day (or done anything at all)
Okay then..
So many Daily Frys!! Thats how I scored mine yesterday
Going to be awesome when we want to pair up Frys
I didnt get Orlandu so shes the next best thing
I need that Trance Terra in my life! She's the last of my nostalgia goals.
Random daily pull because I haven't pulled on this banner since the first day (or done anything at all)
Okay then..
So many Daily Frys!! Thats how I scored mine yesterday
Going to be awesome when we want to pair up Frys
I didnt get Orlandu so shes the next best thing
After this, Heaven or HellLet's Rock
Going to be awesome when we want to pair up Frys
Having too many 5*'s and not enough party space is a thing. First world FFBE problems :-(
Guilty Gear??
Worth to note that you can't put 2 or more of the same units in 10 man parties.You're gonna be set for the 10-unit battles, though.
I'm in the same exact spot as you re: Fryevia - I wanted her for her TM + Letters & Arms on Trance Terra, but hey, Sylvia will be out in six months or so!
I'd whale for 5* Faust.
I'd whale for 5* Faust.
I'd whale for Millia. Casually pull for Jam. All about them waifus lol.
Certain details of Jam's sprite would change each day of the week...
I assume you're going all in for Prishe, given your avatar? I'd love to have her, but I'll have to rely on friend units for that one, I think.
I'd whale for Millia. Casually pull for Jam. All about them waifus lol.
Man, not only do we have Penguins fans in here (I'm a Sharks fan that moved from PA -
last year was a bad time for me), but we also have people that don't understand best GG girl is Ram.
And here I thought FFBE fans had good taste...
I would be. Seeing your team be a contender years after years and never get anything done in the playoffs besides last season, ouch.You sound like you're still bitter.
- Penguins Fan
I would be. Seeing your team be a contender years after years and never get anything done in the playoffs besides last season, ouch.
FF 6 is my favorite FF and I'm doing the least amount of pulls on this banner than any banner before it outside of Christmas when I did 0. If I pull Setzer in my 6 pulls I'm doing awesome! If not I will get him later and I don't need him anyway, I just want him. Trance Terra does nothing for me and is the first base 5 I am fine skipping over completely.
Certain details of Jam's sprite would change each day of the week...
I assume you're going all in for Prishe, given your avatar? I'd love to have her, but I'll have to rely on friend units for that one, I think.
Man, not only do we have Penguins fans in here (I'm a Sharks fan that moved from PA -
last year was a bad time for me), but we also have people that don't understand best GG girl is Ram.
And here I thought FFBE fans had good taste...
Second biggest regret in life:
Merging all of my Ingus together to save on space after getting Dark Fina.
I got very lucky. Visceir (who I haven't seen round here in a while) talked me out of getting rid of mine a couple of weeks before Frye was released. Would have majorly regretted it having pulled her as I had 5 (at the time. Now I have 8).
An idiot, aw well.
We all will!
OMG, it finally happened.
You're pregnant?!