That's good, it was 100k in JP if I remember correctly.Mog Event data up.
Jesus, 80k for 1 purecryst.
That's good, it was 100k in JP if I remember correctly.Mog Event data up.
Jesus, 80k for 1 purecryst.
Mog Event data up.
Jesus, 80k for 1 purecryst.
Thankfullly a lot of people already have tons of Kefka/Terra so I should be alright to go for one at least.
Okay so, healing works like this:
Skill Base Healing + (0.5 * Unit SPR + 0.1 * Unit MAG) * (Skill Modifier / Magic Coefficient)
So let's assume your Luka has 500 Spirit and 200 mag. That would make it 34,310 HP slit over 20 turns if my math is right, which works out to 1715 hp per turn regen.
Mog Event data up.
Jesus, 80k for 1 purecryst.
Thats lot less than 100k![]()
I'll take it tbh. Especially if this event can be carried like last time.
Thankfullly a lot of people already have tons of Kefka/Terra so I should be alright to go for one at least.
Also keep your Vaan/Penelo for FF XII event, they will also be bonus units.
You and me both. Kefka was my dude for a long time until I finally pulled ExDeath.Been quite busy to post often on here (and busy gaming too!), but caught up on all the pages. Definitely need to say a big Congrats to Lyrian, what was some crazy achievement you got there! wow.
I was also really happy to see Kefka getting his 6 star awakeningEven though he might not be a killer 6 star mage, he was the one mage i stuck with for most the game until I swapped him to ExDeath, so have a lot of love for that unit. Loved his Limit Break too. Will be looking forward to awakening him for sure.
What a great event for unit XP, Gil, Rank ups and all sorts though. Managed to buy two Crysts from the Inn as well.
Yeah I'm glad I have lots! As I didn't get round to their TMs yet (only got one Ribbon).
Same here, did ribbon farming last week, only have one kefka left now and one Terra.My only "problem" is that I have 1 Terra and 1 Kefka. No other bonus units, but oh well, curious to see what those 11 tix from event + some dailies will give me.
Had is more like it... only kept one of each so Kefka is at 50% TM and Terra at 20%.
Thats lot less than 100k![]()
That's good, it was 100k in JP if I remember correctly.
Thankfullly a lot of people already have tons of Kefka/Terra so I should be alright to go for one at least.
Also keep your Vaan/Penelo for FF XII event, they will also be bonus units.
Is the egg vortex still going to be up? I didn't think so but just curious. I fell asleep last night trying to farm the hell out of eggs one last time before the end of the event. Think I only got.80k or so but I want to try and get one more Purecryst if I can
Wow i didnt know that. Gumi giving GL a discount now?
Still, 80k is quite expensive.
That's good, it was 100k in JP if I remember correctly.
Is the egg vortex still going to be up? I didn't think so but just curious. I fell asleep last night trying to farm the hell out of eggs one last time before the end of the event. Think I only got.80k or so but I want to try and get one more Purecryst if I can
You should be able to trade Rainbow eggs to event stuff 7 days (same goes to summon with Metal Eggs). But you cant get more Metal Eggs anymore.
Isn't our event currency drop rate nerfed versus Japan? Would make 80k not much of a discount.
Ahhh, the smell of fresh banner.
First ticket pull was Setzer!
Daily Trance Terra. K.
...and another non-Setzer yellow (Refia).
If anyone was wondering, no more metal eggs from steals/drops.
Daily Trance Terra. K.
Wait...the egg event ended? I thought it was done tomorrow?
You can still use the eggs in summon and can go into the vortex area to buy stuff, but no more drops/steals, at least not from a Snow Plains - Beast on the Plains run with Xon.
Damn, that sucks. I thought it was ending tomorrow so I was going to do a bunch of grinding before tomorrow. I wish they would stop ending these things on Thursday. They used to end on Friday and it worked out much better for me since I work the graveyard shift so I can't play much from Monday to Wednesday. Oh well, I guess that's that.
I went into ELT with Kefka, Gau, Setzer, Terra, Yun, and bonkeng's Orlandu to see how many fish I could get. I haven't really leveled or awakened the bonus units, so they were fodder.
The final boss nearly wiped me on its first attack. I had ~100 HP left on Yun and Orlandu. I was able to take it out in the next round, thankfully... but I was surprised at how hard it could hit.
And it only got me 637 fish. That seems awfully low, given that I was rolling in with 225%. Has anyone looked to see if running PRO might be more efficient, even if it gets less fish per run?
Aaaaannnd i got a Marie and an Ace (4th one)
This game hates me.
Also, i dont have holy crystals to evolve setzer T_T