I brought c-murph along on my ELT run. Big mistake as he's wielding a death ringer x_x
Ugh, did a few 10+1s this morning, hoping for Reberta.
1 rainbow - my 4th fucking Luneth. God dammit.
I have 4 luneths and 3 Delitas now. Enough Gumi, enough.
I'm very, very tempted to try my luck at one 11 pull. I've not done one (or used any tickets) since the Orlandeau banner. Hmm...
Do you have Refia, Y's, Ling, Noctis or Orlandeau? You could try use a friend Orlandeau, at least 2 healers and your top heavy hitters. Defend didn't help much with me, you just have to close your eyes and hope for the best. Usually Refia was the one that survived for me, his other moves were hit or miss, sometimes a lot of the team survived, othertimes quite a few died. But I was always able to keep going with two healers. Noctis' Full Revive helped a lot too.
Turns out I didn't fuck up my trial attempt but Scumi stops any damage to Bahamut at 40% so he can kindly megaflare your ass! That's why I couldn't one shot this fool.
As you can see in the video below he should have died to this chain:
Well, I have Refia (but no Double Cast). I have Ling, but she's not at 100 yet. I have Noctis and Orlandu. I don't know who Y's is. I guess the ELT version is just a hit or miss thing?
Ugh, did a few 10+1s this morning, hoping for Reberta.
1 rainbow - my 4th fucking Luneth. God dammit.
I have 4 luneths and 3 Delitas now. Enough Gumi, enough.
Ugh, did a few 10+1s this morning, hoping for Reberta.
1 rainbow - my 4th fucking Luneth. God dammit.
I have 4 luneths and 3 Delitas now. Enough Gumi, enough.
2 Orlandeaus can kill the current ELT Bahumut in 1 turn
Great! You're very lucky you have Orlandeau and Noctis, you will need to use that Orlandeau and a friends one to chain two Divine Ruination skills. For Noctis I just used Warp Break / Point-Warp / Comeback when needed. It's a shame you don't have Dual Cast as I made good use of Refia and her Full Revive and Curaja spells. And sorry, by "Y's" I mean Y'shtola, I was just being lazy to look up the right spelling. If you have her, she has Dual Cast via Presence of Mind.
Ugh, did a few 10+1s this morning, hoping for Reberta.
1 rainbow - my 4th fucking Luneth. God dammit.
I have 4 luneths and 3 Delitas now. Enough Gumi, enough.
Turns out I didn't fuck up my trial attempt but Scumi stops any damage to Bahamut at 40% so he can kindly megaflare your ass! That's why I couldn't one shot this fool.
As you can see in the video below he should have died to this chain:
I'm just using this quote as a springboard so don't feel like I'm singling you out, but to anyone else thinking about spending lapis on this banner, do keep in mind we're less than two months out from the GL 1 Year Anniversary and we're only likely due for 1, maybe 2 infusions of story lapis between now and then. Don't break the bank if you can't afford to replenish it.
What level crysts is the raid gacha giving?
Man Fryevia's fatal damage skill is so good (I know that wasn't the point of the video lol).
What level crysts is the raid gacha giving?
This. Spent 3 tickets this morning hoping to get the new mage. Nothing but blues. Back to saving tickets for Rikku. I have to say......things are not coming as quick as they were when I was whaling. My lapis reserves are on E. TM'ing is taking 2-3 times as long because I'm not spamming refreshes. I jumped for joy when I received 500 lapis for finishing bahamut. Oh how the mighty have fallen!
Fixed for accuracy.
Really? I should have tested it. I was running with 4 and scaled down and hit just with 3, didn't expect this event to be this easy.
My Orlandeau is (non-Infernal Armlet?) BIS and I can OHKO it with any other Orlandeau I've tried so far, including like, 920 ATK ones with Ifrit instead of Odin, etc.. I don't apply buffs or debuffs first, just 27 chain and /wave.
It being so easy is part of why I think pulling on this banner is bad value. The trial Bahamut is harder than ELT but it's very doable even without the big O. I mean, look at the party Valentus beat it with. So why do I need to pull for Dragon Killers?
That was the new year bundle and it was pretty good yeah.Look at this bundle JP gets!!!!
1 4* ticket + 10 normal tickets
10% trust moogle
Lohengrin - ATK 109 MAG 37 sword
30% Attack/Mag materia
Jesus Gumi, can GL get this too????????
That was the new year bundle and it was pretty good yeah.
As bad as you make it sound, that's some easy chaining, with moonblade/saka/bm/dks... sounds super easy to have a full group o bad asses~ but i know what you really meant...
I'm just using this quote as a springboard so don't feel like I'm singling you out, but to anyone else thinking about spending lapis on this banner, do keep in mind we're less than two months out from the GL 1 Year Anniversary and we're only likely due for 1, maybe 2 infusions of story lapis between now and then. Don't break the bank if you can't afford to replenish it.
I know this feeling. Two rainbows during my attempt for a second Trance Terra. One was a Luneth (fuck this guy and his terrible sprite!) and the other was my 3rd Orlandu.....Now I know I sacrificed a goat or two and may have sold the soul of my son in exchange for Orlandu but Gumi come on! Some people haven't even been blessed with one.
As I reported yesterday, Brave Exvius Global is doing pretty good (probably thanks to Taiwanese players lol), so we should get more free stuff/bundles.SURELY we will get something as amazing for the anniversary. /s
Yep we got 2 free summons campaign already, including this one, and one 10+1 free summon.We are better than Japan was before they completed 1 year, so I don't even care if we don't get something as good as that yet now.
SURELY we will get something as amazing for the anniversary. /s
Welp, free 11 pulls :
I can hear Chilly screaming.
- Delita's enhancements look like they salvage him as a unit. Any chance of this happening for Queen too? Please?
- I have a lot of TMR moogles sitting around. Dual Cast? Katana Mastery? Mercedes Axe?
Well I stopped pulling with the Gacha change (3 months ago) and still far from done too, worse if I get new one like Shine.I just put together my list of TMs that I need to farm, in order of importance. Think I have the next 6 months planned...
Someone remind me why we "play" this game again lol.
Heres my video of Bahamut Trial with no TM - No Base 5 premium - No OP friend - All achievements in 1 run
Only megaflare is a problem, the rest of the attacks are meh.
Heres my video of Bahamut Trial with no TM - No Base 5 premium - No OP friend - All achievements in 1 run
Only megaflare is a problem, the rest of the attacks are meh.
Reberta's Crimson Death Spark Chains, which means with 6 DWing BiS Rebertas, you can do insane amounts of damage.
The 1st 7 hits would become spark chains, meaning there would be 11 full Crimson Deaths at 4x damage each.
First 7 hits = (1+1.5+2+2.5+3+3.5+4)/7 = 2.5x damage 1st 7 hits + 11 Crimson Deaths = 46.5* damage.
I think this will kill everything in the game.
Well done!
Very cool!!!! Nice job!
thank you buddy, its more easy than i thought. I hope the FF1 trial next week (i hope) be more harder.
Thank you!