... because after 293 days, the original grind is finally over.
TEN THOUSAND summons.... by hand. Grats to my my other half for "witnessing" the event (may her GAF account someday actually be activated). Summoning Odin makes for very crappy damage screenshots, by the way.
And that's trophy #70. No macros involved in the completion of any of the trophies at any time during this process.
Grats me on the ring recipe I'll probably never ever make.
This one is going in the Playbook.
And... Odin does really crappy damage, which means physical espers still do awful damage when summoned. Maybe I'll finally get around to testing the esper summon damage changes.

TEN THOUSAND summons.... by hand. Grats to my my other half for "witnessing" the event (may her GAF account someday actually be activated). Summoning Odin makes for very crappy damage screenshots, by the way.
And that's trophy #70. No macros involved in the completion of any of the trophies at any time during this process.
Grats me on the ring recipe I'll probably never ever make.
This one is going in the Playbook.
And... Odin does really crappy damage, which means physical espers still do awful damage when summoned. Maybe I'll finally get around to testing the esper summon damage changes.