And.... THE RESULTS ARE IN! (cue Maury Povich voice if you want)
Ice Diva Shiva still retains the crown of most damaging esper on Rydia/Shiva. Just as before, she continues to slightly edge out Ramuh for the crown by ~5 to 10%.
All that changed with the patch is the mod % of the esper's attacks. All other aspects of esper damage remained the same, including the primary component of being a hybrid INT/SPR (from the esper, NOT the caster). Shiva's perfectly hybrid balanced INT/SPR stats still give her the edge, despite having a lower mod % on her attack.
Shiva: (5400)^2 + (5400^2) = 58,320,000 / 2 = 29,160,000
Ramuh: (5900^2) + (4500^2) = 55,060,000 / 2 = 27,530,000
29,160,000 / 27,530,000 = 1.059 = 5.9% damage output advantage for Shiva over Ramuh.
This finding is consistent with the damage output numbers observed, factoring in random damage variance swings.
Physical espers have horrid INT/SPR scores, so they continue to output horrid damage.
The numbers (damage range observed, in ES on Belomar with Imperil and Rydia with EVO MAG +10% x3 equipped; espers appear to have up to ~10% damage variation)
Shiva: 6.42m --> 6.92m
Ramuh: 6.10m --> 6.47m
Diabolos: 5.01m --> 5.65m
Shiva: 2.53m --> 2.71m
Odin: 593k --> 646k
Ifrit: 240k --> 262k
-- Comparing Nazta's datamine for the mod values for esper with buff compared to their values on JP, all espers are now at EXACTLY HALF of the damage mod value that they achieve when Bahamut is released.
-- Titan, being a physical esper, won't be bringing the damage either.
-- Lakshimi, after that, is not offensive at all, I think?
-- Tetra Sylpheed will be the next esper to challenge the damage hierachy:
So... at 2*, (6000 INT)^2 + (3500 SPR)^2 = 48,250,000 / 2 = 24,125,000
Nope, Tetra won't dethrone Shiva either.
It will take Lord Bahamut to finally surpass Shiva's damage output.... and it's not even close. It's like absurd DBZ power levels of being stupidly OP.
How many islands left to go?
